We've Got The County Covered

4H Meeting Reports

North Chinook Booster

The first meeting of the North Chinook Boosters 4-H Club for the 2022-2023 4-H year was called to order by President Gracie Skoyen on Sunday, November 6th. The American and 4-H pledges were recited. Roll call was “What is your favorite pet’s name?” Secretary Lillie Skoyen read the minutes from the previous meeting. The 4-H leaders reported on the October 4-H Council meeting. Rainie Skoyen reported on the October Cloverbuds workshop. Julian Powell and Lynley Conrad reported on the National 4-H Week Window Display. Rangler reported on the Sugarbeet Festival Float and Parade. Piper Skoyen reported on the Elk Viewing Trip. Rangler Skoyen reported on the Pool and Park Foundation Dinner. Under old business the club discussed serving food for the Chinook Fire Department Coyote Hunt in December. Under new business the club discussed our 4-H yearly calendar, officer training, holding a Christmas party during our December meeting, and officer elections were held. Announcements were read. The next meeting will be December 18th.

Respectfully submitted,

Janna Snedigar

North Chinook Boosters 4-H Club Reporter

Big Flat 4H Club

American pledge lead by: Hannah Richman

4-H pledge lead by Hudson Simon

Members present where Hannah Richman, Avery Fox, Piper Fox, Natalie Richman, Hannah VanVoast, Isabella VanVoast, Hudson Simon, Mary Simon, Jessa Schroder, Modesty Chamberlain, and two new members Issac Klindworth and Hannah Klindworth

We fixed the lights that are hung all around turner in Fox’s shop

We talked about the Door prize for the award ceremony on November 20 we decided on a candy bouquet

Jeff Nelson was a guest speaker talking about what it is to be a veteran

After the meeting we had a potluck super for the club.