Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 57
or the fresh veggies and flowers. Thank you Larry Wisch for attending the Sweet Medical Center Farmers Market and bringing back fresh veggies for the center. Thank you for all the books and puzzles this past week. We really appreciate all of the above generosities. If you are interested in applying for the Senior Center Director position please stop in and pick up an application. We are in need of kitchen volunteers for Tuesday each week. If you are interested please stop in and see Marlane. Pinochle high goes to Don Durocher and low goes to...
So much to say and so little room. First, we have yarn and lots of it. It is free or if you can make a donation that would be great. If you do not have any idea of what to make we can always use potholders, dish rags, etc here at the center and we could sell them for a fund raiser. Just ideas to consider. Then, the Center will need a new director as I have posted my resignation and will be done on August 23 last day. Please talk to and find that person in your sphere to come in and apply. The position is open until filled. Stop in at the...
It is hard to believe it is August already. School is going to start in a few weeks. The August calendar is out. Stop in and pick one up. Thank you for the food donation at the birthday bake raffle goes to Rochelle Wohlschlager, Mary Pyette. The birthday party for the end of August will be the 50/50 raffle come and join us on Friday the 30th. Coming up the Senior Center Board members will be serving an ice cream social on August 21 from 3 – 4:30. Stop in and have a sweet treat. The Hearing Clinic will be August 6. Jackpot Bingo winner was V...
There are some amazing things that happen in a small community when life does not go the way of expectation. Generosity of food in the name of full meals delivered to homes, money donations made on behalf of loved ones are a couple of things. There are so many things that go on behind the scenes unnoticed helping one another through the hard times. This small community of Chinook far exceeds the acts of kindness and generosity than many other communities. The Foot Clinic will be July 26. Call 265-4776 to schedule an appointment. The Hearing...
The annual Senior Citizen’s Center board meeting was on Friday the 12th. There were 2 board seats to be voted on. Tom Tilleman was re-elected and remains the Chairman. Lorraine Mulonet was elected replacing Ardis Conrad who was not running. We are grateful for Ardis’s commitment to the Senior Center and appreciate all she has done over the years. Thank you goes out for the donation of yarn that we received. It is in the office. See Marlane for more information. We also received salad fixings, hamburger buns, catsup, mustard, and french fri...
Since we were closed last Thursday we did not play Bingo. I hope you all had a good time getting together with fellow classmates and took in some of the fair. The annual senior citizen’s board meeting will be on the 12th at 11:30, with the election taking place to fill 2 positions whose terms are ending. Then at 1:00 the regular board meeting will be held. If you are interested in being on the board please come to the meeting at 11:30 to make your desire known. Our activities start at 1 p.m. and include Pinochle on Monday, Shanghai Rummy on T...
Thank you to the board members for helping with the cooking and serving and making our picnic on Friday a fun day. We are really blessed to have such a wonderful group of people that make the Senior Citizen’s Center a fun place to be. We are going to be closed Thursday and Friday the 4th and 5th of July. See you all on the 8th. Enjoy the fair and I hope you get to see some old friends this weekend during the all-class reunion. Black out for Bingo went to Anita Perez (Irene Bingo Gauthier’s daughter). We had 16 bingo players Thursday. Our act...
Summer fun has just begun. Stop in at the Center and share your experiences over a cup of coffee and a cookie. The foot clinic is June 17. If you are looking for a gift for that "Special" Dad, please consider a gift meal ticket from the center. We will also be having a special Father's Day meal on Friday, June 14. The Cancer Support Group meets on Tuesday, June 18. Stop by to nominate your Senior Citizen of the Year. We are also looking for Board Members if you are interested. Once again, it is...
Thank you for the food and flower donations this past week. We really appreciate all of you who think of us. Senior Center dues are coming due, renew the next time you are in. The Senior of the Year 2019 nominations have started. If you are interested in being on the Senior Center Board now is the time to get your name on the ballot. This past week’s winners for Bingo blackout were Ray Reid, Irene Gauthier, Maxine Harrison. Shanghai winner was Amy Smith Our activities start at 1 p.m. and include Pinochle on Monday, Shanghai Rummy on Tuesday, S...
A big thank you to guest chef Inez Halseth today. She is serving up Cheeseburger Soup. The marathon pinochle tournament has come to an end. High score went to the team of Cassie Morgan and Judy Chapman. Low score was earned by Meredy Phares and Marlane Wenzel. It was a good time. Pinochle on Friday high Mike Randall, low Virginia Olson. Bingo blackout Virginia Olson. Shanghai winner Lila Steffensmier. Our activities start at 1 p.m. and include Pinochle on Monday, Shanghai Rummy on Tuesday, Scrabble/board games, or other cards, Wednesday afterno...
Wow, that was quite the storm yesterday. Glad we did not get all the snow the weather forecasters had predicted. Coming up on Sunday May 3 is the party to end the marathon pinochle cards. We will start playing at 1. If you and or your team is unable to attend please call the center so we can get substitutes. Reminder the hearing clinic is May 7. A Plus Healthcare will be doing the foot clinic on May 13. There will be 2 nurses coming. We can double up on appointments. Call 265-4776 to schedule an appointment. The senior center board meeting...
How many of you are wondering where April went? This is the last full week and I am still waiting for the showers so we can have May flowers. In May, Jean is taking a vacation. If you are interested in being a guest chef and or just helping in the kitchen just let me know by calling 357-2648. So far, Wednesday the 8th has been spoken for. A Plus Healthcare will be doing the foot clinic on May 13. Unfortunately, they were not able to make it happen in April. They did hire a new nurse and she will be getting back to the schedule of the first...
I hope you are all doing well. This week we will be celebrating Easter with dinner on Friday. Please join us for ham and scalloped potatoes. A Plus Healthcare will be doing the foot clinic on May 13. Unfortunately, they were not able to make it happen in April. They did hire a new nurse and she will be getting back to the schedule of the first Monday of the month starting in June. Call 265-4776 to schedule an appointment. Pinochle high Myrla McCoy. Pinochle low Michael Schneider. Bingo blackout Amy Belle Smith. Our activities start at 1 p.m....
This lovely spring weather is energizing. I see lots of you out raking and mowing already. So nice to be outside again and I am looking forward to seeing all the flowers and pretty yards come back to life. Sunday May 5 we will be celebrating the end of the marathon pinochle games. Whist is scheduled for the 24th of April. A Plus Healthcare will be doing the foot clinic on May 13. Unfortunately, they were not able to make it happen in April. They did hire a new nurse and she will be getting back to the schedule of the first Monday of the month s...
Sunday May 5 we will be celebrating the end of the marathon pinochle games. I hope you are getting close to being done. I know my partner and I are almost done. It will be interesting to see the grand totals. The monthly Senior Citizen's board meeting will be April 8 at 1:00 p.m. here at the center. We have 2 board members whose terms are ending in June. If you are interested in running for one of these positions please let Marlane know so your name can be added to the ballot at election time....
The last week of March is here. Will the end of the month pass like a lamb? I did see some robins though. That is really exciting to see the birds returning. Friday we will be having the birthday dinner with this month being the bake raffle. Come and join us. Thank you to the Bob Tilleman family for the donation to the center. It is greatly appreciated. Pinochle high went to Rochelle Wohschlager and Marilyn Williamson, low went to Lila Steffensmier. Bingo black out winners were Virginia Olson and Michael Schneider. Next bingo is the jackpot...
This week we received a donation of puzzles and books. We always appreciate the new additions. The volunteers that put in the time and make the commitment to helping out at the Senior Center each week are real gems. Thank you all. Bingo winners totaled 3 black out winners this week, Don Durocher, Irene Wendeln and Irene Gauthier. The payout this week was a free meal ticket. Pinochle was played 2 tables of 4 and the high was Virginia Olson with the low being Mike Randall. Shang Hai winner with the lowest score was Mike Randall. Our cinnamon...
Hello everyone. We are in need of volunteers to take over and run the public card party the second Sunday of each month. If you are interested please call the Senior Center, 357-2648 for more information. We will be changing the menu on Thursday, March 14 from Sweet and Sour Pork to Taco Salad. Please note the change. Two black out winners this week in Bingo were Ray Reid and Virginia Olson. Congratulations. A rousing game of Shang Hai was played with 5 players and Don Durocher came out the winner. Our cinnamon rolls are set to raise on...
The last week of February has arrived and for a short month February sure packed a wallop. Thank you for the donation of Western Magazines and other books and puzzles that have arrived. Our cinnamon rolls are made on Wednesday so please call by Tuesday noon to order them. Thank you very much. Our activities start at 1 p.m. and include Pinochle on Monday, Shanghai Rummy on Tuesday, Scrabble/board games, Whist or other cards, or movie on Wednesday afternoons, Bingo on Thursday, and cards on Friday. The Kitchen Band plays on Fridays. We have...
Thank you to all of you that put so much time and effort to make the Senior Center a fun place to be. It is always fun to see everyone enjoying their time here. Our cinnamon rolls are made on Wednesday so please call by Tuesday noon to order them. Thank you very much. Our activities start at 1 p.m. and include Pinochle on Monday, Shanghai Rummy on Tuesday, Scrabble/board games, Whist or other cards, or movie on Wednesday afternoons, Bingo on Thursday, and cards on Friday. The Kitchen Band plays on Fridays. We have exercise equipment available...
Thank you for the memorials in honor of Bill Bilger. The foot clinic will be February 18 – note the change for this month only. Call 265-4776 for an appointment. Helen Stephens is having a birthday party here at the center on February 17th. It is her 90th birthday. Join in the fun of helping her celebrate. The Cancer Support Meeting will be on Tuesday 19th at 11:30. Join us for an informative meeting and lunch. Genealogy will also be held on the 19th but at 1:30. This week while we having cold weather be aware of your neighbor and check on o...
Tired of the cold and snow? Come up to the Senior Center and enjoy a hot lunch, some invigorating card games and fellowship to take your mind off the outside weather. Last week activity winners are as follows: Bingo: Two black out winners Virginia Olson and Gerry Lenhardt Our activities start at 1 p.m. and include Pinochle on Monday, Shanghai Rummy on Tuesday, Scrabble/board games, Whist or other cards, or movie on Wednesday afternoons, Bingo on Thursday, and cards on Friday. The Kitchen Band plays on Fridays. We have exercise equipment...
Thank you for all the baked goods donated this week that helped the birthday bake raffle. There is going to be Whist this week on Wednesday. Please come and join us. Last week activity winners are as follows: Bingo: Irene Gauthier Shanghai Rummy: Not played Pinochle: Marilyn Williamson high, Mike low. Our activities start at 1 p.m. and include Pinochle on Monday, Shanghai Rummy on Tuesday, Scrabble/board games, Whist or other cards, or movie on Wednesday afternoons, Bingo on Thursday, and cards...
Ooo boy! It snowed. I was sure it was not deep enough to wear my snow boots to walk to work, I was very wrong. I should have worn my snowshoes. With this much snow there must be enough to do some snowshoeing. Somewhere, I think on Facebook, I saw snow described as winter glitter, self spreading, and biodegradable. Have a good week. Last week activity winners are as follows: Bingo: Virginia Olson. Shanghai Rummy: Lila Steffensmier. Pinochle: Two tables of four Lois Butcher high, Marilyn Williamson low. Our activities start at 1 p.m. and include...
The days of light are getting longer, so I have been told. The cold and flu season is running rampant, so drink fluids, cover your mouth when you cough and wash your hands frequently. I hope all of you are doing well and will stop in and see us soon. Have a good week. Last week activity winners are as follows: Bingo: Irene Gauthier Shanghai Rummy: Don Durocher Public card party held January 13 was attended by 12 with Virginia Olson high and Lois Butcher low. Virginia and Cassie both had double pinochle. Our activities start at 1 p.m. and...