We've Got The County Covered


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  • Creator

    Theresa Danley CLP Milk River Churches|Jan 29, 2025

    In your prayer time, have you ever paused to consider…no, really consider, the one to whom you are addressing? Who is it that you are speaking to? Is it your heavenly Father? What does that mean exactly? Do you pray to the friend you have in Jesus? Those are pleasant conversations to have. Perhaps you pray to the indwelling Spirit – that is, if you can wrap your head around that one. The point is, when we pause to consider who we are speaking to, it might alter the dialogue just a bit. After all, how we approach a mighty king is different tha...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Scott E. Cassel|Jan 22, 2025

    To whom it may concern: California is not the only location being set up for catastrophic wildfire. We have the conditions present, at this very moment, for just such an event to occur. The location is right here in our own backyard, on the 1.1-million-acre CMR. A common weather event, like a summer thunderstorm combined with a few windy days, is all it will take. Myopic Federal mismanagement and fiduciary neglect of that resource, in my opinion, has resulted in literally decades of dead, dry vegetation to build up on the ground out there. The...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Sep 25, 2024

    When someone tells you who they are, believe them. Tim Sheehy joked about one of his experiences as, “ a great way to bond with all the Indians while they’re drunk at 8:00 am” or throwing beer cans at cultural events. He then repeated his racist remarks to other audiences for their entertainment, he tells us who he is. There is no doubt his racist statements reflect his values. Mr. Sheehy’s racist belief, declared and repeated, inflicts devastation on Indigenous people. His hurtful words are felt by us all. They are particularly damagin...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Lindsey Ratliff|Sep 18, 2024

    The legislative boundaries were dramatically shaken up during the last redistricting cycle. What used to be two districts is now comprised of one long area ranging from Chester to Opheim. The districts that used to clearly be separated by farming in the Golden Triangle and then Milk River irrigation along with indigenous friends in tribal areas have all been lumped into one 4 hour stretch across Montana.. With Knudsen being termed out and the absorption of Senator Lang’s district, the Hi-Line east of Havre needs a strong voice now more than e...

  • Letter To The Editor

    Sep 4, 2024

    Dear Hearts & Gentle People, The DePriest sisters would like to thank all of you for the wonderful time we enjoyed at the Chinook High School All Class Reunion. It was wonderful to see so many people in town -thank you for coming! A special thank you to Heather DePriest for taking on this huge undertaking and her family who helped at every event that we attended. I would also like to recognize the committee members; Katie Unruh, Heather Huravitch, Laura Feltz, Jill Paulson, Shelby Nemitz, Kelsey Harry, Julianne Snedigar, and Jessica Aberg....

  • Travel Plans - Hello, God, it's me, Mara.

    Aug 21, 2024

    You know, Lord, listening to friends chatting about their Travel Plans is fun. They didn’t seem concerned about the cost, travel agent, or where they’d stay! “I like VACTION TIME,” Julie said, “The best trip we had was on a ship along the West Coast, not sure of the cities we visited, back then but we liked the entertainment and the food.” Lia added, “Dave and I loved the flight to and from Honolulu, Hawaii. We loved the place where we stayed, near the ocean; plus, the scenery, oh – and the food. That was some years back, so I don’t recall wh...

  • Prairie Sunflower

    Steve Edwards|Aug 14, 2024

    A few days ago I stopped in the Chinook Post office and was kidding the employees about "being the only Post Office in Montana with a flower garden growing in the cracks of the sidewalk by the parking lot." They looked at me puzzled and I told them, "There's a whole row of 'wildflowers' growing out of the space between the street curb and the sidewalk by the parking lot on the west side of the building." Later in the week I saw Leann Haider, one of the postal employees, mowing the strip of...

  • City Scenes - Hello, God, it's me, Mara

    Aug 14, 2024

    You know, Lord, we’re into SUMMER- big time! Some out-of-state company popped in, wanting to view the City Scenes – said their grandparents used to live here – YEARS ago! So, off we went. They’d never been to this town so were surprised to know there was an Airport, even a Train Station, let alone Taxicabs, and more schools than their grandma had mentioned; many years back. More chuckles when they saw several benches along the streets for folks to sit on. They had a seat, watched some traffic; were amazed to know drivers buzzing down a Street,...

  • Baby Has Gone Ahead….Hello, God, it's me, Mara.

    Aug 7, 2024

    You know, Lord, Jonna, shared a ‘story’ her friend, Sally, told her, which happened a few years back, at the birth of Sally’s third baby, when she’d lost her newly born baby girl. It was a cold autumn day when they stood at the graveside service of baby Shenna. Sally recalled the open grave looked like a wound in the ground. Her dad held firstborn Gary, then only four years old. Little eighteen-month-old MaryJo wriggled in her grandma’s arms, trying to reach the flowers. Time passed by. Sally and Dale prayed for and with their two little on...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Aug 7, 2024

    Hello From the Chinook Senior Center We had a large crowd for Pinochle last Friday. It was great to see so many people that had called and signed up to join our fun (every other) Friday parties. I believe that everyone had a great time. Our next Pinochle party will be on Friday, August 9th @ 2:00, and once again, we will be preparing Tallies and would like to have our count ready for our tables, so please do call us @ 357-2648 to sign up! We are all seeing more people enjoy our Center and that is truly a great thing! Our flowers, like everyone...


    Theresa Danley CLP Milk River Churches|Jul 31, 2024

    Recently during the all class reunion I, a former graduate from someplace other than Chinook, was granted the privilege of marching in the alumni band for the parade. It was great fun to dust off the ol’ clarinet and play a little part in the CHS fight song. It brought back nostalgic memories of my own high school band whose amazing director took a bunch of goofball teenagers and taught us how to march in step with one another on the field and to play some of the most melodious overtures on stage. While it was heartwarming to reminisce and j...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Jul 31, 2024

    Hello From the Chinook Senior Center We have had another wonderful week of gathering many nice people, here at our wonderful Senior Center! We were fortunate enough to host the Joanne Willman family here, last Friday, following a celebration of life for her and to embrace her family with peace and comfort, nourishment and prayers. We once again, had Gene Allen & Sheri Neuens here, yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed the wonderful music that they play. I always feel blessed by the many people who partner with us, here and share their beautiful...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Jul 24, 2024

    Hello From the Chinook Senior Center It is with great sadness that we all say “Good-Bye” to Chrissy Downs, who was a true light in this community. Let’s tuck the best of her in our hearts and keep her memory alive. She is now at home, with her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Well, the true July weather is upon us and with it we get a bit of everything that mother nature has to offer, the good, the bad and the ugly. Stay safe in the heat and be aware of drinking lots of fluids. We know that the SCAMMING calls are on the rise, so please do NOT ans...

  • A great passenger! - Hello, God, it's me, Mara.

    Jul 17, 2024

    You know, Lord, us four gals buzzed along, heading to a meeting, several shared a surprising thought. Patty said ‘I’m not sure how HE got there, but Jesus is in my car, well, not Jesus Himself, but a card with His picture on it. Hubby thought that maybe a worker may have put it there during my car inspection. I don’t care how He got there, actually, having Jesus riding on my console has changed my life!’ Sally spoke up, said she also has a picture; ‘It’s a close-up of Jesus’s face. His hair is long and shining, His eyes are looking towar...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Jul 17, 2024

    Hello From the Chinook Senior Center I am trusting that you all had a wonderful 4th of July celebration with all that it means to you. Now, the heat is finally upon us. We had such a rainy, cooler 4th of July, that it hardly seemed like it was the 4th! Boy oh boy, we sure had a big time in here last week! With the All-Class Reunion, we had countless people in here for Bingo, Lunch, Music, Pie & Ice Cream social, as well as just to drop in and say “Hello”. We had the biggest crowd ever, for Bingo! I had no idea that so many people liked Bin...

  • ChinookSeniorCenter

    Jul 10, 2024

    Hello From the Chinook Senior Center By the time you all read this, you will have gathered and caught up with many old class mates and had time to celebrate together! Wow! These all-class reunions takes the WHOLE village to put together! What a nice job Heather DePriest has done on coordinating it all! SHEESH! That’s a lot of fun things! I am not quite certain how anyone can take it ALL in, but there was certainly something for everyone. We had our annual “Volunteer Appreciation Picnic” on Saturday, June 29th, with about 28 fabulous peopl...

  • Mountain lions can be found everywhere…including central and northeastern Montana

    Jul 3, 2024

    GLASGOW – Montana is home to mountain lions, so it’s no surprise if mountain lions are seen in the central and northeastern parts of the state. Mountain lions can be found across the state…basically anywhere there are deer or elk, which is their primary food source. However, due to their elusive nature, they are rarely seen. Mountain lions have established populations in the Missouri River breaks and the island ranges of central and northeastern Montana, such as the Bears Paw and Little Rockies. In addition, nearly every year, mountain lions...

  • Happy 4th of JULY - Hello, God, it's me, Mara

    Jul 3, 2024

    You know, Lord, just sharing what a friend shared about John Quincy Adams, the sixth U.S. President, in 1837, at the age of 69, in delivering a Fourth of July speech at Newburyport, Massachusetts. Here is a copy of what Adams said: “Why is it that, next to the birthday of the Savior of the world, your most joyous and most venerated festival returns on this day (the Fourth of July)? Is it not that, in the chain of human events, the birthday of the nation is indissolubly linked with the birthday of the Savior? That it forms a leading event in t...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Jul 3, 2024

    Hello From the Chinook Senior Center We have piling up the fun around here! Gosh, we are so very blessed to have so many wonderful people come and share so much with us. In the month of June alone, we have had Jack Brandon, Sheri Miller, Donny Greytak, Gene Allen, Sherry Neuens, Lynn Heggen. We are blessed, indeed. We have many wonderful volunteers who come and help us out each and every day, HOWEVER, we are always looking for more! Please think about contributing and hour or two each week. The reward is great, because you get to see the...


    Theresa Danley|Jul 3, 2024

    I’ve always enjoyed road trips. If I have the time I prefer taking to the open road than to the air. Recently I found myself traveling south more regularly than usual but what a beautiful time to hit the road. The season’s rains have cast an emerald glaze over every horizon which feels as refreshing as cucumber slices to the eyes. No, I didn’t go anywhere for a spa treatment, but my senses were revitalized just the same. As the miles rolled by I found myself hanging onto a blush of purple along the road side and wondered if that was flax alrea...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Jun 26, 2024

    Hello From the Chinook Senior Center We are continuing on with many delightful activities and feel very blessed to have all of the varied activities and classes that we can. Today, we have Gene Allen, Sherry Neuens, Lynn Heggen for fabulous music. So nice to hear the Accordion, as well as the Penny Whistle! Fun! Fun is so good! We are scheduling our Picnic for our wonderful volunteers, who help us all out, here and who comprise a team of absolutely wonderful people. This will be held on Sat., June 29th @ 1:00 at the Scout/Sweet Park. If you...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Jun 19, 2024

    Hello From the Chinook Senior Center Another week has passed! Oh, my! They sure go fast! We continue to celebrate and enjoy people every single day, right here, with games, goodies, friendship & fellowship! Today, we celebrated Jack Brandon’s 89th birthday, here, with his family and many of his friends, his favorite cake (German Chocolate) and lots of pictures and laughter. He is a joy to visit with. He has so much knowledge about our area, having grown up here. He also has shared his painting talents for several months with a group of l...

  • Happy Father's Day - Hello, God, it's me, Mara.

    Jun 12, 2024

    You know, Lord, Father’s Day is next Sunday, it was special to watch the younger and older guys being ‘Father’s’. Before the church service began, one guy sat with several little girls; their mommy was off tending to, ‘whatever’. They were in the front row, but he carefully lifted the little one, maybe 3 years old, way up, holding tightly to her legs – she ‘stood’ straight and tall, waved her arms, smiled; once back down, hugged her daddy tightly. A ‘grandpa’ leaned over, ‘helped’ his two small grandsons draw some pictures on several sheet...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Jun 12, 2024

    Hello From the Chinook Senior Center We have been blessed by several people who have come into our wonderful center over this past week to share valuable information with us, regarding health concerns of our Blaine county population. These individuals have spent time and energy coming in and having us fill out anonymous questionnaires, regarding our own personal health issues. This is valuable information that they can then put into their database to help secure needed information that will insure future necessary health provisions. Thank you...

  • Chinook Library

    Jun 5, 2024

    It’s time to say thanks to members of the community for donations to the library. We send a shout out to: Kylie and Tyler Kropf, Donna and Pat Murdy, Sabrina Peck, Tanis Ross, Barb Ranstrom, Tidal Sharples, Valerie Houtzel, the Kalk family, Farideh Schmitdke, Rad’s Deli & Pizza, the Danley family, Wilma Mellville and Perry Alcorn, Tony Munari, Chuck Palm and Colleen Overcast. Whether you made a monetary donation or donated something else, we appreciate you! It is great to live in such a supportive community. The theme for our Summer Reading Pro...

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