We've Got The County Covered

Properly Labeled Packages Will Ensure Faster Delivery

Getting packages delivered in a timely fashion, especially during the holidays has become a bit of a confrontational point recently between the consumer and the Post Office. During the Christmas season employees at the local post office can spend hours trying to find where packages are supposed to be delivered to as a result of improper labeling.

The root of the problem essentially begins with the larger chain stores such as Amazon and Kohls and the way they require members to fill out their shipping labels. The Post Office is aware of the concerns of the recipients and wants to offer guidance in helping to solve the issue.

Katie Unruh works to get packages out to the community at the Chinook Post Office and offers her thoughts, "If people can address their packages as first name, second line, the address line one just put your street address and then on the second address line if you just put the box number and not PO or Box and then the City and the State and the Zip Code. That will help with Amazon and Kohls."

Fred Helpusout

324 Hippaloo St.


Chinook, MT 59523

Unruh adds, "When you have UPS Sure Post, when you are checking out, that UPS, it's coming to the Post Office, that's what that UPS Sure Post means. USPS UPS, DHL and FedEx drop off at all the warehouses across Montana and then every day the UPS driver drops off in Chinook, Montana."

"We're just trying to get the word out so that we can more effectively get everyones packages to the right person in a fast and more efficient time. During our peak season we are currently looking up anywhere from 50-100 packages manually per day and we have substitutes that on occasion come into the post office. They don't know who you are, and they don't know where you live. Even us that are full time here in Chinook we don't know all where exactly you live so it just makes it difficult for us to look up."

The goal is to timely and efficiently get the mail out and that's the primary focus, "By no means are we angry or upset, we are just trying to educate the community better and at addressing their packages correctly to them so that we can provide a better service."

For the most part most packages come through just fine but for some of the chains more attention specifically is requested, "The reason why I said to leave PO and Box off Amazon and Kohls specifically is because we have seen the problems with that, and we are learning from the community what's working for us and for the customers. When you put PO or Box on your Amazon account it actually cuts off half the sellers and says that it's not available to be shipped to your area."

The sharing of information is always the key to finding the best solution to a problem, "If we keep hearing from the community what works and what doesn't we can just push it out and as long as we keep communicating then I think we will be able to come down with a rock solid process for a lot of these vendors. If anything, if you can't get the PO Box or there is no second address line or no way to put the number on there you can put your physical address and then just put a space or an asterisk and the number and we can figure that out. As long as the number is on there somewhere we normally can catch it as well as substitutes," concluded Unruh.

For and further information or if you have additional questions, please stop by the post office and talk with them. They will be willing to help in anyway.

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