We've Got The County Covered

Hogeland Happening

Happy May everyone. Saturday was a beautiful day with no wind. Sunday, different story, windy and a little cooler.

Sympathy to the Heilig family from the community. Phyllis passed away last week.

Shawn Beck had lunch with Wally and Loretta Beck one day last week.

Susan and Emily Billmayer went to Harlem and stopped in at Susan’s sister, Marna Strzelczyk’s, to celebrate her birthday. Marna’s daughter Jennifer made her a homemade angel food cake. They ate outside because it was so nice! Happy Birthday, Marna!

Tate and Ty Beck have spent some time helping Grandpa and Grandpa Beck with yard and garden work this past week.

Susan Billmayer visited Gen Benson on Saturday.

Family visitors Saturday at Carol and Duane Klindworth’s were Betty Hay, Nancy Mahns and fiancée Russ, and Butch and Lisa Hay.

The family of Harlan and Jane Krass have stopped in to help and visit during the week. They even got the lawn mowed!

The kids are busy doing their school work online with their teachers and seem to be getting in the swing of it! It is a good way to keep up on the lessons and stay safe from the virus.

Everyone else said they stayed home and socially distanced from others. Have a great week everyone!