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"The people" chose a new town slogan for Chinook

Businesses, non-profits, civic clubs, professional groups and even local chambers of commerce rely on slogans to quickly convince a target audience to buy a product, a service or to believe in something. Readers will likely recognize the value of a successful slogan by thinking of advertising slogans that stick in their minds-like Kentucky Fried Chicken's "finger lickin' good," "America runs on Dunkin (donuts and coffee)" and one of the most enduring slogans still recognized by 90% of Americans though the slogan is 70+ years old, De Beer's "A Diamond is Forever." You get the drift, slogans get our attention and help us build loyalty to products, services and ideas.

The Chinook Area Chamber recently adopted a new slogan to use in promoting the town. It was a thoughtful and lengthy process that culminated with online voting to let anyone interested to have a say in choosing the winning slogan. Laine Jorgensen said, "It was surprising the number of people who voted to select a new slogan." The new slogan selected in August was: "Small town, big community."

Jergensen, who is the Public Relations representative for the local Chamber, said the new slogan was selected from five possible slogans brainstormed, created and evaluated by a group of Chamber officers and members. She explained, "There is a new group of young business owners and community activists who believe our town has great potential, that our town and its businesses and organizations can grow and thrive. We were looking for a slogan that would help us convince travelers that Chinook is more than just a place to drive through on the way to another destination. We want to promote Chinook as a destination for travelers and visitors."

The process used to select the new slogan

"Back in the winter," Jorgensen shared, "our group first evaluated the Chamber's current slogan that had been in place for several years. That slogan was a bit awkward and lengthy and it didn't express our new vision for Chinook." So the Chamber group began writing new slogans and evaluating them within the group. The chamber group eventually settled on five slogans with the idea of letting "the people" select the winning slogan.

Here are the five proposed slogans in no particular order: Warm Winds, Warm People; Dear Hearts and Gentle People (The title of a song by Bing Crosby that Maida McCardy used to introduce each session of her popular radio show "The Chinook Hour"); Where the West is still the West; Western roots, Western tradition and Small town, big community. Jorgensen said the choice of the last slogan surprised some on the Chamber but the decision was clear, "The people had spoken."

How the new slogan will be used

Alert readers may have already noticed the new slogan on the posters around town (see photo) announcing the upcoming Sugarbeet Festival on Saturday, September 23. The slogan will be a part of printed materials produced and distributed by the Chamber. Some promotional items, like t-shirts, coffee cups, etc. are also in the plans.

Jorgensen added the Chamber will erect a new welcome sign incorporating the new slogan at Chinook's city limits, first on US 2 at the west entrance to town. Studies show that attractive and functional visitor signage is a key part of destination marketing and can visually link visitors to experiences they can enjoy in the area. It's all part of the bigger goal to send the Chamber's message: "Stop here, check us out, see what a nice community we are."