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Big Flat 4-H Club Meeting

The February meeting of the Big Flat 4-H Club was held on February 18, 2024 at 2:00 at Richman Insurance in Harlem. Members present include: Modesty, Alaina, Mason, Hannah K., Isaac, Hannah R., Natalie, Even, Jessa, Mary, Hannah V and Isabella. Leaders present were Hilary Richman and Shannon Van Voast. The American pledge was led by Isaac and the 4-H pledge was led by Hannah Van Voast. The treasurer’s report showed $2,954.71.

Old Business:

Jessa gave a report on the steer weigh-in.

Isaac and Hannah Klindworth gave a report on the skating party in January. Their family was the only one that could attend due to other conflicts and the bad roads.

Hannah and Isabella Van Voast gave a report on winter project day.

Modesty gave a report on officer training.

New Business:

County communication day is March 3 in Chinook. Sign up by March 1.

Seed Show is March 7 – 9. The Seed Show booth committee is Jessa, Hannah R, Natalie and Modesty.

There is a ski trip scheduled for the 11 – 13 year old group February 23 at Showdown.

The meeting was adjourned.

After the meeting Hannah Van Voast gave a demonstration on “Dog Agility” and Isabella gave a demonstration on “How to give your dog a shot.” After the demonstrations, we filled Valentine treat bags for the residents of Little Rockies Senior Apartments. Members delivered the gift boxes to the apartments

Submitted by Isabella Van Voast