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Turner Student Wins National Level Prize in Poppy Poster Contest

Holly Grabofsky, who will be a freshmen at Turner High School this fall, learned last month that she had won the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Poppy Poster Contest at the national level for both the Northwestern Division Class IV and also as Best Overall Poppy Poster Winner in her division.

Later this month, Grabofsy's poster will be displayed at the 102nd National Convention for the American Legion Auxiliary scheduled for August 25-31 in Charlotte, North Carolina. Beginning in September, her poster can also be viewed on the American Legion Auxiliary national website at http://www.ALAforVeterans.org.

As the Northwestern Division Class IV winner in the Poppy Poster Contest, Grabofsky received $100. An additional $100 was donated in her name to the ALA's Children of Warriors National President's Scholarship fund. This scholarship is awarded to children of veterans who served in the armed forces during specified dates.

Grabofsky's poster was judged by a team of ALA members from Unit 109 of Turner, the Poppy Chairman for the state of Montana, and National Chairman Jeanne Haas. In a congratulatory letter, Haas thanked Grabofsky for participating in the Poppy Poster Contest, writing: "I do hope that you and many of your classmates will participate in the Auxiliary's contests again this year."

Upon learning that she had won, Grabofsky stated that she was surprised that her poster had done so well at the national level. She plans to add the prize money to her savings account.