We've Got The County Covered

Hogeland Happenings

Sharon Goodrich visited Jane Krass on Thursday afternoon bringing fresh cookies for lunch.

Loretta Beck visited Kathy Zellmer at the Zellmer home on Saturday.

Susan Billmayer judged flowers and vegetables in Dodson at the Phillips County Fair Friday.

Anita Reed and girls went to Billings Monday and Tuesday for Brooke’s appointment and stayed with sister, Cindy Reed, while there.

Linda Hauge took mom, Jane Krass, to Chinook on Tuesday for an appointment.

Brooke Reed took Helen and Jim Billmayer to Mark and Betty Billmayer’s for dinner on Friday.

Susan Billmayer was to Billings on Monday to get repairs done.

On Saturday, Helen and Jim Billmayer attended the McGuire family reunion in Zortman.

Pastor Will Rima visited Jane Krass as well as Anita and Bridget Reed and Diana Maloney on Friday and gave Jane communion.

Susan Billmayer and Diana Maloney visited Jane Krass on Saturday.

Visitors Sunday were Linda Hauge, Diana Maloney, and Anita Reed.

Monday evening supper guests at the Wallace Beck home were Brian and Susie Schuld and family of Jefferson, Wisconsin. Kevin Beck, Brandon Beck, and Danielle Guard were guests as well

Hilary Richman visited Jane Krass Sunday afternoon and brought her some garden goodies.

Duane and Carol Klindworth went to a going away barbecue for Carol’s brother Butch and sister in law Lisa Hay on Saturday. They are moving to Washington.

On Wednesday, Carol Klindworth went to Havre to visit her mom Betty and sister Nancy.

Jane Krass’ girls stopped by to help out throughout the week. I’ve been one lucky mom getting fresh garden vegetables and I don’t even have to pick them. The garden produce is so good this year, thanks to all the family!

The Blaine County Fair begins Tuesday in Chinook and the kids have been working really hard on their projects. It should be a really great fair!

School will be starting soon, just a few weeks away now, and we will be back in a routine again.