We've Got The County Covered

Hogeland Happening

Gary Olszewski visited with Wally Beck on Monday afternoon.

Susan and Gene Billmayer visited with Jim and Helen Billmayer in Havre on Saturday afternoon.

Shirley Keller was a Tuesday visitor at the Wallace Beck home.

Susan Billmayer attended the funeral service for Rose Van Voast on Thursday.

Loretta Beck was a visitor at the Ed Zellmer home on Wednesday morning.

Duane and Carol Klindworth went to Matt and Annie Klindworth’s home for birthday dinner for Isaac’s 9th birthday on Saturday. Annie’s sister, Kristi, was there also.

Hilary, Hannah, and Natalie Richman visited and made goodies for Jane Krass on Sunday afternoon before 4-H.

Susan Billmayer had a New Horizons meeting in Harlem on Thursday evening.

Diana Maloney, Anita and Brooke Reed, and Linda Hauge visited Jane Krass throughout the week.

Darwin Zellmer stopped by on Wednesday afternoon at the Wallace Beck home. Cooper and Lucy Grabofsky and Harley Beck came after school. Ty Beck was a visitor too.

Loretta Beck attended Rose Van Voast’s funeral in Turner on Thursday.

Shawn, Tate, and Ty Beck were dinner guests at the Wallace Beck home on Friday.

Turner’s Graduation will be held this Saturday, May 21st at the Turner Gymnasium. Congratulations to the 2022 Turner High School Graduates Lacey Hickel, Shay Humphreys, Trever Kimmel, and Laci Maloney. Also congratulations to the 8th grade graduates Landon Hickel, Bridget Reed, and Joe Trautmann.

Susan Billmayer visited with Jane Krass on Wednesday morning.

Darwin Zellmer was a morning visitor at Wally and Loretta Beck’s house on Saturday.

The Turner Track High School and Junior High teams had their District meets this past week in Havre. Congratulations to all those that placed! Good luck to the high school track team at Divisionals in Great Falls this week.