We've Got The County Covered

Articles written by Katie Noel

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 88

  • Harlem Senior Center

    Katie Noel|Dec 26, 2018

    Thank You...Thank You... To: Libby Kuntz for all the paper products for the Activity Room. Thank you also for cleaning out the cupboards. To: Ms. Chateau & all the North Harlem Colony kids for playing and singing so beautifully. This was such a wonderful blessing for each of us here. I don't think anyone wanted it to end. Your welcome back anytime. Harlem School Connection - Remember – school is now out for Christmas vacation. Watch for the kids as they will be outside playing and running a...

  • Harlem Senior Center

    Katie Noel|Dec 19, 2018

    Thank You: Kay Schmitt and Brianna Williams for helping decorate the Center. To Rose Noel for gluing the puzzles and folding the bags. To Kent Heilig Family for the beautiful Wreath! DID YOU KNOW? Did you know the Center has all occasion cards for just $1.00! Did you know the Center has an exercise program Strong Persons on Monday at 5:00 p.m. and Thursday at 9:00 a.m.! Did you know that the Center has Health Checks on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday's each month! The front doors of the Center will be locked at 6:00 p.m. and open at 7:00 a.m. each...

  • Harlem Senior Center

    Katie Noel|Dec 12, 2018

    Thank You to: Jan Egeland for the apple pies. They look yummy! Much appreciated. To the Evangelical Church for the goody bags for all the tenants. Special Thank you to Roberta Shupe for donating the beautiful painting for Katie Noel. Senior Board nominee's - Rose Noel for a 3-year term; Dale Klungland for a 3-year term; Linda Murch for a 2-year term; Sally O'Leary will finish out Kim Hansen's term for 2 years New Membership for 2018 begins in January. There is a $5.00 fee per year to be a member...

  • Harlem Senior Center

    Katie Noel|Dec 5, 2018

    Thank You...Thank You... To: Peggy Healy at the Ft. Belknap Senior Center for the 2 cases of potatoes. To: Rose Noel for washing down the chairs and tables in the dining room. To: Craig Todd from the Harlem High School for donating 3 Poinsettias. Special Thank you to Katie Noel for her years dedicated to the Harlem Senior Center and Little Rockies Apartments! You will be missed, but will always be in our hearts. God Bless! Wednesday, December 5th at 11:15 a.m. Sarah Solomon will give an Energy...

  • Harlem Senior Center

    Katie Noel|Nov 28, 2018

    The Center will be having a farewell party for Katie Noel. We will be having cake and coffee after the noon meal, on November 30th. Everyone is invited to come and wish Katie well as she moves on to the next chapter in her life. Thank You to Ruth Brown for the puzzles. Thank you, Kay Schmitt, for all the extras you do! Thank you to Teresa Cornell for the elderly needs items. Albertsons 10% Off Day is Thursday, December 6th. Anyone age 55 and older. Insight is the first condition of Art ~ George Henry Lewes. DON'T FORGET.... ST. Thomas Catholic...

  • Harlem Senior Center

    Katie Noel|Nov 21, 2018

    Our sincerest appreciation goes out to The Bank of Harlem for sponsoring last Wednesday’s Thanksgiving Meal. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Jerry Schmitt and Connie Zanto for keeping the snow off the sidewalks. Heads up!! The Harlem Senior Center will be serving Christmas Meal on the 20th of December. Followed by bingo, music, cards and maybe even a movie. Board election will be held during the noon meal also. Don’t forget about the Chinook Parade of Lights, Christmas Stroll & Festival of Trees next Friday, November 23rd. This is always a n...

  • Harlem Senior Center

    Katie Noel|Nov 14, 2018

    Thank You! To Marcia Mohar for the donated puzzle books and card shufflers. Reminder: Remember that our Thanksgiving Meal will be held on November 14th. There will be no meal served on Thanksgiving Day. Wise Words: Where there is no vision, there is no hope. ~ George Washington Carver Apple Filling Trick… to keep apples from turning brown, dunk the cut pieces in a mixture of ¼ teaspoon of table salt and about 2 cups of room-temperature water. Down the Road: November 14th, Harlem Public Library, Lunch and Learn free webinar series “Slash your...

  • Harlem Senior Center

    Katie Noel|Nov 7, 2018

    IN APPRECIATION Thank you to Barb McDonald for the cans of chicken and the milk. Thank you to Dale Klungland for making the door stops. Thank you to James and Linda Murch for the clock for the dining room. Elsie Bertelsen was the 50-50 winner for October. She acquired $30.20. Monday, November 12th is Veterans Day. We are FREE because of those who served. Reminder no meal served for that day. Put It On Your Calendar… Coming to the Alberta Bair Theater, The Nutcracker Live, Nov. 24th and 25th. Dec. 1st is The Oak Ridge Boys. BrainBashers... C...

  • Harlem Senior Center

    Katie Noel|Oct 31, 2018

    Thank You to Marcia Mohar for the cards, books, puzzles. Thursday, November 1 - Albertsons 10% Off Day for anyone age 55 and over. Sunday, November 4 - Hogeland Lutheran Church Harvest Dinner, 12 to 2 p.m. Tuesday, November 6 - Election Day Reminders: Halloween will be here on Wednesday. Please be careful at night when the ghouls and goblins are out Trick or Treating. Drive carefully and be watching. The Little Rockies tenants will be putting out their tables of candy bowls for all the little ghosts and monsters that come trick-or-treating...

  • Harlem Senior Center

    Katie Noel|Oct 24, 2018

    Thank You!…or in Norwegian, Tusen Takk! To the Flu Clinic Staff for the cups and napkins; To Alan Brekke for the tomatoes; To Steve Stearns for the crabapples; To Sissy McGuire for the cases of water; To the family of Mary O’Bryan for the flower bouquet. Today in History! 1939: The American film “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” debuts, starring James Stewart as an earnest young senator persevering against corruption. Spooktime…Goblintime…Candytime. Yes, it is all here real soon! Remember, the Senior Center is having its Halloween Costume or...

  • Harlem Senior Center

    Katie Noel|Oct 17, 2018

    With Great Appreciation! Kay Schmitt – cases of water; Kerry Johnson – 4th Graders – scarecrow and lantern Halloween decorations; Alan Brekke - tomatoes; Karolee Cronk – boxes of tea. The Oak Ridge Boys will be performing live at the Alberta Bair Theater in Billings on Saturday, December 1st, at 7:30 pm. For your information... • Pumpkin Carve/Paint Contest is Sun., Oct. 28... Harlem City Hall, 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. • QTR Advisory Meeting will be held on Fri., Oct. 19 at the Cut Bank Senior Center. Let Katie or Connie know if you will be attendin...

  • Harlem Senior Center

    Katie Noel|Oct 10, 2018

    Thank You to Alan Brekke for the crabapples; Thank You to Barb McDonald for the milk and cans of tuna. Thank You to the family of Ann Marie Gregoire for the flower bouquets, napkins, cups and cutlery. Thank You to Rosa Hofer for the carrots and buns. Thank You to Rose Noel for the cases of water for the Activity Room. Did you know?? Ann Azure was the winner of the September 50-50 drawing, taking home $25.50. Glenna Ammen was the winner of her next foot treatment being FREE from the July, August, September and October drawing. Pumpkin Carving...

  • Harlem Senior Center

    Katie Noel|Oct 3, 2018

    Flu Shots will be given Wednesday, October 17th, Harlem High School - 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Rides will be given to get you to the High School, if needed! Flu shots will also be given on October 10th, at the Harlem Senior Center, during our regular Blood Pressure – Health time with Blaine County Health Nurse, Jana. Did you know... the new Director at the Harlem Senior Center will be Connie Zanto. She will be starting training time soon and then take over full time when Katie is ready to leave. Election Year HUMOR!! Q: What’s the dif...

  • Harlem Senior Center

    Katie Noel|Sep 26, 2018

    My Thank You list is here once again…we definitely have so many wonderful helpers and people willing to share their time and gifts. Thank you to Alan Brekke for the tomatoes. To Mary Ann Richman for the jigsaw puzzle and two shower chairs for our senior equipment checkout program. Only 93 days left until Christmas… No humming “Jingle Bells” quite yet. Put these dates on your calendar! Albertsons 10% Off Day is Thur., October 4th. Harlem Catholic Church Breakfast Sunday, October 7th, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Harlem Senior Center. Triangl...

  • Harlem Senior Center

    Katie Noel|Sep 19, 2018

    Mange Takk…Norwegian for “Thank You” - Alan Brekke for the tomatoes; Chuck Wasser/Memorial Park for the cherry tomatoes; Kay Schmitt for the coffee; Patti Quisno for fresh eggs. Sign up to ride the Senior Center Float in the Homecoming Parade, which is on Friday, September 21st. Go, Wildcats! Native American Week is September 24 to 29. Kay Brekke was the winner of the 50-50 Drawing for August. She took home $29.50. Flu Clinic, tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, October 17 at Harlem High School. Need to know - The Harlem Senior Center is sp...

  • Harlem Senior Center

    Katie Noel|Sep 12, 2018

    Thank You, Thank You… To Jan Egeland and Phyllis Culbertson for the jigsaw puzzles, and Phyllis for the flower arrangement basket and Jan for the carrots; To Irene Stout for the popcorn; To Barb McDonald for the milk and chunk chicken; To Gen and Keith Benson for the cake and ice cream for Keith’s birthday; To Phillip Hofer for the cucumbers and sweet corn and to the huskers: Jerry and Kay Schmitt, Lilah Orlando and Irene Stout; To Chuck Wasser for the cherry tomatoes. Wise Words: The aim of education is the knowledge, not of facts, but of val...

  • Harlem Senior Center

    Katie Noel|Aug 29, 2018

    A big Thank You: To Jana Egeland for the jigsaw puzzles; To Ralph Schneider for the cookies; To Barb McDonald for the multi-pack of Pinochle cards; To Phyllis Heilig for the half-n-half; To Chuck Wasser and Paycee Leo for picking up the recliner chair and to Reuben Kuntz for helping them get it inside the building. Have you picked up your Lifetime FREE Activity Pass for all Harlem Sports HOME events? Anyone 60 and older qualifies. Just stop by the Harlem High School Business Office and they will make you one. Reminder: The Senior Center will...

  • Harlem Senior Center

    Katie Noel|Aug 22, 2018

    Thank you: Kay Schmitt for pulling weeds in the back; Barb McDonald for double-bagging sacks for the Food Bank; Jan Egeland for the beet pickles; Sandy Miller for the tomatoes, cucumbers and beets. Wise Words: Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night. ~ William Blake Did you know that Tuesday 21st is National Senior Citizens Day? Here is my personal “Hats Off” to all the wonderful seniors who enhance all my days here at the Harlem Senior Center! Seniors Rock! Our Strong Persons exercise class meets on Mon...


    Katie Noel|Aug 15, 2018

    Thank You to Audrey Parnell for the delicious snacks for the card players. Thank You to Kay Schmitt for folding the bags for Food Bank. Thank You to Phyllis Heilig for the cases of water. Thank You to Ellen Ayres for the party streamers. Thank You to Barb McDonald for the canned beef, rice and milk. Happenings: Saturday Market every Saturday through September 22nd in Havre Town Square, 8 to noon Board Meeting - Tuesday, August 14th, audit at 8:45, meeting at 9:00 a.m. (note time change for this month only) “Almost, Maine” - Fort Peck The...

  • Harlem Senior Center

    Katie Noel|Aug 8, 2018

    Mange Takk…Norwegian for “Thank You”. Rose Noel for picking up the commodities; Hofer gals for the buns, eggs and fresh vegetables;Kay Brekke for the Activity Room snacks and popcorn and for the Weed and Feed for the yard; Jim and Linda Murch for the soda pop; Rob Kelley and Rose Noel for taking care of the wasp nest. School starts in about 2- 1/2 weeks, watch for kids. Also, that means the sports season will be starting very shortly as well... REMEMBER, if you are 60 and over you can get a FREE Senior Citizen Lifetime Pass that lets you get i...

  • Harlem Senior Center

    Katie Noel|Aug 1, 2018

    Much, much appreciation to all these wonderful people! Charlie, Kay and Rose for taking care of the leak on the hose in back of the refrigerator. Rose Noel for picking up the liver in Chinook, Janet Gruszie for the rhubarb. Wise Words: Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. ~ Unknown Funny-Bone Ticklers… An old guy was working out in the gym when he spotted a sweet young thing... He asked the trainer that was near-by, “What machine in here should I use to impress that sweet thing over the...

  • Harlem Senior Center

    Katie Noel|Jul 25, 2018

    By Katie Noel Thank You to these fine folks - Kay and Jerry Schmitt, Chuck Wasser and Kermit Johnson for all the help with unloading, hauling and getting the new cabinets in place. To Heilig Clan for the for the cakes in honor of Phyllis’s birthday. Historical Fact: In 1946, U.S. Lieutenant James J. Davidson became the first pilot to take off and land a jet aircraft from a ship-based launching platform. Joke of the week: Three Pastors in the south were having lunch in a diner. One said “Ya know, since summer started I’ve been having trouble wit...

  • Harlem Senior Center

    Katie Noel|Jul 18, 2018

    Thank you to: Albertsons for the vegetable and fruit snackpacks; To: Bev Devaney for the fresh cherries; To: Barb McDonald for double-bagging the bags for the Food Bank; To: Elsie Bertelsen for the case of water; To: Misty Mohar for the green beans; To: Gen Benson for the jigsaw puzzle. Ann Azure, Lilah Orlando and Ken Heilig were the latest $5.00 Gift Card winners of the “Share the Wealth” Albertsons Monopoly. Bake Sale for Days For Girls, sponsored by several local churches, Wednesday, August 1st, 10:00 am, in front of Albertsons “Le...

  • Harlem Senior Center

    Katie Noel|Jul 11, 2018

    Thank You: Albertsons for the strawberries, Robin Rhodes for the jigsaw puzzle and decks of Pinochle cards Rose, Irene, Kay, Robin, Gen, Elsie, Charlie, Keith, Ed and Chuck for riding the July 4th Parade float. The new show at Fort Peck Theater is “Leader of the Pack”. It will play each Friday, Saturday and Sunday now through July 22nd. This is a musical about an up and coming music star and her love life and the ups and downs with both. Plus lots of hit songs from the 60’s will get your toes a tappin’. Just so you know… The Harlem Senior Ce...

  • Harlem Senior Center

    Katie Noel|Jun 27, 2018

    Thank You to Blaine County Democrats for the cookies. Thank You to Barb McDonald for the peony on the piano. Thank you to Dale and Vonnie Klungland for putting the new board on the courtyard Get Ready for the Fourth of July midweek events!!! The Harlem Senior Center will be having a float in the parade, 4:00 pm. Riders are needed! Get out your red, white and blue clothes to wear on the float. Don’t forget the picnic in the park (bring salads, desserts) - hamburgers, hot dogs, drinks, plates provided - at 5:00 pm. Friday June 29 – Saturday Jun...

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