We've Got The County Covered

Hogeland Happening

Loretta Beck attended the Elementary basketball games on Monday and Friday in Turner. On Saturday, she rode to Gildford with Crystal and Holly Grabofsky for the games there. They also visited Darwin and Betty Zellmer on their way home.

This ends the Turner Elementary games this year. Track is next and they have started practice a couple weeks ago.

Graveside funeral services were held for Gail Doyle on Thursday at the Turner Cemetery. Quite a few attended the service. Sympathy is extended to her family.

Jane Krass’ girls have been over to help with chores and visit her this past week. Anita took Jane to appointments in Chinook and Havre on Monday.

Loretta Beck visited Yvonne Rasmussen on Tuesday.

It rained on Saturday night on the Big Flat, then snowed, followed by a blizzard making the roads snow packed and icy.

Merrilyn Billmayer and Loretta Beck enjoyed the delicious turkey dinner at the Big Flat Catholic Church on Sunday.