We've Got The County Covered

Letter to the Editor

As a past Paramedic/firefighter I want to bring attention to another 1st Responder that is rarely recognized or thanked. Recently one of our County Newspaper articles had a thank you given only to the Police, Fire, and ambulance.

We do not value our Tow Truck Drivers or Wrecking Crews. They too face the horrors of every bad accident scene; get called out at all hours of the night and work in the worst weather, longer than any other 1st responders.

More Tow Truck Drivers are killed or injured every year on these calls than police or fire personnel. WHY? Because these brave heroes are usually left to finish their jobs ALONE. Ambulances leave first followed by police and fire. But the wrecker crew is left alone, no walls of flashing lights commanding attention, no fire trucks or police cars to block and slow down traffic to protect them while they work.

They stay cleaning glass, oil, and debris off the road, keeping us all safe. They clear disabled vehicles off the roads so we can drive on them again without danger. And they do this work many times alone with no extra protection! Add the fact that many drivers go speeding by; ignorantly refusing to slow down and move over for them… it’s a highly dangerous place for someone’s daddy, mommy or loved one, to be.

So please, please, please, when you see a Tow Truck Driver, tip your hats to them, they truly deserve our utmost appreciation and respect. Most importantly show your appreciation to them by slowing down and moving over to help them return home to their loved ones.

FYI, as a past Paramedic/Firefighter I was one of the worst offenders of this. I should have known what they contribute to our safety, but I missed it. I am making a public apology for not giving them the respect and appreciate they deserve. I hope you will all join me in doing that too. And again, show that appreciation by slowing down and moving over. Let’s send them all home to their families as they have served us.

Vincent G. Vaccaro

Three Forks, MT