We've Got The County Covered

This season 'Success' was the name of the hunt

Expectations for this time of year include pumpkins, raking leaves, pies, football and hunting. The family joke has always been, hunting doesn't mean success. Defining hunting is to pursue with the intention of catching. To catch is not always part of the hunt. Although success in deer and antelope hunting has been a success, the Fishers have never been known for the success in elk hunting until this year.

A hunting trip is not only a success when an animal is brought home to fill the freezer. Success can be defined by the joy of meal planning, new equipment purchases, marksmanship practice, map studying and of course hiking. Enjoying the great outdoors and each other's company is a great success. Making memories is moms goal, especially for the photo album. But not this year, success has a new meaning.

The excitement of the planning, purchases, company, good food, and hiking were part of the mix for sure. Success was had by all in these departments, but no one was prepared for what was to happen next. In the morning Kyle and Ashley went out and the communication was both tags were filled with cows. Great, we have never gotten an elk and finally this year. It is time to go home and process these great animals. As the day progressed and all are loaded up it is now 1:30 p.m. Could it be? Are more elk walking by again? This time a larger herd came walking out of the trees. Yes! Jason and Zoe both fill their tags with cows and Rick a bull.

So the end of the story is five tags and five elk. A chance of a life time felt all in one amazing trip, excitement, exhilaration, amazement, exhaustion all in one day. But the best quote came from the four years old, "Rick, why did you lock the keys in the pickup?" Memories!