We've Got The County Covered

Harlem Library

Today, January 29, the library board of trustees will hold their regular meeting at 4:30 in the library meeting room.

The Book Club is currently reading “The Five Wishes of Mr. Murray McBride” by Joe Siple and meets Mondays at 4 P.M.

If you have completed the January Book Challenge, please contact the library to have your name entered in the drawing to win a gift certificate from a local business. The Book Challenge for February is to read a book that reminds you of home.

February is Love Your Library month. To celebrate, the library is hosting the third annual “Love Chocolate...Love Your Library!” party Thursday, February 13 between 4:00 and 6:00 P.M. Activities include Chocolate Temptations for people to sample, Chocolate Fondue, Decorated Baked Goods (cakes, cookies, cupcakes, etc.) to vote on, vendors selling Chocolate Confections, photo booth, and Valentine Cards to make and take.

Vendors should contact the library to reserve a table. There is no cost for a table, but there is only room for six vendors. We need people to submit baked goods decorated in a Valentine or library theme for the public to vote on. If you would like to donate baked chocolate goodies such as cookies, bars, mini-cupcakes, etc. for sampling, please contact the library. Volunteers are also needed to assist with the event.

The community of Harlem has been chosen to participate in the Reimagining Rural program sponsored by MSU Extension and the Montana Community Foundation. Reimagining Rural is a program to increase volunteer engagement in rural communities. Three in-person gatherings will be held Tuesdays in February for community members, volunteers, and leaders to watch rural-focused speakers via Zoom. Following the speakers, participants will discuss the ideas they heard and how these ideas could be applied in our community.

The Reimagining Rural meetings will be held at the Harlem Public Library February 4th, 11th, and 18th from 6:00 - 8:00 P.M.

The three topics covered will be Trends in Rural Montana, Small Town Success Stories, and Turning Civic Apathy into Community Pride. Everyone is invited to join in the conversation! For more information, please contact the Blaine County MSU Extension Office at 406-357-3200.

“The Hidden Book” by Kirsty Manning is a historical fiction novel based on an inspiring true story of courage and determination in World War II. Prisoners of war risk their lives to secure evidence of Nazi atrocities and one man conceals the evidence for decades before passing it on to his family.

Karen Rose is the author of “Buried Too Deep.” Phineas Bishop is employed as a security guard of Broussard Investigations in New Orleans. He is working through PTSD episodes from his army service while still using his military skills. A violent break-in at the office causes the eyes of the New Orleans Police Department to focus on Phin, as he resolves to track down the intruder and clear his name.

“Trust the Whisper” by Kathy Izard is a non-fiction selection containing true stories that help you connect with God’s guidance in your life. Izard helps you ask the right questions, trust your intuition, be powerfully present, and embrace the unexpected.

Catherine Ryan Hyde has written “Rolling Toward Clear Skies.” Maggie Blount puts her private medical practice on hold to go to Louisiana to aid with the aftermath of a level five hurricane. There she bonds with two sisters and their puppy, all orphaned by the storm. Maggie determines to take them home with her. But Maggie’s two teen daughters resent the intrusion and soon the blended family is in chaos.

Other new selections include “I Think I Was Murdered” by Colleen Coble and Rick Acker, “Identity Unknown” by Patricia Cornwell, and “Legacy of Blood” by Heather Graham.