We've Got The County Covered

Hogeland Happenings

Several ladies from the Hogeland community had pie and coffee with Helen Billmayer and Sandy Beck on Friday afternoon in Havre at Timber Creek.

Susan Billmayer attended the human trafficking workshop on Tuesday afternoon at the Turner Lutheran Church.

Crystal and Cassidy Grabofsky were visitors and lunch guests at the Wallace Beck home on Monday. Crystal helped Loretta do some things outside on Tuesday and Thursday.

Martha and Scott Warren visited with Wally Beck and Crystal on Tuesday morning. Loretta went to Havre that day, and then went through Turner on the way home and attended the seminar on Human Trafficking at the Lutheran Church.

Pastor Will Rima visited Jane Krass on Tuesday.

Gene and Susan Billmayer visited and had lunch with Jim and Helen Billmayer and also Sandy Beck on Monday at Timber Creek.

Darwin, Betty, Keith, and Harper Zellmer were Thursday morning visitors at the Wallace Beck home.

Sharon Goodrich visited Jane Krass on Monday. Susan Billmayer visited Jane on Saturday.

On Friday, Loretta Beck, Nancy Snider, Merrilyn Billmayer, Mary Ellen Deloach, and Kathy Zellmer went to Havre to attend a get together for Helen Billmayer and Sandy Beck at Timbercreek retirement home. It was a very enjoyable day.

Susan Billmayer helped with the rummage sale at New Horizons in Harlem.

Linda Hauge and Hilary Richman visited Jane Krass on Sunday.

Wally and Loretta Beck attended the Big Flat Fun Day and Car Show in Turner on Saturday. Thank you to all who made it such a fun day.

Diana Maloney, Anita, Brooke, and Bridget Reed visited Jane Krass throughout the week.

Pastor Will Rima was a Sunday Brunch guest at the Wallace Beck home.

Wayne Deloach’s sister left for MN on Wednesday. She really loves it here and plans to be back next year. In the meantime, she was able to get a picture of a cat right here on the homestead. Sure looks like a mountain lion!

On Friday Mary Ellen went to Helen and Jim Billmayer’s in Havre for coffee and pie with a number of women from the Big Flat. It was fun to see Sandy Beck’s apartment as well as Helen and Jim’s. And as usual the pie was outstanding. Thank you Susan and Betty!

Saturday evening, Wayne and Mary Ellen were at the Fred Mohar’s for a spaghetti dinner. Very enjoyable evening!

Sunday afternoon, Mary Ellen had coffee at Bobbi Beck’s with Shawna, Nancy, Ralph, Ella, Sarah, Trent, Tate, and Ty. Wayne and Adam arrived in time for a delicious grilled steak dinner. Thanks Shawn and Bobbi!

Mary Ellen and Wayne leave Tuesday for home in Wisconsin. As usual it has been a joy to be here. See you next year!