We've Got The County Covered

Students Explore College Programs at TekNoXpo

illmayer accompanied a small group of juniors and seniors from Chinook High School to Montana State University-Northern (MSUN) on Thursday, October 7, for the TekNoXpo & ShowCASE held on the college campus in Havre.

The intention of the TekNoXpo & ShowCASE was to introduce high school students to all that MSUN has to offer in academic programming. With programs ranging from graphic design, to diesel equipment operation, to interacting with livestock, and even working with simulated humans in the nursing lab, those who attended reported that the event was very hands-on. Check-in for the event began at 8:00 a.m. and sessions started at 9:00 a.m.

TekNoXpo sessions were offered in ten different tracks across campus so that students could make selections based on their individual interests in programs at MSUN:

• Track 1: Manufacturing, Design Drafting, Civil Engineering

• Track 2: Advanced Fuels, Agriculture Business

• Track 3: Plumbing, Welding, Electrical

• Track 4: Diesel Equipment Rodeo, Agriculture Mechanics

• Track 5: Nursing, Integrated Health Sciences

• Track 6: Film, Creative Writing, Theater

• Track 7: Arts, Graphic Design, Marketing and Advertising

• Track 8: Criminal Justice

• Track 9: Science, Biology, Chemistry

• Track 10: Education

Of the nine Chinook students who attended, most were interested in the trade tracks: Diesel Equipment and Technology or Plumbing, Welding and Electrical. However, a few also participated in Track 1, Track 9, and Track 7.

These students reported that the TekNoXpo was a fun way to explore career options without a lecture. Different from other college tours or campus open houses, this experience went beyond the basic visiting with faculty and viewing campus classrooms or residence halls and attending a football game. "We got to look at what our chosen career path might entail since the presenters told us this is what we work towards," one student commented.

Billmayer added, "This was true experiential learning since the students got to actually perform in that field."

For example, in an Equipment Rodeo, each contestant was timed for the activity and winners received prizes. Also in the Diesel group, students monitored a Corvette on a diagnostic machine. Similarly, those in Engineering and Manufacturing made missiles from straws, and those in plumbing had a hand in cutting copper pipe and designing Marshmallow Shooters. During the Biology, Physics, and Chemistry Track, participants built solar powered cars.

In the future, Billmayer would like to take more students, opening the opportunity to a broader group. "With the activities at the TekNoXpo, you get your hands dirty and can figure out if this is truly what you like before you dedicate a good amount of your time to that career path."