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Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is seeking public comment on proposals to stock bluegill into three different reservoirs in Region 6. The proposals include stocking bluegill into: Bailey Reservoir in Hill Co., a private reservoir that is managed as a Fishing Access Site by FWP. PR 054 Reservoir in Phillips Co., a BLM reservoir; Doucette Reservoir in Phillips Co., a BLM reservoir The bluegill will provide another angling opportunity and serve as a forage fish for existing gamefish populations such as largemouth bass (PR 054 and Doucette) and...
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, Region 6 For Immediate Release Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks hunter education course dates have been set for many areas across Region 6 and northeast Montana. All hunter education classes are free of charge. Many classes are being held prior to the May 1 application deadline for moose, sheep and goat, and June 1 for deer B, elk B, and antelope. In the next few months, classroom courses (for youth) are being held at the following sites, with the start date listed: Wolf Point: April 24 Circle: April 25 Havre:...
The Montana Fish & Wildlife Commission will meet Thursday, April 25, at FWP Headquarters in Helena. The commission meeting starts at 8:30 a.m. and will be streamed live via video to all FWP regional offices. The meeting will also be audio streamed online at The commission will make final decisions on the following topics: • Canyon Ferry no-wake zones • Statewide Fisheries Management Program & Guide • Amendments to administrative rule regarding the Bitterroot River Commercial Use Permit restrictions • Glendive Chamber of Commerc...
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, Region 6 For Immediate Release Montana's spring black bear hunting season opens April 15 and it's important for hunters to refresh themselves on tips for identifying the difference between black bears and grizzly bears. All black bear hunters are reminded that they must successfully complete Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks' bear identification test before purchasing a black bear license. Take the bear identification test online at; click the Education...
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, Region 6 For Immediate Release Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks and participating land owners will open some Block Management Areas (BMAs) for spring turkey hunting along the Milk River and in one area south of Zortman. Twelve areas will be open for the spring turkey season, beginning April 13, and running through May 19. Most of the properties are located along the Milk River between Hinsdale and Nashua. One additional property is located just south of Zortman in Goslin Flats, which is a portion of the Square...
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, Region 6 For Immediate Release The cold, snowy, late winter we’ve had in Region 6 has many citizens concerned about game birds such as pheasants, grouse, and partridge. Although these species are well adapted to make it through even tough winters, there is something landowners can do to help birds next winter- plant a food plot! Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks has two options to help landowners establish food plots for game birds: standing grain plots and NEW diverse seed mixes. Standing grain plots: For s...
For the third year, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Region 6 has a shoulder season that allows antlerless elk hunting with a specific B-license. The past two years, the shoulder season was two weeks long, but this year the season has been extended 15 days and will run from Dec. 15-Jan. 15, 2019. Elk licenses (general elk or B-licenses) valid during the archery and general seasons are not valid for the shoulder season in Region 6. Hunters must have previously applied for this opportunity during the June 1 license drawing, and received their...
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks has check stations in place across the Hi-Line to sample for Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in deer, elk and moose during the general hunting season. This is part of a planned surveillance effort, and FWP encourages hunters to help by submitting their harvested animals for testing. Last year, FWP discovered CWD in deer south of Billings and north of Chester. This contagious neurological disease can infect deer, elk and moose. It is always fatal and there is no known cure. Last week, a white-tailed buck harvested...
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, in a written agreement approved by the Fish and Wildlife Commission, worked with the Blue Ridge Ranch owner, Will Carlson, to allow limited public elk hunting on approximately 9,665 private land acres in hunting district (HD) 622 in southern Phillips Co. for the 2018 general elk season. This agreement was made possible under the 2016 House Bill 454 Hunting Access Agreement. Under the provisions of HB 454, FWP received the authority to issue either-sex or antlerless elk permits to approved landowners in...
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Hunter Education course dates have been set for a youth classroom course in Chinook, beginning on Mon., Oct. 8. The course will be held at the Blaine Co. Library Meeting Room. For youth to be eligible to hunt and be fully certified during the 2018 season, hunters must be 12-years old by January 16, 2019. Students aged 10 and 11 can take the course and hunt as an apprentice but will not be fully certified until the year they turn 12. All registrants for this event must be 10 years of age by the first day of...
Although most hunters respect the land, property, and wildlife they are hunting, many others do not. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks would like to remind hunters and all outdoor enthusiasts to be good stewards of the land, and respect both private and public property. The FWP Region 6 Citizens Advisory Committee, recognizing that this is an ongoing issue, raised the need for more public outreach. Every hunting season, there are reports of vandalizing of Block Management Area (BMA) boxes,...
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, Region 6 With our region of northeast Montana beginning to dry out and with the increasing threat of wildfires, hunters and other recreationists taking to the field must be aware of local fire restrictions and take precautions. Montana archery antelope hunters are already hunting with their 900-20 hunting licenses. Montana’s upland game bird season (and mourning doves) open Sept. 1, along with the archery-only hunting season for deer, elk, antelope, bighorn sheep, black bear, wolf and mountain lion. Hunters a...
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, Region 6 In response to dry, warm weather that could increase the danger of human-caused wildfires, under the recommendations of county officials, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks fishing access sites (FASs) and wildlife management areas (WMAs) are now under Stage 1 Fire Restrictions in Hill and Blaine counties. Both counties entered Stage 1 restrictions beginning at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, Aug. 10. County officials in those counties enacted the Stage 1 Restrictions, which ban campfires except where specifically...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Marc Kloker Information and Education Program Manager Communication-Education Division Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, Region 6 Reser Reservoir, a Bureau of Land Management (BLM) reservoir located approximately 18 miles northwest of Chinook, will be slowly drained throughout the summer due to structural damage at the dam. A small washout was observed this spring, and repair and maintenance to the dam is necessary to avoid a complete loss to the structure. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is working with BLM staff to...
For Immediate Release It has been a winter for the books in Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Region 6. After the summer of 2017 that was plagued by record drought conditions, the 2017-2018 winter will go down as the 2nd snowiest winter on record in Havre (92.5”) and the 3rd snowiest on record in Glasgow (63.2”) as of April 9. In addition, the month of February was the coldest on record since 1979, according to the National Weather Service. As we are finally moving into spring, many folks are wondering how a winter like this may affect small pon...
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks honored the service of its Region 6 Hunter and Bow Hunter Education volunteer instructors at the annual workshop, which was held on Saturday, March 24, in Wolf Point and on Sunday, March 25, in Havre. The workshop is an annual event that invites all the volunteer instructors across the region for a day filled with visiting, updates to the program, demonstrations of new equipment and ideas, and most importantly, honoring years of service. This was the first time...