Chinook School Board hold Special Meeting


September 7, 2016

A special session of the Chinook School Board was held Tuesday, August 30. Chairwoman Miller called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm at the Chinook High School Title I room. She asked everyone to rise and pledge allegiance to flag. Present were Board members Ernest Johnsonn, Scott DePriest, Pauly Miller, Mark Harshman, Joel Pruttis, Scott Gunderson and Mike Copenhaver. Viki Tilleman was excused.

New Business

First the Board considered Certified/Classified Contracts; Janelle Downs sixth grade; Mr. Hannum recommends to approve hiring. No discussion took place and a motion to approve was made by Trustee Pruttis and seconded by Trustee Gunderson. Camia Edwards – SE Aide; Mr. Hannum recommends to approve hiring. No discussion took place and a motion to approve was made by Trustee Gunderson and seconded by Trustee Pruttis. Erica Smith – SE Aide; Mr. Hannum recommends to approve hiring. No discussion took place and a motion to approve was made by Trustee Gunderson and seconded by Trustee Pruttis. Moses Deanon - Office Assistance, Elementary Aide, Title I. Mr. Hannum recommends to approve hiring. No discussion took place and a motion to approve was made by Trustee Gunderson and seconded by Trustee Pruttis. Nellie Jo Nicholson - Clerk. Mr. Hannum recommends to approve hiring. No discussion took place and a motion to approve was made by Trustee Johnson and seconded by Trustee Pruttis.

The Board then revisited the final budget hearing. Elementary District #10; Mr. Hannum discussed the overall budget details with emphasis on the overall general fund going up with a total decrease in two mills. The highlighted items were the increase in retirement and transportation funds and the decrease in the technology fund. Mr. Hannum recommended a motion to approve and was made by Trustee Pruttis and seconded by Trustee Gunderson.

High School District #10. Mr. Hannum discussed the overall High School budget with an increase in funding and a two mill increase. The areas of emphasis are the increase in transportation, retirement and technology budgets and a decrease in building reserve. Mr. Hannum recommends, a motion to approve was made by Trustee Pruttis and seconded by Trustee Gunderson.

Trustee Gunderson moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:06 pm with a second by Trustee Johnson, motion passed unanimously.


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