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Montana 4-H Horse Photography Contest - Deadline August 15

This contest is available to 4-H members and will be entered into categories by age as of October 1, 2021: Junior/Intermediate: Age 8-13; Senior: Age 14-19. The winner will be featured at the 2022 State Horse Show September 9-11, 2022 in Joliet, MT.

Photo must be taken by participants between the dates of October 1, 2021 and the time of entry. Photos may be submitted only one time and in only one category.

Must be .jpeg, .jpg, or .png Please upload the best quality of your photo. Registration on zsuites closes August 15, 2022. Size ratio must be 3:2(4X6) or 5:4 (8X10) ratio (either landscape or portrait). Photos must be minimum of 1MB and a maximum of 10MB Upload the highest resolution possible. Review your photo at 100% size before uploading. Slight computer enhanced photos are allowed such as crop, trimming, adjusting lighting, and red eye reduction; substantially altered photography, such as changing colors, applying design styles, or using computer graphics will disqualify an entry.

The entry must be the original photographic work of the 4-H member and not a photo taken by family members, other 4-H members, or secured from any other printed/electronic source. Any photo proven to be found as not original work will result in disqualification of all the 4-H member’s entries into the Photography Contest.

County Extension Agents, 4-H members, project leaders, parents, please take the time to review and read each category very carefully. Do not enter photographs into categories that are duplicates from other categories or ones that do not clearly meet the category description.

Categories -

1) Theme: My 4-H Horse Project Show what is special to you in your 4-H Horse Project. This could be a photo of your horse, your fellow club members. Get creative in showing off what your horse project means to you.

2) Element of Design: Images use of graphic elements of design. Photos that showcase line, shape, pattern, form, texture,

perspective, etc. Photo should consist of any subject matter within the Horse Project.

3) Macro/Detail: The goal is to zoom in close on an object to see its finer details or to make small objects appear life-size or larger that we do not normally get to see with the naked eye.

4) Motion Action: Capture of movement within a single photo. The subject appears stopped or “frozen”.

5) Shadow/silhouette: A silhouette is an outline that appears dark (typically a single color) with little or no details/features against a brighter background. Recording patterns of light and shade for a desired effect or emphasis is the definition of a shadow. The silhouette or shadow must be the primary subject and focus of the image.

6) Catch-all: Photos that do not fit into one of the other categories.

For more information contact the Extension Office or visit http://www.mt4h.org