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The crew of Jackson Contracting Group began the process of replacing two lines of huge open-topped tanks that remove sediment from water at the Chinook water treatment plant Last week. The large tanks were built in Manchester, Tennessee and hauled, two per load, to the plant site for installation. The tanks were delivered two at a time for a combined total of around 30,000 pounds. Each tank weighs between 14 and 17 tons. There are two lines of the tanks. One set of old tanks was removed a...
Teenagers have joined forces with other teens and scientists across the United States as part of “National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week” (NDAFW). The week-long health observance, organized by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), both part of the National Institutes of Health, takes place Monday, January 25th through Sunday, January 31st. NDAFW celebrates the inquisitive minds of teens by giving them a space (virtual or physical) to ask questions about drugs and alcohol and...
The St. Mary Rehabilitation Working Group met on January 12, 2016 in Havre to discuss the their upcoming meeting with their water firm, Water Strategies, and hear updates on maintenance work being performed by the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR). The Work Group discussed the water situation with snow pack at 72% of normal and soil moisture at 98% of normal. There is time to see what El Nino has in store for the watershed. The St. Mary/Milk River is a part of the growing infrastructures needs in the US. The American Society of Civil Engineers...
Blaine County Undersheriff Frank Billmayer presented "internet safety for parents," a program to help parents be aware of dangers to kids using the internet, to about 40 people last week in Chinook. The audience included parents of school age children, grandparents, and young parents with babes in arms. Billmayer is a member of the Montana Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force. Much of the presentation was based on information from investigations and prosecutions carried out by the...
The 2016 cast of “Aladdin” poses for a photo call after their second and final performance on Saturday in Chinook. There were 64 actors, three technical assistants, a pianist, two Missoula Children’s Theatre directors and a large number of volunteers who made the two performances a memorable experience for the young actors and the appreciative audiences....
How little is little? In this case, little means age two but not yet two and a half, and four, but not yet four and a half. The girl is older. Parents were not on the scene; this was an overnight with Grandma. Grandpa was out of town, but Grandma is brave. Two is too young for some children of two to spend the night away from parents but somehow this little boy can do it. Grandma had had the foresight to stop at the craft store before picking up Alice and Edward Saturday afternoon. After mud, modelling clay, Silly Putty, and Play-Doh, now...
Let’s get one thing out in the open right away. There is no such thing as wind chill numbers unless you are going to school, work or the grocery store buck naked. For wind chill is the measurement of the wind on bare skin. If it was any good it would be used in summer as well. Can you imagine the weatherman telling you to dress warm today because even though it is eighty above, it is only sixty due to the wind chill! It is hogwash and not to be believed. I have been trying to debunk this craziness for over fifty years now and have to admit, I...
The Blaine County Library Board of Trustees will hold their regular monthly meeting today at 2:00 p.m. in the library meeting room. Story Time is Tuesday mornings at 10:30 a.m. All kids are welcome to join whatever fun things Kelsey has planned. LEGO Club is Tuesday afternoons from 3:30 to 4:30 and is open to grades K though 6. Middle School Hangout for February is scheduled for Thursday February 11 at 3:30 p.m. There will be ping pong, Wii, board games, crafts and food! The Middle School Hangout is for kids in grades 6 through 8. We have a...
At the end of the annual meeting, just before the prayer of dismissal, the pastor turned to Jeremiah 29 and read to the congregation: “Surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.” I wonder how many times in the past 2600 years this passage has thrilled and inspired God’s people. People are often reminded that God has a plan. He has a plan for each individual life and he has a plan for the people collectively, as a whole, as a Church. In this case, most of the peopl...
I’ve always been fascinated with the Old Testament, and how the experiences of God’s people in those ancient pages grant us insight and direction into our own life’s spiritual journey. The New Testament writer Paul declares in 1 Corinthians 10:11-12 “Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction….,” Speaking about the exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt. Their journey began after the God of Heaven brought 10 horrible plagues against the Egyptians to show both the Israelites and the Egyptians that t...
Reporter's note: Nita Jergeson called asking if I'd like to do a story about an old nativity set on display at St. Gabriel's Church in Chinook. I was interested and went the Sunday after New Years to see the nativity set. I was expecting a table top small statues around a stable, like most nativity sets I'd seen in other churches. This set was made up of figures that were displayed on the floor because of their size. It was a large, spectacular scene with all the figures associated with a...
Johannas, Shannon, J.R. and Jake Brown went to Swift Current, Sask. over the weekend to attend a Kamut International annual dinner. It was there that they were honored for their Organic KAMUT grains. Some may wonder just what exactly Kamut is? Well, Kamut is an ancient grain that has a rich flavor and produces a wonderful flour and can be baked in a vast number of ways. Johannas Brown and his family are organic farmers on the Big Flat. They were fortunate to receive this award for the second...
Glenna Ammen has returned from a three week visit to Colorado to visit her daughter and son-in-law, Sheena and Robert Binder. Bill and Mary Hake enjoyed watching the basketball game on Friday. Don and Bonnie Harmon were to both sets of basketball this weekend; one in Turner and the next day to Fort Benton. They rode to Fort Benton with Julie and Isley Welsh. Denise Watkins was to Fort Benton this Saturday for the basketball games. Max Cederberg was to Billings for a couple days where he took care of medical concerns. Get Well, Max!! Linda and...
Hogeland Lutheran Church will meet at 9:50 am the next few months. Susan Billmayer attended knitting class on Monday. Hilary Richman, Anita Reed and Linda Hauge were out to see Dad and Mom Krass on Tuesday. Hilary made dinner for them. Matt and Annie Klindworth got away on a little vacation to Las Vegas for a few days this past week. Issac and Hannah stayed with Grandma Carol and Grandpa Duane while they were gone. Harlan and Jane were to Chinook on Wednesday for Harlan to renew his drivers ‘license. Diana Maloney was over to see them after s...
The Turner Tornadoes are celebrating Homecoming this week. Activities are planned for each day of the week and will culminate with the Coronation during halftime of the boys game Thursday against Dodson. The daily schedule is as follows; Monday - Pajama Day, Tuesday - Super Hero Day, Bonfire/Pep Rally at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday - Favorite team day, Parents vs. players scrimmage 6:00 p.m. Thursday, Green and White day. Basketball, Thursday night, girls at 6:00 p.m., boys at 7:30 p.m. Float...
The ROARing students for the third week in January are both students in Ms. Brown's fifth grade class, Maciah Talks Different, and Sequoia Beaumont. Maciah and Sequoia have demonstrated they are worthy to join the ROAR roster by demonstrating Respect, Organization, Safety, and Responsibility. Harlem Elementary is very proud of these two young ladies!...
Turner Students recently had a poetry contest in their English classes. They competed to earn a spot in the "school" competition that was held this past Thursday in the Turner Art Room of the school. Six individuals and one class participated in the competition. After reciting their poems, the winners were declared and given a wonderful gift of a Turner Tornado blanket and a chance to move on to the next round of competition to be held later in Helena. Those participating in the school...
February is Library Lovers Month! When you stop by the library fill out a heart with the name of your Literary Valentine ( a book character you love!). Your name will be entered into a drawing and you may win a basket of fabulous prizes! Did you finish your all-time favorite book for the January Book Challenge? Contact the library with the title and we will enter your name into the drawing for a gift certificate from a local business. The challenge for February is to read a young adult novel. The library has a great selection of young adult...
Six members of the Chinook High School Speech and Drama team placed at the Class C Divisional Tournament held last weekend in Cut Bank. Three will move on to the Class C State Tournament in Ennis this coming weekend. Tyler Ortner was the Divisional Lincoln-Douglas Debate Champion. Elizabeth Hodgson and Cortney Gunderson placed fifth in the Classical Duo competition. Their place allows them to compete at in the State Tournament. Three others ‘Beeters placed: Chase Lenz, eighth place Humorous Solo; Steven Mulonet, ninth place, Humorous Oral I...
February is soon upon us and we have a very busy schedule planned for the month at the center. We have our new menu out, so stop by and get one or pick one up when you come in for a delicious cinnamon roll on Thursday mornings. If you want more than 6, please order a week ahead of time. We are in the process of setting up a new class called Senior Exercise starting on Thursday, Feb. 4 at 10 a.m. Carmen Van Voast from Spring Back Therapy will be instructing this activity. We will have a sign up sheet and are looking for participants. Come try...
What Happened in history on January 16th? On 3-23-1977, The Mini-Series "Roots"... debuted on ABC TV... it became the single most-watched program in American history This Week's Dining Pleasures Jan. 27: Salad Bar Jan. 28: Roasted Chicken Jan.29: Breakfast Meal Jan. 30: Beef Stroganoff Birthdays to Celebrate January - February Ardis Hewitt - Jan. 31 Ione Schilling - Feb. 1 Tom Ragsdale - Feb. 2 Please check out the colorful art in the Activity Room on the refrigerator. Our coloring gals are...
It has been a very busy time at the Aaniiih Nakoda College. Spring semester has started with 131 students attending classes. This is a significant semester for many who will be graduating in May. “ANC continually improves its efforts to promote post-secondary education for all our community members along the hi-line. We are here for the students and will do everything we can to help them reach their academic goals,” President Carole Falcon-Chandler stated in a recent general assembly. STUDENTS STUDY ABROAD Last semester Dan Kinsey, ANC Env...
Chris Maloney farms and ranches east of Turner. The Maloney's have two children still at home. Last week Maloney spoke at the monthly meeting of the Cancer Group. He's a cancer survivor and told his story of despair and hope to fellow cancer survivors, caregivers and friends and relatives of those touched by cancer. The Cancer Group meets monthly at the Chinook Senior Center. Chris Maloney's story Maloney said he was diagnosed with testicular cancer four and a half years ago, just before his...
The Chinook Sugarbeeters and Hays/Lodge Pole Thunderbirds have played some classic down to the wire, momentum changing basketball games the past few seasons and last Thursday nights contest was no different. The one thing neither team has done is win on their home court. A year ago the teams split their regular season match ups with each winning on the others floor. Chinook defeated the Thunderbirds in Hays back in late December and the Thunderbirds were looking for history to repeat itself...
The 'Beeters came out firing on all cylinders Saturday in Big Sandy Saturday taking control early in a dominate effort and rolling to a 75-23 District 9C conference win to improve to 6-3 in conference play and 9-3 overall. Freshman Derek Bell converted two free throws two start the game. Following a layup from Junior Kyler Johnson. Bell would grab his own miss and score at the rim for a quick 6-0 Chinook lead. While Bell missed his first two attempts from the field the freshman would convert...