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Big Flat 4-H Meeting Minutes

The July meeting of Big Flat 4-H Club was held on Saturday, July 9, 2022 at 2:45 at the Turner Christian Church. Members present include Hannah & Natalie Richman, Piper and Avery Fox, Hannah & Isabella Van Voast and Jessa Schroeder. Leaders present include Hilary Richman, Shannon Van Voast, and Bobbi Schroeder. The American Pledge was led by Piper Fox and the 4-H Pledge was led by Avery Fox. The minutes from the June meeting were approved as read.

Old Business:

Isabella gave a report on the rabies clinic. Attendance was down some but still happy with the day. Hannah Richman reported on the horse workshops she has attended. All members present reported on their favorite part of Project Day. The day was a very big success and we were all happy. A reminder was given to send pictures and projects each member is taking to Hannah and Isabella for the scrapbook.

New Business:

Communications day is July 13 in Chinook, register with the extension office if you are attending.

Fair updates:

Each family bring 2 double crust fruit pies to chuckwagon

Fair entries are due July 29 on ZSuite

Our chuckwagon shift is Thursday, August 11 from 2 – 10

Barn cleanup is August 5, our club is assigned the horse barn. Fox and Richman families volunteered to clean the barn.

Avery moved and Piper second to adjourn the meeting.

Prior to the meeting we hosted Project Day. Classes that were offered:

10:00 – Cake decorating or Leatherwork

11:00-Gardening, Photography or Welding

12:00-Lunch at Christian Church

12:30-Small Animal Showmanship or LQA

1:30-Coyote calls or airport tour