Harlem Elementary is proud to announce the following students as the September ROARing Students of the Month: From left to right, Nadia Lara (gr.6), Remadie Messerly (gr. 2), Shadyn SpeakThunder (gr.5), Zara Doney (gr. 4), Zesiro Piapot (Kindergarten), and Andrew Cole (gr. 3). Not pictured: Jaxson Goldsmith ( gr. 1). These exceptional Lil' Wildcats are Respectful, Organized, Always safe and Responsible, and are perfect role models for their classmates and peers. Hats off to the first ROARing Students of the 2023-2024 school year!
Harlem Elementary has chosen the next ROARing students for the week ending October 12th. These wonderful Lil' Wildcats are Respectful, Organized, Always safe and Responsible, and have earned their places on the Rockin' ROAR Roster. From left to right, Zaya Stiles (gr. 5), Kyra Ball (gr. 2), C'Lya Adams (gr. 4), Hazel Doney ( Kindergarten), and Vada Stiles (gr. 3). Not pictured are Keeley Stiffarm (gr. 6) and Courtlyn Stiffarm (gr. 1). We are so proud of our ROARing Lil' Wildcats!