We've Got The County Covered

Chinook Blood Drive a HUGE success

On Tuesday, July 21, 2020 The Chinook community hosted the American Red Cross Blood Drive. It was a fantastic turnout. Our schedule was full leaving very little room for walk ins. We had 54 units collected on a goal of 37 with only one deferral. The Red Cross is now able to collect Power Red donations at our drives. If you are an eligible type O, B- or A- donor, consider making a Power Red donation. You give two units of blood and only give three times per year rather than six. If interested please contact Carla Jenewein at 357-8506 as there are only 6 spots available at specific times at each drive. We had three successful Power Red Donations at this drive thanks to Louise Nissen, Casey Overturf and Joseph Kennedy.

We had multiple first time donors: Richard Mohar, Amanda Bryson, Stephanie Billmayer-Silva, Angie Billmayer, Darla Ortner, Allison Powell, Tonya Martin and Terry Townsend. Brooke Elliot, Darla Fisher and Rob Kelley reached 1 gallon, Myles Laird reached 7 gallons and Elaine Hamilton reached 9 gallons.

The canteen was hosted by the Women of the Presbyterian Church and Zion Lutheran Church: Roxanne Townsend, Carolina Hofeldt, Sandi Miller, Lynnette Niesbaum and Julie Finley spent the afternoon preparing the sack lunches. The sack lunches were greatly appreciated.

Pastor Jack Mattingly and the United Methodist Church once again provided the site for the drive at Wallner Hall. Set up for the drive was accomplished by Carla Jenewein and Judy Johnson. Pastor Jack Mattingly graciously offered to return the tables and chairs at Wallner Hall to their appropriate places. Cloth masks were made and donated by Barb Sather. Everyone's time and efforts are greatly appreciated.

Door Prizes were provided by North Central Montana Cattle Women and the ladies of the Presbyterian Church and Zion Lutheran Church. Taking home door prizes were Amanda Bryson, Allison Powell, Lilly Surber, Diana Reishus, Stephanie Billmayer-Silva, Louise Nissen, Eria Smith, Jana Hauer, Ede Breitmeier and Joseph Kennedy.

Others to be recognized for their willingness to contribute to the smooth running of the drive each time are the ladies at the welcome table: Linda Thompson and Judy Johnson. Paulette Keller delivered those beef gift certificates to me promptly before the drive once again.

To each and every one of you, my gratitude for your willingness to donate and to participate in one way or another is unending. My apologies to those who walked in and were not able to donate due to the full schedule.

We hope to see you all at the next drive on Tuesday September 15th, 2020. Carla Jenewein, Red Cross Blood Drive Coordinator for Chinook.