We've Got The County Covered

PAWS Adoption Event a HUGE Success

The PAWS Animal Shelter in Chinook held its first ever Adoption Event this past Saturday at North 40 in Havre. Six puppies that were being housed at the shelter along with five additional puppies sheltered in the community were on hand looking to find their forever home. It didn't take long, and the turnout was fantastic, resulting in all 11 puppies being adopted. The dogs that remained at the shelter during the event were represented by placards on display Saturday afternoon. While these 14 didn't find their forever home, they will benefit greatly from this weekend success.

Alissa Hewitt was overjoyed by the phenomenal success, "We started at 10 in the morning and by noon, nine of puppies had already been adopted. Bart was the last puppy to be adopted at 1:00 in the afternoon." The shelter was well represented Saturday with a few folks stepping up to show their support in addition to the volunteers already on hand, "Ellen Crawford, the heart and soul behind 'Wuvs for Walley' completely sold out of her handmade dog toys. She made a wonderful dog toy and treat donation with her earnings. She also donated $150 towards a future adoption fee to help out. Brandon Nissen of Brickcent$ was there 'adopting' out Lego dogs, that was also a success as around 20 of them went out the door. The earnings from Lego dog adoptions will also be donated to PAWS," added Hewitt.

In addition, those who stopped by had the opportunity to get some unique knowledge, "Kailey Passon of Hi-Line Canine was available to answer dog training questions throughout the event. It was a very successful event, big thanks to the entire team at North 40, the Baird sisters of Chinook, Traci Sorensen of Havre, PAWS volunteers Brenda and Saraya Jones, Amy Jones, Amy Smith and Ed Hewitt," commented Hewitt.

After sheltering more than 40 dogs not too long ago the facility is finally in spot to help the dogs more individually, "With 14 dogs remaining at the shelter, PAWS is still over capacity. With the adoption of all of our youngest, we can begin to focus on the adults in our care. All of them are quite timid and will benefit from the additional time we can now spend with them. We are so grateful to everyone who helped put this event together and are looking forward to future adoption events at North 40," concluded Hewitt.