Sorted by date Results 1 - 14 of 14
Organizers of the third annual Big Flat Fun Day held on Saturday July 22 said the event was a success with a good turnout. The car show had a large number of entries and a BBQ at lunch was hosted by the Big Flat Grocery. There was a softball tournament, the Turner Hogeland Lions Club hosted a breakfast and generous donations allowed for two giant water slides for the kiddies-much appreciated on a hot Saturday. This year was also the tenth anniversary of the organizing of the grocery co-op....
John and Dona Clay moved to Chinook from Woodstock, Georgia in March, 2022 to be near their son John and his wife Kim and family. My wife and I first met John and Dona when they visited the Chinook Senior Center. Soon we would see them on walks around town, then more encounters at the senior center. Their friendly demeanor encouraged random chats. At some point I learned about their joint background, they met in an orphanage in Philadelphia, were married shortly after "aging out" of the orphanag...
State and local health officials are reporting the first West Nile Virus (WNV) detection of the year in mosquitoes sampled from Blaine County. No humans or horses have tested positive for WNV yet this season. Infected mosquitoes can transmit WNV when they bite, and increased risk of WNV transmission to humans and horses is expected to continue through October – or as long as mosquitoes are active in the state. While no human cases of WNV were reported in 2022, in previous seasons Montana has reported over 50 human cases in a single summer. I...
In the spirit of trying something new for the coming theater season, Montana Actors’ Theatre (MAT) will hold a Company Audition on Saturday, August 26 from noon until 5:00 p.m. in the MAT Theatre on the campus of Montana State University–Northern. This is an opportunity for people across the Hi-Line to audition for multiple shows at one time. A troupe of actors performing regularly in a particular theater is referred to as a company. And according to MAT’s Marketing and Development Director, Andi Daniel, under the influence of this first time...
Blaine County Library All reading time logs are due Friday August 4th no later than 4:00 p.m. Story Time Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m., Beat the Heat Movie Wednesday August 2nd, 9th, and 16th at 1:30 p.m., Teen Scene Wednesday August 9th and 16th at 6:00 p.m. Harlem Library The Book Challenge for August is to read a book set in a school. If you have completed the July challenge, please contact the library to be entered into the drawing. There will be no children’s programs this month. Programming will resume after Labor Day....
Our Summer Reading Program is winding down. Kids will have until 4:00 p.m. Friday, August 4th to turn in their time logs. Prizes will be drawn before closing that day and the lucky winners will be called. The student with the most hours read will win an after-hours pizza party at the library for him/herself and up to 5 friends. Don’t forget about the prize drawing for High School students and adults! Every chapter book read by students and adults allows them to enter their name into the drawing for a book bag, thermal mug, and gift c...
Come hang out at the library! Enjoy the cool comfort as you read a magazine or newspaper, work on the puzzle, browse through the stacks or use a computer. Families are encouraged to enjoy the children’s section with building blocks, puzzles, magnetic tiles, puppets, and of course books! The Book Challenge for August is to read a book set in a school. If you have completed the July challenge be sure to notify the library so your name can be entered to win a gift certificate from a local business. Just a reminder there will be no children’s pro...
Greetings From the Senior Center! Did you know that anyone over the age of 62 is considered a Senior? Did you know that all of the wonderful meals prepared here are available for only $5.00 for people over 60 & $6.00 for people under 60? We had another fun week here at the Center. More new faces to enjoy with conversation, good food and fellowship! Randi & Stephen Vaile are back in Chinook, residing in the Villa & join us each day for lunch, as well. We are happy to welcome them back into our community. We have been working on this for awhile,...
By Anita Reed Wayne Deloach’s sister left Monday for Minnesota and Wayne and Mary Ellen endured the heat by staying close to fans and the window air conditioner. Tuesday, Mary Ellen and Wayne went to Fred and Sylvia Mohar’s for a visit with them and the family. Fun Time. Wednesday, Mary Ellen visited with Jane Krass and Anita Reed. Wonderful visit and fantastic rhubarb meringue pie. On Friday Mary Ellen and Ralph and Nancy Snider went to Shawna’s and visited with her and Ella, Bobbi, Harley, and Isley. Oh boy, that was a great visit. On Satur...
LeRoy E. Keller, 89, passed away due to natural causes on Sunday, July 23, 2023, at Northern Montana Hospital. A vigil service will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, August 4, 2023, at St. Jude Thaddeus Catholic Church. Funeral Mass will begin at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, August 5, 2023, also at St. Jude Thaddeus Catholic Church. A reception will be held at the St. Jude Parish Center, and burial will follow that in the Cottonwood Cemetery. Holland & Bonine Funeral Home has been entrusted with... Full story
You know, Lord, we all love happiness. How about a family get-together; sharing some happy moments, that was fun! ‘Oh, it’s delightful to see you here – lets have some ‘Happy Moments’, eh?’ Elly laughed. Lady #1: ‘Well, as old as we are, I’d say that WE have a happy marriage, peace and a nice home.’ The group agreed, Lady #2 spoke, ‘I’ll tell you about two neighbor girls. I’d never seen twirling, cartwheels, as those 2 girls did! They’re probably in Middle School. They sure were fun to watch.’ We all laughed. Elly, said, ‘I’m across town from...
About 75 guests attended the Pie Social hosted by Chinook Senior Center's staff and board of directors. It was an enjoyable social afternoon visiting with friends and making new friends. And with 40+ homemade pies donated by locals, it was a feast for both the eyes and appetites. Per Center Director Ginger Hansen the freewill proceeds from the event will be used to meet special needs and programming of the Center....
The Chinook Lions hosted the Eastern Division swim Meet July 21-22. This situation was great for the kids as they got the opportunity swim in front of their hometown fans as well as in their own pool. The Lions qualified thirty swimmers for the State Swim Meet in Conrad this past weekend, results will be in next week's Blaine County Journal ~ News Opinion. At the Eastern Divisional the Lions claimed three High Point Trophies to go along with 9 Individual Champions in their respective event. The...
U.S. Marine Seth A. Has The Eagle and Airman Tyra Messerly, both the children of Brenda Has The Eagle of Fort Belknap, recently graduated from military training. Seth Has the Eagle graduated from the U.S. Marine Corps Boot Camp, June 16 at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, California, after successfully completing 13 weeks of intensive Basic Training at MCRD. While in recruit training, Marine Has The Eagle's Platoon 2114 Echo Company 2nd Battalion achieved the "Honor Platoon" rating for...