We've Got The County Covered

Hogeland Happenings

Susan Billmayer visited with Jane Krass on Tuesday afternoon.

Congratulations to the members of the Turner High School track team who all qualified to compete in the Divisional Track Meet in Great Falls this week. Also, Congratulations to the Turner Junior High track team who all did fantastic at the District Track Meet in Havre on Saturday.

Wally and Loretta Beck went to Great Falls for a doctor appointment. They stopped at Char’s in Havre for lunch on the way home and had the pleasure of joining Lowell Donoven for lunch Thank you, Lowell.

Duane and Carol Klindworth attended Isaac Klindworth’s 8th birthday party in Havre at Pepin Park Saturday. Happy Birthday, Isaac!

Darwin Zellmer spent the day helping Loretta Beck with some outside work on Thursday and was also a dinner guest. It was so much appreciated.

Kathy and Elissa Zellmer drove to Havre on Saturday to cheer on the Tornadoes at the track meet.

Susan and Gene Billmayer were in Great Falls on Monday for a doctor appointment.

Hilary, Hannah, and Natalie Richman visited Jane Krass on Sunday before their 4-H meeting. Natalie baked brownies for all to enjoy at Grandma’s while visiting.

Congratulations to the 2021 graduating class of Turner High School – Brandy Calvert, Shane Kimmel, Shyan Krass, Brooke Reed, Connor VanValkenburg, and Austin Welsh. Congratulations to the 8th grade graduates of Turner School – Tate Beck, JR Brown, Modesty Chamberlain, Cassidy Grabofsky, Meridian King-Snider, Carson Maloney, and Caleb Zellmer. Their graduation will take place this Saturday, May 22nd.