Sorted by date Results 26 - 50 of 205
Wally and Loretta Beck attended the Big Flat Grocery shareholder meeting in Turner Tuesday evening. Anita Reed and Diana Maloney took Jane Krass to a doctor appointment on Tuesday. Loretta and Wally Beck visited at the Darwin and Betty Zellmer home Thursday morning, and then on to Havre where they met up with Beatrice Kane. They enjoyed lunch together at Murphy’s. Susan Billmayer attended a 4-H Foundation meeting in Chinook on Thursday afternoon. Diana Maloney and Anita Reed helped Jane Krass throughout the week with chores. Wally and L...
Services were held at Silverbow, Wing, and Turner Cemetery on Monday for Memorial Day. They were well attended even with the cool, windy conditions. The Legion Auxiliary served a potluck lunch afterwards. Jane Krass’ Great Grandson Davion Reed graduated from High School in Las Vegas on Tuesday. Grandma Cindy Reed flew down for the graduation. Wally and Loretta Beck attended the Memorial Day services and potluck at the Legion Hall Monday. Anita Reed and Diana Maloney took Jane Krass to her doctor appointment in Chinook on Tuesday. Some of J...
Jim Billmayer will be celebrating his 94th birthday on May 7th. He would enjoy getting some greeting cards from his friends. Please send to 155-34th Ave W; Apt. 7; Havre, MT 59501-6022. Susan Billmayer visited Saturday with Jane Krass, Diana Maloney, and Anita and Brooke Reed at Jane’s. Gene Billmayer attended the Big Flat Cemetery meeting at the Catholic Church last Monday. Hilary and Hannah Richman were out Sunday afternoon to visit with Jane Krass. Turner Track teams participated in meets this past week, the High School in Whitewater T...
Susan and Gene Billmayer and Eric and Karyn Billmayer attended the Seder supper in Turner at the Lutheran Church on Thursday evening. Wally and Loretta Beck attended the Missoula Children’s Theatre production “Little Red Riding Hood” in Turner on Saturday. The kids did a wonderful job! Brenda and Terry Mohar went to Harlem for Easter to spend the day with Misty and Dusty Mohar and family. Susan Billmayer had Easter dinner at Zurich Park and Gene spent the day with his parents and family in Havre. Loretta and Wally Beck were Easter guests at th...
Merrilyn Billmayer and Loretta Beck were among those who attended the Tri-Parish council meeting at the Lutheran Church in Turner on Sunday. Dalton Cornell, Ed Zellmer, and Gene and Susan Billmayer also were Hogeland members who attended. Jane Krass hosted a belated birthday party at her home on Saturday for Linda Hauge and Susan Billmayer. Diana Maloney, Anita and Brooke Reed, Hilary, Hannah, and Natalie Richman, as well as Linda and Susan attended. Linda Hauge and Anita Reed visited Jane Krass on Tuesday, and they celebrated Linda’s b...
Susan Billmayer visited with Jane Krass on Friday morning. Susan and Gene Billmayer were in Harlem on Saturday visiting with Jim and Helen Billmayer and attending the Montana Seed Show meeting and dinner. Susan Billmayer visited with Marna Strzelczyk in Harlem on Wednesday afternoon. Sharon Goodrich visited Jane Krass on Tuesday afternoon. Susan and Gene Billmayer attended the Hogeland Volunteer Fire Department dinner on Sunday evening. Hilary and Hannah Richman, Diana Maloney, and Anita and Brooke Reed visited Jane Krass on Saturday morning....
Susan Billmayer visited with Jane Krass on Friday morning. Susan and Gene Billmayer were in Harlem on Saturday visiting with Jim and Helen Billmayer and attending the Montana Seed Show meeting and dinner. Susan Billmayer visited with Marna Strzelczyk in Harlem on Wednesday afternoon. Sharon Goodrich visited Jane Krass on Tuesday afternoon. Susan and Gene Billmayer attended the Hogeland Volunteer Fire Department dinner on Sunday evening. Hilary and Hannah Richman, Diana Maloney, and Anita and Brooke Reed visited Jane Krass on Saturday morning....
Gene and Susan Billmayer were in Havre on Tuesday for a dentist appointment and visited with Jim and Helen Billmayer at Timber Creek. Carol Klindworth spent Friday-Monday watching Liam Mariani while his parents, Shawn and Kelsey, went to Vegas. Jessica Klindworth made a nice dinner Saturday for Morgan’s birthday. Duane, Liam, and Carol were guests and had a nice time. Linda Hauge, Diana Maloney, and Anita and Brooke Reed visited Jane Krass throughout the week. Brooke was on Spring Break from college this past week. Lunch guests at the Wally B...
The Big Flat Catholic Church will hold their Spring Dinner this Sunday, March 20, from 12:00-2:00 p.m. A turkey dinner with all the trimmings will be served. Come out and enjoy a great meal! Crystal Grabofsky came over to help her mom and dad, and Loretta and Crystal enjoyed canning stewed tomatoes on Wednesday. Aislinn Heath was at Terry and Brenda Mohar's home this weekend for her birthday. Colter and Corbin Mohar stayed overnight on Friday. On Saturday, a birthday party was held for Aislin. Misty, Dusty, and Steven Mohar joined them for the...
The Big Flat Catholic Church will hold their Spring Dinner on Sunday, March 20, from 12:00-2:00 p.m. A turkey dinner with all the trimmings will be served. Come out and enjoy a great meal! Wally and Loretta Beck attended the Big Flat Post 109 Legion Birthday Dinner on Monday evening. Carol Klindworth had a nice family lunch in Havre for her birthday on Saturday. Her mom, cousins, daughters, and daughter-in-law, as well as some of the grandkids, joined her to help her celebrate. It was fun to get together and visit. Susan Billmayer, Diana...
Dinner guests at the Wallace Beck home on Monday were Mike and Crystal Grabofsky, Levi Hawley, and Shawn Beck. On Saturday, Morgan and Jessica Klindworth hosted a 3rd birthday party for Max at the Bounce-On-In. The kids had a great time. Loretta Beck went to Great Falls on Tuesday for her second cataract surgery and was an overnight guest at the Sherwood home. Dale and Laura and Loretta enjoyed lunch together before Loretta headed home on Wednesday. Ed Snider was a visitor at the Wallace Beck home on Saturday. On Friday, Kelsey and Liam...
Anita and Lucas Reed visited Jane Krass last Monday morning. Loretta Beck and Crystal Grabofsky went to Great Falls on Monday. While there, they had lunch with Laura Sherwood at Boston’s. Wally and Loretta Beck went to Havre on Tuesday and stopped to visit Darwin and Betty Zellmer on the way home. Susan and Gene Billmayer were in Great Falls this week for medical appointments. Shirley Bickford, sister of Dick Hamilton, passed away this week as well as Gladys Beck Morris (Florence’s sister). Both gals were aunts to the Hamilton family, and sym...
Wally and Loretta Beck attended Harley Jo’s 10th birthday party at the Shawn Beck home Sunday along with several other friends and family. Hannah and Hilary Richman were out Sunday afternoon to help mom, Jane Krass, and visit. Hannah made strawberry shortcakes to enjoy while there. Anita Reed and Diana Maloney visited and helped mom, Jane Krass, during the week. Anita and Bridget Reed and Crystal and Holly Grabofsky attended the County Spelling Bee in Chinook on Wednesday. Congratulations to Bridget who placed 2nd. Senior Night was c...
Susan and Gene Billmayer visited Jim and Helen Billmayer Friday in Havre. Susan Billmayer visited Jane Krass Sunday after church. She delivered Valentines cookies from the Hogeland WELCA. Sympathy is extended to Elissa and Jordan Zellmer and family of Lee Mason who passed away last week. Come out and enjoy the last two home basketball games in Turner this Friday and Saturday. The Tornadoes will play Big Sandy on Friday and North Star on Saturday. Anita Reed, Diana Maloney, Hilary and Hannah Richman, and Denise Watkins visited Jane Krass this...
Carol and Duane Klindworth went to Billings on Friday to attend Ashley’s nurse pinning ceremony at MSU-Billings. They celebrated at Red Lobster with family afterwards. Congratulations, Ashley! Susan and Gene Billmayer attended the Christmas church program at the Turner Lutheran Church Sunday. Sharon Goodrich visited and had tea with Jane Krass on Monday. A large crowd attended the Christmas program at the Turner School on Thursday night. It was an enjoyable evening! Loretta Beck and Merrilyn Billmayer attended the Booster Club meeting at the T...
Brian and Lynette Sallee and Darel Hauge visited Jane Krass last Friday morning. Brandon Beck and Danielle Gard were lunch guests at the Wally Beck home on Monday. Wally and Loretta Beck took in the Junior High Basketball games in Gildford this past week. Cooper and Lucy Grabofsky came home with them from the games Friday night and stayed through Sunday afternoon. Crystal Grabofsky came to pick them up and they had lunch together on Sunday. Merrilyn Billmayer and Loretta Beck attended the All Parish Council Meeting in Harlem on Sunday...
Wally and Loretta Beck went to Great Falls on Tuesday for doctor appointments, and also enjoyed lunch with Laura and Dale Sherwood. Susan Billmayer visited Marna Strzelczyk Wednesday afternoon in Harlem at her home. Anita Reed took Jane Krass to Havre on Tuesday for appointments. Mike, Crystal, Cassidy, Holly, Cooper, and Lucy Grabofsky spent Saturday afternoon at Grandma and Grandpa Beck’s taking care of the deer that the girls got on their hunt. School dismissed Wednesday for MEA break. Some families took mini-vacations while others worked in...
Susan and Gene Billmayer were in Great Falls Tuesday and Wednesday for medical appointments. Anita Reed took Jane Krass to Havre on Wednesday for doctor appointments. Brandon Beck and Danielle Gard were lunch guests at Grandma and Grandpa Beck’s on Friday. Susan and Gene Billmayer attended a cattle meeting Thursday afternoon in Chinook. Diana Maloney and Hilary, Hannah, and Natalie Richman visited Jane Krass on Sunday. Hannah made brownies and Diana and Hilary decorated for Halloween. Susan Billmayer visited Saturday morning with Jane Krass a...
Brenda and Terry, Dusty, Colter, Corbin, and Steven Mohar and Aislin Jones went to Big Sandy to the Pumpkin Patch on Saturday. Darwin Zellmer and Rich and Elden Gerke stopped by the Wallace Beck home for a brief long-distance visit on Wednesday. Susan Billmayer went to the 4-H Foundation meeting in Chinook on Thursday. Rich and Elden Gerke of Wisconsin have been in the area visiting, after their visit in the Yaak with Wynn and Shirley Zellmer. While they were here, they were houseguests of Darwin and Betty Zellmer in Harlem. They spent the day...
Susan and Gene Billmayer went to Chinook on Thursday, and stopped to visit Marna Strzelcyk in Harlem on the way home. They picked crab apples with Marna as well. Carol Klindworth visited her mom, Betty Hay, in Havre and helped her with a few things. Diana Maloney, Linda Hauge, and Anita Reed visited Jane Krass throughout the week. On Friday, Annie and Carol Klindworth took the kids to the Carnival and Parade in Turner. Susan Billmayer visited Jane Krass on Wednesday. Linda Hauge also visited at Jane’s that day. Cindy Reed of Billings visited m...
Gene and Susan Billmayer attended the Big Flat Electric meeting on Thursday evening in Malta. Morgan and Jessica Klindworth and kids were visitors at Duane and Carol Klindworth’s home for the weekend. Matt and Annie Klindworth and kids visited as well. Carol’s sister Nancy and their mom, Betty Hay, visited on Saturday for the day. Gene and Susan Billmayer attended the burial service for Kristi Billmayer on Sunday afternoon, and later had dinner at Shannon and Alan Van Voast’s home in Turner. Terry and Brenda Mohar attended a Carda family reuni...
Jordan, Elissa, Caleb, Brady, and Gracie Zellmer attended the wedding of their niece/cousin Melissa Hiniker and Garrett Lee this past weekend in Hogeland. Congratulations to the newlyweds! Sympathy is extended from the Big Flat community to the family of Eloise Nace who passed away recently. Susan Billmayer and Linda Hauge were over to visit Jane Krass on Thursday. The Hogeland Lutheran ladies were busy Friday morning making salads and beans for the wedding reception on Saturday. Several ladies and gentlemen helped serve the food on Saturday....
Susan Billmayer attended the 4-H Livestock Sale in Chinook on Saturday. The Hogeland WELCA wedding committee met on Monday to plan the meal for the upcoming Hiniker-Lee wedding. Jim, Helen, and Susan Billmayer were in Chinook and Havre on Thursday for dental appointments. While in Chinook, Helen got to visit Connie Anderson. Loretta Beck visited Shirley Keller at her home on Wednesday morning. Linda Hauge, Diana Maloney, and Anita Reed and girls visited and helped out Jane Krass throughout the week. Hilary Richman visited Sunday and brought a...
Sharon Goodrich visited Jane Krass on Thursday afternoon bringing fresh cookies for lunch. Loretta Beck visited Kathy Zellmer at the Zellmer home on Saturday. Susan Billmayer judged flowers and vegetables in Dodson at the Phillips County Fair Friday. Anita Reed and girls went to Billings Monday and Tuesday for Brooke’s appointment and stayed with sister, Cindy Reed, while there. Linda Hauge took mom, Jane Krass, to Chinook on Tuesday for an appointment. Brooke Reed took Helen and Jim Billmayer to Mark and Betty Billmayer’s for dinner on Fri...
Helen and Susan Billmayer were in Havre on Wednesday for doctor appointments and had lunch at the Mark Billmayer home in Chinook. Jim and Helen Billmayer had lunch at the Alan Van Voast home on Friday. Linda Petrie visited her parents, Jim and Helen Billmayer, on Sunday. Susan Billmayer was to Billings on Monday to get a generator repaired. Diana Maloney and Anita Reed took Jane Krass to Havre on Tuesday for doctor appointments. Hilary Richman and girls visited Jane Krass on Sunday afternoon. Kathy, Elissa, and Gracie Zellmer attended Melissa H...