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Francis Bardanouve's service in the Montana Legislature is frequently described as historic. With the advent of term limits, his 36 years of service in the Montana House of Representatives will never be matched. He served during part or all of the service of eight Montana Governors, the sixth of whom had been his best man when Francis and Venus married. His legislative service straddled the adoption of the "new" Montana Constitution in 1972. His leadership of the House Appropriations Committee,...
At their meeting on Friday, January 21, members of the St. Mary/Milk River Working Group expressed great appreciation for Senator Jon Tester’s success in securing $100 million in the Bi-partisan Infrastructure Bill, which he helped negotiate, to jump-start the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the St. Mary/Milk River conveyance system, primarily the St. Mary Diversion Dam. Ever since the St. Mary/Milk River Working Group was first convened in 2001 by Lieutenant Governor Karl Ohs, little progress had been made to secure funding for the necess...
Though a technology unfamiliar to many, the Blaine County Democratic “Zoom” meeting with Secretary of State Candidate on August 19 was a success, according to Democratic Chairman Greg Jergeson. Participants got the chance to visit with Senator Bennett, and as an added bonus, his mother Kathe McPherson, who grew up in Chinook. Most of the conversation revolved around the primary responsibility of the Secretary of State’s office to work with County Clerk & Recorders to facilitate every citizen being able to exercise their right to vote. “Whet...
The Blaine County Democrats are pleased to sponsor an open house this Friday, March 13, at the home of Greg and Barb Jergeson, 6 to 9 P.M., featuring two Democratic candidates for State office, State Representatives Casey Schreiner and Shane Morigeau. Representative Schreiner is running for Lieutenant Governor with Gubernatorial candidate, Mike Cooney, who is our current Lieutenant Governor. Representative Morigeau is running for State Auditor, the office tasked with regulating the Insurance and Investment industries in Montana. The Jergeson...
The Blaine County Democrats are pleased to sponsor an open house this Saturday, September 14, at the home of Greg and Barb Jergeson, 2 to 4 P.M., featuring a leading candidate for Attorney General, State Representative Kim Dudik. The public is cordially invited to stop by and visit with Representative Dudik about her ideas for the Montana Department of Justice to better serve the residents of rural communities, in accordance with this year’s Sugar Beet Festival theme. The Jergeson home is located at 215 4th St. W in Chinook. “I’m pleased that...
The Blaine County Democratic Dinner on October 21 featuring Senator Jon Tester and Congressional candidate Kathleen Williams attracted a large crowd to Wallner Hall in Chinook. Seating was originally set to accommodate 100, but it became necessary to set up more tables in order to seat all attendees. Democratic Vice-chair Carol Elliot noted the attendance of more than 130 as "a great expression of support for our candidates in this election." Two young traditional native dancers, Taeshon...
Democratic candidate Kathleen Williams and U.S. Senator Jon Tester are looking forward to visiting about next steps to secure necessary funding for rehabilitating the St. Mary/Milk River project at the Blaine County Democratic Spaghetti Dinner this Sunday, October 21, at Wallner Hall in Chinook. The event is scheduled to begin at 5 P.M. Both Tester and Williams participated in a call-in discussion with the members of the St. Mary/Milk River Working Group on October 10th, as did their competitors in this year’s election. Kathleen Williams d...
The Blaine County Democrats are hosting a spaghetti dinner on Sunday, October 21 at 5 PM at the Wallner Hall in Chinook. Admission is by free will offering and everyone is welcome. According to Blaine County Democratic Vice-chair Carol Elliot, “We are pleased to announce that both United States Senator Jon Tester and U.S. House candidate Kathleen Williams have accepted our invitation to be the featured speakers at our dinner.” Senator Tester, from the nearby town of Big Sandy, is the only active farmer serving in the United States Senate. Whi...
About a year ago, I published an update in local papers about the plans by the Montana Department of Transportation to reconstruct the remaining 10 miles of US 2 between Chinook and Havre. This project, known as Lohman East & West, is still on schedule, with a bid letting date in the fall of 2019, and construction expected to begin in calendar year 2020. It remains the most expensive project in Transportation Commission District 3 in a five year period, and will have to be funded in two separate fiscal years. This project will replace the...
Story submitted by, Greg Jergeson Blaine County Democratic Vice-Chair Carol Elliot led a delegation of Blaine County Democrats on March 5 to the State Democratic Convention where Rob Quist from Creston was chosen as the party's nominee for the vacant congressional seat in Montana. A special election will be held on May 25 to replace Congressman Ryan Zinke who resigned to accept appointment as the US Secretary of Interior. Joining Carol Elliot of Chinook at the convention were State...