We've Got The County Covered

Hogeland Happenings

Morgan, Jessica, Eva, Emma and Max Klindworth were out to Duane and Carol Klindworth’s for Easter. Matt Annie, Isaac, Hannah, Elliot, and Emmett were guests on Easter as well.

Rhonda Mohar and Jack Thompson and Dusty and Misty Mohar and boys were guests at Terry and Brenda Mohar’s on Easter.

Sharon Goodrich visited Jane Krass on Monday and brought delicious banana bread and bars.

The Big Flat 4-H club hosted an Easter Egg Hunt Saturday morning at the Christian Church yard for the community preschool and elementary children. Refreshments were served after the hunt.

Susan Billmayer celebrated her birthday on Friday afternoon with family and friends at the Border Bar in Turner.

Jane‘s girls stopped to visit throughout the week and helped her with chores.

Susan Billmayer had Easter dinner with family at Zurich Park.

Sunday visitors at Jane Krass’s were Diana Maloney, Hilary and Natalie Richman, and Dakota Krass and her friend. Jane enjoyed the wonderful Easter dinner and goodies they all brought her.

Nancy and Ralph Snider, Cody Ballard, and Loretta Beck were supper guests at the Shawn and Bobbi Beck home on Monday in honor of Tate’s 16th birthday.

Merrilyn Billmayer and Loretta Beck went to Havre on Tuesday and while there, they visited Merrilyn’s sisters, Cindy and Bobbi.

Loretta Beck rode over to the auxiliary meeting on Wednesday in Turner with Bobbi Beck.

Loretta visited with Darwin, Betty ,and Keith Zellmer in Harlem on Thursday.

Loretta Beck spent Easter Sunday at the Mike and Crystal Grabofsky home

as well as Matt and Sadie Grabofsky and family, and Rick Grabofsky.

The Turner High School Track team had their first meet on Thursday in Cut Bank. There were around 500 participants in attendance.

They are scheduled to have meets this coming week in Fort Benton on Tuesday and in Havre for the Cal Wearly meet on Saturday. Good luck Tornadoes!

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