We've Got The County Covered

Minister's Column

A friend was explaining some basic Christian ideas to a very new Christian.

Up to now, the new learner of the faith would probably have checked “none” on a form asking for religious affiliation.

Our friend quoted Psalm 111 to her, verse 10 of which says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”

I thought, well, yes, it is, but this might be a bit heavy for someone coming to faith a matter of a few weeks ago.

Some fruitful ideas of what the fear of the Lord is can be found in some basic reference books, together with hundreds of references of the verses being cited.

All forms and shades of fear were there. Make afraid, terrify, being afraid of were the most obvious definitions.

Many definitions included the word awe.

Not long ago, the word awesome seemed to be the only word anyone knew for good, commendable, helpful, pleasant, even delicious, as in an awesome cupcake.

The Hebrew dictionary gives many other meanings. Perhaps as an English-speaking society we can regain an understanding of what awe really is; more recently, the word seems to be tossed about less indiscriminately.

Fear, reverence, honor are part of awe.

Possibly the most helpful definition of the kind of awe we experience in meeting our God is astonished awe.

It is not a strange thing to feel astonished awe toward God.

The kind of fear of the Lord which we can define as terrified dread is appropriate at times, yet a loving God surely does not want us trembling in fear of him all the time, any more than a human father wants his sons and daughters to feel only fear of him.

Astonished awe is something different.

Astonished awe leads us to praise God, which is where Psalm 22: 3 tells us that God is enthroned, enthroned on the praises of those who love him and believe in him!