We've Got The County Covered

Articles from the August 15, 2018 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 18 of 18

  • Harvest Dinner from the field to the table

    Aug 15, 2018

    Harvest season is in full swing and with long hours in the field one might not make it home in time for supper. This group found a creative way to merge the two as they gathered around the table right in the field. This weeks photo by Tyler Hewitt will be included in our $100 Front Page photo contest. Please send your photo to bcjads@mtintouch.net....

  • Stage 1 Fire Restrictions Take Effect on FWP Properties in Hill and Blaine Counties

    Marc Kloker|Aug 15, 2018

    Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, Region 6 In response to dry, warm weather that could increase the danger of human-caused wildfires, under the recommendations of county officials, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks fishing access sites (FASs) and wildlife management areas (WMAs) are now under Stage 1 Fire Restrictions in Hill and Blaine counties. Both counties entered Stage 1 restrictions beginning at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, Aug. 10. County officials in those counties enacted the Stage 1 Restrictions, which ban campfires except where specifically...

  • Chinook's Dillon Davies wins Emmy for work on "Under the Big Sky" TV series

    Steve Edwards|Aug 15, 2018

    Dillon Davies and his colleague Shawn Newton were each awarded an Emmy in June at a Seattle awards ceremony recognizing outstanding television productions in the northwest region of the country. Davies grew up in Chinook and graduated from Chinook High in 2004. The two natives of the Hi-Line (Newton grew up in Glasgow) won the Emmys for their work with a Montana-based documentary TV series called "Under the Big Sky." The award was part of the National Academy's regional awards for the...

  • Vic Palm talks about "Aunt Eleanor's Men," at Blaine County Library

    Steve Edwards|Aug 15, 2018

    Twenty-plus locals gathered last week at the Blaine County Library to hear native Vic Palm talk about "Aunt Eleanor's Men," a book he wrote and published in 2017. Palm, who grew up in Chinook and graduated from CHS in 1959, was greeted by a number of former classmates, friends and family members who came to hear about the escapades of the half-sister of his maternal grandfather Gilman McKinnie. Gilman's daughter, Laura Palm, is the mother of Vic and Chuck Palm and Ardis (Palm) Conrad. Ardis...

  • Hunter Education Class Offered in Hays Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks course registration set for August 16-17

    Aug 15, 2018

    Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Hunter Education course dates have been set for a class in Hays, starting with registration on Thurs. and Fri., Aug. 16 and 17, from 4-7 p.m. and class starting on Sat., Aug. 18. For youth to be eligible to hunt and be fully certified during the 2018 season, hunters must be 12-years old by January 16, 2019. Students aged 10 and 11 can take the course and hunt as an apprentice but will not be fully certified until the year they turn 12. All registrants for this event must be 10 years of age by Aug. 16. The...

  • Aug 17 Deadline Approaches for Continuous Conservation Reserve Program Enrollment

    Aug 15, 2018

    The deadline to sign up for enrollment in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) is Friday, Aug. 17, 2018. In return for enrolling land in CRP, FSA provides participants with annual rental payments and cost-share assistance to remove sensitive lands from production and plant certain grasses, shrubs and trees that improve water quality, prevent soil erosion and increase wildlife habitat. Landowners enter into contracts that last between 10 and 15 years. For this year’s signup, limited priority practices are available for continuous e...

  • Remembering Robbie Lucke: A Poets Memory

    Ellaraine Lockie|Aug 15, 2018

    Editor’s Note: This was submitted to the Big Sandy Mountaineer this week and we felt it was appropriate to publish in the Blaine County Journal as well. Author’s Note: This poem is republished here in honor of Robert Lucke, who loved poetry and kept it alive in the Mountaineer for so many years. He inspired this poem when he described his grandmother’s prairie garden to me with such admiration and nostalgia. Both of my grandmothers were Big Sandy homesteaders who also had gardens. My Clawiter grandparents were early Big Sandy homesteaders aroun...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Seitsema|Aug 15, 2018

    One of my favorite quotes from the boxer Muhammad Ali is about training: “I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.’” I have a good friend who says it a bit differently: “Training is better than trying hard.” The idea behind this is simple: the key to becoming good at anything is training. Exerting effort every day over the course of months and years accumulates into excellence that cannot be matched by putting effort forward in the moment. When I worked with kids in...

  • Harlem Library

    Aug 15, 2018

    The winners of the drawings for the Summer Reading Grand Prizes are Mary Simons in the preschool age group and Savannah Heilig in the grade school age group. Congratulations to all the children who participated in the summer reading program! There was a total of 1,377 books read this summer (and many of these were read more than once!) The “Letter by Letter” game for adults continues until the end of August. You may win a $50 gift card! This is the time of year when we begin planning the programs we hope to provide at the library in the com...

  • Blaine County Library

    Aug 15, 2018

    We have a couple of non-fiction books ready this week. Wendy Mitchell had a busy job with the British National Health Service, raised her two daughters alone, and spent her weekends running and climbing mountains. Then, slowly, a mist settled deep inside the mind she once knew so well, blurring the world around her. She didn’t know it then, but dementia was starting to take hold. In 2014, at age fifty-eight, she was diagnosed with young-onset Alzheimer’s. In “Somebody I Used to Know: a Memoir” Mitchell shares the heartrending story of her cog...


    Katie Noel|Aug 15, 2018

    Thank You to Audrey Parnell for the delicious snacks for the card players. Thank You to Kay Schmitt for folding the bags for Food Bank. Thank You to Phyllis Heilig for the cases of water. Thank You to Ellen Ayres for the party streamers. Thank You to Barb McDonald for the canned beef, rice and milk. Happenings: Saturday Market every Saturday through September 22nd in Havre Town Square, 8 to noon Board Meeting - Tuesday, August 14th, audit at 8:45, meeting at 9:00 a.m. (note time change for this month only) “Almost, Maine” - Fort Peck The...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Marlane Wenzel|Aug 15, 2018

    The Cancer Support Group will be meeting on August 21, 2018, at 11:30 a.m. A representative from the Sweet Medical Center will be our speaker. We would like to incorporate more volunteers to help out at the center. We could use cooks, dishwashers, exercise leader, game players and ideas for activities, and decorating ideas. Last week activity winners are as follows: Bingo: Don Durocher Scrabble: Not played Shanghai Rummy: Don Durocher. Pinochle: Monday, high Mike Randall, low Rochelle. Friday Rochelle Wohlschlager and Virginia Olson were high...

  • Steve's Travels: Road trip east to Fort Peck Dam and environs

    Steve Edwards|Aug 15, 2018

    Reporter's note: This fall will mark five years my wife and I have lived in Chinook. She's since retired as a pastor and I've scaled back from a part time reporter to "even more" part time reporting. As part of this life change, we are trying to do some traveling and have been focusing on learning about our adopted state: "Montana, the Last Best Place." So, I'll be sharing some things we learn about Montana. Some of what we learn might be common knowledge to long-time residents and natives....

  • Nearly $2 Billion Now Available for Eligible Producers Affected by 2017 Hurricanes and Wildfires 2017 WHIP Signup: July 16, 2018 to Nov. 16, 2018

    Aug 15, 2018

    Agricultural producers affected by hurricanes and wildfires in 2017 now may apply for assistance to help recover and rebuild their farming operations. Signup began July 16, 2018, and continues through Nov. 16, 2018. Hurricanes and wildfires caused billions of dollars in losses to America’s farmers last year. Our objective is to get relief funds into the hands of eligible producers as quickly as possible. We are making immediate, initial payments of up to 50 percent of the calculated assistance so producers can pay their bills. Additional p...

  • USDA Reopens Application Period for Producers Recovering from Cattle Loss, Other Disasters

    Aug 15, 2018

    USDA began accepting disaster assistance program applications on June 4 from agricultural producers who suffered livestock, honeybees, farm-raised fish and other losses due to natural disasters. USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) reopened the application period for two disaster assistance programs in response to statutory changes made by Congress earlier this year. Beginning June 4, FSA will accept new applications for losses for calendar year 2017 or 2018 filed under the Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) or Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Ho...

  • New wireless scoreboards installed at Hoon Field in time for season opener

    Aug 15, 2018

    The First Bank of Montana, spearheaded by the efforts of former president Craig Lowham secured 100% of the funding necessary for a brand new Daktronix scoreboard to be installed at the football field. Moxley Construction of Chinook, recently completed the installation and the wireless scoreboard is now ready for use. The scoreboards wireless ability will allow for use of the new announcer tower behind the hometown fans on the north side of the field once it is completed....

  • Turner Talk

    Diana Maloney|Aug 15, 2018

    Terry and Shirley Suneson of Minnesota came to visit with Bill and Mary Hake for a week. They enjoyed each other’s company and a lot of reminiscing. Susan Fox attended a Quilt Guild meeting in Turner on Saturday. Reece Hutton is home for a week before he heads back to Dickinson for college. Lenny Erickson, Jonathon Erickson, and Max and Kirsti Cederberg were in Bozeman for the weekend attending the wedding of Derrick and Kjersti Downing. Diana Maloney drove Harlan and Jane Krass to Great Falls on Tuesday for a doctor appointment. School s...

  • Hogeland happenings

    Jane Krass|Aug 15, 2018

    Susan and Emily Billmayer are attending family reunions in Coon Valley, Wisconsin and also in Omaha, Nebraska. Diana Maloney took Harlan and Jane Krass to Great Falls on Wednesday for Jane’s medical appointment for her shoulder. Joely and Josh Hiniker came to Ed and Kathy Zellmer’s on Monday to spend a couple weeks helping out with harvest. Brandon and Dallas Beck, Daniella Schilling, and their friend Bryan ate supper with Grandpa Wally Beck Thursday night. The Hogeland Hawks Class of ’68 had a 50-year reunion in Havre over the weekend. Hilary...

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