We've Got The County Covered

What 'cher point?

Once again kudos to area teams who won championships for basketball at the state level. For those who got so close but did not win what they thought they would, there is next year and just to get to play in a state tournament is a real honor for our far north teams. Good job girls and boys basketball players!

I have been watching a little NBA basketball myself lately. And I have been listening to sports gurus who talk like they know what they are talking about. Most of them are really bragging up Golden State. As far as the NBA is concerned, Golden State is far ahead of anyone as far as wins so far this season. Their 53 wins so far is close to San Antonio who has 50 wins at this writing. But Golden State seems to be having a very special year. Look for them to make a run and have a good attempt at taking it all when tournament play begins!

With March Madness just around the corner, start thinking about your final four. Chances are they will include one or more of what were the top fifteen last weekend. They are Villanova, Kansas, Oklahoma, Virginia, Xavier, Michigan State, North Carolina, Iowa, Arizona, Maryland, Louisville, Miami, Oregon, West Virginia and Duke. So are one of those teams going to take it all to the bank? My bet this year would be without Gonzaga, look for Oregon to do some sneak moves and move on up the late March ladder.

With tournaments starting in the Frontier and Big Sky leagues, in the men’s division Montana is sitting at second and Montana State is down to seven. Weber State is leading the pack. On the women’s side of things Montana is fourth while Montana State is first. Good job Montana State.

In the Frontier league it is Northern women in third with Rocky in fifth. Lewis and Clark State is first. On the men’s side of things it is Rocky sitting at fourth place with Northern in fifth. First is again Lewis and Clark State.

In the ongoing saga of Tom Brady, Patriots quarterback and Peyton Manning, Broncos quarterback, there was a little news this week on the Brady front but absolute silence on the Manning front.

Tom Brady agreed to play two more years for the Patriots and signed an extension. However, Deflategate still follows him. His people were in Federal Court this last week and it looked like the judge could overturn what another judge ruled before the last season started. That would mean that Brady would face a four game suspension at the beginning of next year’s season if you can imagine anything more crazy. I just don’t think that will happen. I think the Patriots will get their draft picks back too although that will have to happen before draft day which is April 28.

Mum was the word all week on the fate of Peyton Manning although it had been announced that a decision would have to be made by March 2 or the Broncos would owe a lot of money to Manning. Funny that all there is, is the deafening roar of silence coming from Denver and the Manning camp. It has got to happen sometime and I think sooner rather than later.

Speaking of draft picks, the top ten choices for drafting this April go to Tennessee, Cleveland, San Diego, Dallas, Jacksonville, Baltimore, San Francisco, Miami, Tampa Bay and the Giants.

That is my story and I am sticking to it. Go Thunderbirds!