We've Got The County Covered

Hogeland Hppenings

Brenda and Terry Mohar attended Colter Mohar’s birthday party in Havre this week.

Gene and Susan Billmayer were in Great Falls on Thursday, and on the way home they stopped to see Jim and Helen Billmayer in Havre.

Linda and Darel Hauge visited Jane Krass on Sunday after church. Diana Maloney visited as well.

The community and surrounding area have received some much needed moisture over the weekend.

Hilary Richman and girls visited Sunday with Jane Krass, and made dinner while there.

Diana Maloney and Anita Reed and girls visited throughout the week with mom Jane Krass.

Rick Grabofsky was a visitor on Friday morning at the Wallace Beck home.

Wally and Loretta Beck were Father’s Day guests at the Shawn and Bobbi Beck home well as Ralph and Nancy Snider and Lisa Baldik.

Loretta and Brandon Beck went to Great Falls on Thursday, and while there had lunch with Daniella Schilling and Dallas and Blade Beck.

Harley, Tate, and Ty Beck were over to help Grandma and Grandpa Beck a couple days this past week.