We've Got The County Covered

Chinook Senior Center

Greetings From the Senior Center!

It has been a HOT week, around here, but we are staying cool, inside with activities that bring people together for food, fun, fellowship & laughter.

We had the most wonderful turnout for our Pie Social! We had about 90 fabulous people here to enjoy all of the wonderful pies! It was so nice to have the support of our community! Thank you, to all! Just in case you missed this one, there will be another one, in the future. We are currently working on an Ice Cream Social day & will let you know in advance when that is planned.

Don’t forget our Wed., August 23rd Picnic in the Park which will include Fried Chicken, Potato Salad, Watermelon & Cookies! Call the us day before PLEASE at 357-2648 so that we know you will be joining us.

We are getting many people signed up for our upcoming CORNHOLE & BILLIARD leagues, which will begin in September. Stay tuned for details. Every once in a while, we decide that it is simply too hot outside for fun, so we make some calls & grab some Pinochle players! Let us know if you are a Pinochle player by calling us, please.

We are so delighted to see our number of people growing for our meals, as well as our activities. We will have “Guest Chef’s” cooking wonderful menu items from August 7th thru August 18th! Due to these temporary changes, we will be taking an adventure with our meal plan. We will be glad to tell you, each morning, if you call before 9:00 & ask what our menu is for the day. Please bear with us as me make these necessary changes. You won’t be disappointed!

We have been partnering with One Health Clinic to create a solution to provide rides to people in our community for MEDICAL appointments. Sarah, from our local One Health Clinic has assured me that people are able to call her at 357-2294 & ask for SARAH, the day before you need your transportation. She has been in contact with North Central MT Transit, who is currently providing those services. Your appointments can be out of town, if you call ahead to make arrangements with her. This is wonderful news! Thanks to Sarah for her help with this much needed service! You are also able to get rides to other medical facilities.

Cribbage is every Tuesday at 1:00, Bingo is every Thursday at 1:00, Music by Brad, Roger & Elaine (and sometimes Dave) every Friday from 10:00 –2:00. See you all here, at the Chinook Social Senior Center, where the coffee is always on, the Ice Tea is ready & friends & fellowship can be found each & every day!

Stay inside on these really hot days & stay hydrated!