We've Got The County Covered

Protecting Montanans' Liberty in Helena

Freedom was at the forefront this week in Helena. This week at the legislature, we made significant progress in ensuring freedom and protecting liberty for Montanans all across the state.

House Bill 702 prohibits discrimination against all Montanans based on their vaccination status. That means employers may not punish or fire employees for personal medical decisions, nor can they require employees to get a Covid vaccination. However, employees must understand.

The policy manual of the employer.

This bill is not an attack on vaccines. The safe, effective vaccines offered here in Montana are critical to our efforts to overcome a disease. Vaccines are working. However, nobody should be forced into making a personal medical decision when experimental drugs are the issue. Respect and accountability for all should a mainstay.

Additionally, the Governor signed two key bills that will go a long way in protecting our First and Second Amendment Rights.

Senate Bill 215, the Montana Religious Freedom Restoration Act, was signed into law on Thursday. SB 215 requires the government to present a compelling reason to violate an individual’s freedom of religion and achieve its goals in the least restrictive method possible, adding much-needed legal protection to Montana citizens and businesses.

Twenty-one other states have passed similar legislation. Senate Bill 215 bill reinforces the importance of religious freedom and restores the Founding Father’s intent of the First Amendment. Senate Bill 215 will protect the freedom of people of all faiths to exercise their sincerely held religious beliefs.

On Friday, the Governor also signed House Bill 258 – which I proudly supported. The new law prohibits federal overarch into our Second Amendment-protected rights by prohibiting the enforcement of a federal ban on firearms. House Bill 258 could not have come at a better time and is in effect for all federal gun orders made since January 2021.

Although the Constitution cannot be any clearer, stating “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed,” the federal administration disagrees. At a press conference for additional gun control executive orders, the President even said the 2nd Amendment is not absolute. And he is still trying to impose more gun control measures through federal bans on firearms. We can’t allow that. And that’s why Republicans in the legislature took action. Now with, HB 258 signed into law, Montanans’ 2nd Amendment Rights will be protected. Remember, be accountable for your personal actions.

Lawmakers should always put faith and freedom at the forefront of every decision we make. That is critical in providing good governance and upholding the freedoms that make our country special and our home The Last Best Place. Let us keep it a s a forever best place.

Many wish to follow the money. That can be a good idea. However, there are many reconstructed and new laws which will affect how we do business and live or lives. One of my missions here is to try to see that laws have a minimal affect on rural Montana.

You can go to: www. https://leg.mt.gov/bills/2021/reports/ and then click on session law to see all the bills that have become law this 67th legislative session. There is a bill number and a brief description which may create your interest to investigate further.

We legally can be in session 90 days. I think we will be done by the 81st day, April 30th.

Senator Mike Lang

Senate District 17, Malta