We've Got The County Covered

Hogeland Happenings

Happy Halloween to everyone!

Wally and Loretta Beck attended the Junior High Basketball Jamboree in Turner on Friday and in Box Elder on Saturday.

Duke Reich of Idaho is visiting at Terry and Brenda Mohar’s this weekend.

Susan Billmayer attended a garden club meeting in Havre on Tuesday.

Linda Hauge took Jane Krass to a doctor appointment in Chinook on Tuesday.

Wally and Loretta Beck attended Cassidy Grabofsky’s 15th birthday dinner at the Legion Hall on Friday between games, along with other family and her friends. Happy Birthday, Cassidy!

Susan Billmayer visited Marna Strzelczyk in Harlem on Thursday afternoon.

Shawn Beck, Tate and Ty visited with Grandpa Wally on Sunday morning.

Kelsey and Shawn Mariani hosted a 1st birthday party for Liam Saturday in Havre. Guests included Carol and Duane Klindworth, Matt and Annie Klindworth and children, and great-grandma Betty Hay. Also present were lots of family and friends.

Darwin Zellmer and Shawn Beck were lunch guests at the Wally Beck home on Monday.

Susan Billmayer enjoyed visiting with the Krass girls at Jane’s house on Sunday afternoon. They came to celebrate an early birthday for Anita Reed.

Hilary and Natalie Richman made sandwiches for mom and themselves Sunday noon at Jane Krass’ home. They later were guests for Anita’s party, as well as Diana Maloney, Linda Hauge, Susan Billmayer, and Anita and Bridget Reed.

The Turner Junior High basketball teams played Big Sandy and North Star in Turner, and CJ-I and Box Elder in Box Elder on Saturday. The Tornadoes are sure fun to watch!

It snowed Friday night and covered the grass, and mostly melted by Saturday afternoon.

Matthew Billmayer was confirmed at the Hogeland Lutheran Church on Sunday.

Jane’s girls were out to visit and help Mom Krass throughout the week, and Lorin and Clayton stopped to light the furnace for her on Friday night.

Turner Junior High basketball games are scheduled to take place in Hays on Friday and Big Sandy on Saturday this week.