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Escape to Lewistown for Montana Winter Fair

January in Montana is often cold, gray, and sometimes downright miserable. To bring a measure of relief from winter’s monotony, Lewistown plays host to Montana Winter Fair. This year’s event will be held from Thursday through Sunday, January 27-30. With everything from a Western Expo Trade Show to a Fiber Arts Workshop and even a Stick Horse Rodeo, the event promises entertainment for all ages. Event organizers are calling it a great cure for cabin fever.

Montana Winter Fair draws participation from residents as well as those beyond the state’s borders. During this time when the winter wheat is sleeping and before calving and lambing begins, we pause to observe Montana’s world-class agricultural production and the western way of life. Those who participate join the farming and ranching community to celebrate the agricultural lifestyle.

With roots of origin tracing back to 1946, Montana Winter Fair 2022 will feature such attractions as livestock judging contests, cook-offs, bake-offs, quilt shows, skijoring, and a number of special events. Among those are a Savor the Flavors of Montana promotion and a State-Wide Ag Ambassador Competition.

Aligned with the mission of Montana Winter Fair, Savor the Flavors celebrates Montana agriculture by promoting the diversification and versatility of Montana farmers and ranchers. Scheduled for Friday, January 28, the gustatory experience promises to feature a variety of meats, sides, breads, pastas, soups, appetizers, and desserts paired with Montana’s specialty beverages. All of these palate pleasers have been produced using Montana-grown ingredients.

Tickets for this event are available online or at the Lewistown Art Center. Anyone seeking additional information about Savor the Flavors can find it on the Montana Winter Fair website or by contacting Superintendent Chris Cooler by phone (406-366-2606) or email (chris@westwindweb.com).

Another highlight, the Ag Ambassador Competition is open to junior high and high school students from across Montana. The contest focuses on a central idea each year, and speakers create their communication materials around that topic. The 2022 topic is Agriculture in a Changing World. First place prize is $1,000, with the second place speaker receiving $500, and the third place winner being awarded $250.

To be held virtually on January 29, the Ag Ambassador Contest encourages youth to showcase their communication skills. As the competition’s contestants tell the story of agriculture through the medium of their choice—whether newspaper, radio, social media, interview, or prepared speech—they not only sharpen their communication skills but also their marketing and public speaking aptitudes.

For more information on this event, interested persons are invited to inquire with Superintendent Emily Standley. Standley can be reached by calling 406-396-5418 or emailing emily.standley1@montana.edu.

A full schedule of events for Montana Winter Fair is available online at montanawinterfair.com.

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