We've Got The County Covered

Hogeland Happenings

On Saturday, Susan Billmayer, Diana Maloney, and Hilary Richman visited Jane Krass. Family visited Jane throughout the week as well.

Gene and Susan Billmayer attended the Hogeland Lutheran Church annual meeting on Sunday.

Brenda and Terry Mohar went to Sidney on Sunday to see family and watch the Vikings game.

Loretta Beck attended Nellie Cederberg’s funeral in Turner on Monday.

Gene and Eric Billmayer were in Billings on Tuesday on business.

Loretta Beck and Merrilyn Billmayer enjoyed lunch with Sandy Beck at the Duck Inn on Friday and visiting with her at Timbercreek.

Susan Billmayer visited with Marna and Jennifer Strzelczyk on Friday afternoon.

Loretta Beck and Merrilyn Billmayer went to the ball games in Big Sandy on Friday and in Turner vs North Star on Saturday. The kids played some great games!

Gene Billmayer attended a Wayne Creek grazing meeting on Friday afternoon in Harlem.

The Hogeland Lutheran Church held their annual meeting and dinner on Sunday with 16 in attendance.

The Turner Tornadoes are scheduled to play in Fort Benton on Friday, Jan. 20th and in Turner vs. CJI on Saturday, Jan. 21st .