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BLM issues final decision on bison grazing proposal

(MALTA, Mont.) – The Bureau of Land Management issued a final decision today for a bison grazing proposal involving seven allotments in Phillips County, Montana, held by American Prairie, which allows for bison grazing on six of the seven allotments.

The Telegraph Creek, Box Elder, Flat Creek, White Rock, French Coulee, Garey Coulee and East Dry Fork allotments – a total of approximately 63,500 acres of BLM-administered lands – currently provide 7,969 animal unit months of permitted use.

One common allotment grazed with another livestock operator would remain approved for cattle-only grazing. Four of the allotments are approved for seasonal grazing with pasture rotation. Year-round grazing is approved for three allotments; two of which had been previously authorized for bison grazing. There is no change in animal unit months on any of the allotments. Most allotments will be managed under a pasture rotation grazing program.

The final grazing decision, which describes the terms and conditions for each of the seven allotments, is based on existing laws, policies, and management plans, and supported by the analysis brought forward in its associated environmental assessment and finding of no significant impact, released on March 30, 2022.

The release of the final grazing decision initiates a 30-day BLM appeal period. Certified letters of notification have been sent to qualified interested publics, as defined by federal grazing regulations. More information regarding the appeal period can be found within the final grazing decision.

The final grazing decision and related documents are available on the BLM’s ePlanning website https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/103543/510.