Sorted by date Results 1 - 18 of 18
The Chinook School Board has been actively seeking new methods to better serve the districts in relation to getting students safely to and from the school. At the May regular schedule board meeting time was allocated to Consideration of Bus Routes and Individual Transportation Contracts for the 2023-24 School Year. Superintendent Hofman’s recommendation is to “eliminate route 2, run routes 1 and 3, and have Individual Transportations Contracts (ITC) for the Zurich district. We will make arrangements to pick up the one family down south.” Chair...
Just in time for Memorial Day, the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) affiliated with Post 109 in Turner, Montana, completed their Dog Tags to Honor Military Personnel project. On Monday, May 22, twenty signs appeared on Main Street across from the American Legion Hall. Inspired by a similar project in Carbon County, the ALA brought the idea to town as a way to thank and recognize veterans that are still living. While Turner residents Kirsti and Max Cederberg were visiting relatives in Red Lodge,...
May is National Nursing Home month and May 14-20 is designated as National Nursing Home week. In the past Sweet Home in Chinook has celebrated the occasion in a number of ways. Nationally there is a chosen theme with a variety of ideas for activities to be done each day. In recent years Sweet Home has taken its own, more personable approach as a means to celebrate the week. Sweet Home Administrator Rebecca Shackelford commented, "Nursing Home week really is about celebrating our healthcare...
The members of the Chinook Volunteer Fire Department invite the community to join them as they honor Kraig Hansen and Preston Gilmore, two longtime local firefighters who recently retired. The event will be held 1pm-3pm on Saturday, June 10, at the Chinook Fire Hall at the south edge of the city. Kraig Hansen, who served as Chief of the Chinook department for 20 years, retired January 31 of this year. Before joining the Chinook department he was Chief of the Harlem Volunteer Fire Department for...
The Meadowlark Elementary school in Chinook took full advantage of Spring fundraisers thanks to the quick actions of Librarian Sue Reid. The "Books are Fun, Book Blast Voyage" nearly sailed right on by, "I got the phone call in the library and it sounded like a great fundraiser," said Reid. "They said that I was the only one all that day that remembered the Books are Fun Company! I convinced the administration that it would be a good fundraiser to get books in the kids hands right before summer...
Blaine County Library Monday Hangout for grades 7 and 8 at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday Story Time for ages 5 and under at 10:30 a.m., Children’s Summer Library Program at 1:30 p.m., and Hangout for grades 5 and 6 at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday Beat the Heat Movie at 1:30 p.m. Thursday LEGO/STEAM Club at 1:30 p.m. American Lutheran Church Chinook American Lutheran Church has changed Worship Time to Sundays at 10 AM. Rotating Joint Services are now held on the first Sunday of every month at 11 AM. No worship services will be held at Chinook American Lutheran C...
“All Together Now” is the summer reading theme! Let’s all work together to keep reading over the summer. Children are invited to come to the library to register for summer reading. They may earn prizes for books or minutes read and chances to win grand prizes at the end of summer reading. Children are also invited to weekly summer reading programs. Little ones ages 0-5 along with their parents/caregivers are invited to Storytime on Tuesday mornings at 10 A.M. Elementary age students are welcome to Summer STEAM which focuses on science, techn...
Summer programs will start Monday June 5th and run through July 28th. Mondays will be Hangout for grades 7 & 8 at 3:30 p.m. Tuesdays we will have Summer Story Time for kids ages 5 and under, which will last approximately 30 to 45 minutes. Each week we’ll read stories, sing songs, and have activities or crafts. Summer Story Time is tailored to the needs and interests of a younger age group and is a great opportunity for younger children to get involved with our Summer Library activities. We will have a Summer Library Program every Tuesday a...
Martin Duane Flying Sr. "Walks Fast" "Aathatha Neethak" was born on August 10, 1964 to Marvin "Sonny Man" Flying and Margaret Stiffarm Flying. Martin is the great great grandson of Vernon Whiteclay the First, Phillip Shortman the First, and Rex Flying. Martin is the oldest of five children and also has four children. Three sons: James, Russell, Martin Jr, and one daughter Cheryl Lynn. He attended all of his school years at the Saint Paul's Mission in Hays. He enjoyed sports and played...
Bonnie Joyce Russell passed away peacefully on May 19, 2023 at the Sweet Home in Chinook, MT, following a gallant battle with Alzheimer's. A memorial service will be held 2:00 PM at the First Presbyterian Church in Harlem Mt on June 3, 2023. Internment at the Harlem Cemetary will immediately follow the service. Bonnie, the eldest of 3 children, was born in Savage, MT on January 9, 1925, to Andrew S. and Kathryn Marie Kappel. She attended school in Savage until the family moved to Sidney, MT...
Loretta Beck went to Whitewater on Monday last week to watch her great grandson participate in the Track and Field day, and also visited with Brandon, Daniella, and Blade. Terry and Brenda Mohar went to Fort Peck on Saturday to visit the Cardas camping. Terry and Dusty went to Hank Williams Fort Peck Theatre. Loretta Beck rode to Turner with Kathy Zellmer to watch the 5th and 6th graders put on their puppet show. On the way home, Kathy, Loretta, and Susie Mason visited at the Ralph Snider home. Susan Billmayer was in Great Falls on Wednesday...
In our highly politicized, mass-media, instant-news culture there are ongoing messages about inequality, gender disparity, unfairness, race conflicts and other social ills. People argue that more regulations or more government money or more programs will fix these issues. But those who promote such “answers” do not understand the premise that “for every government benefit, a freedom must be surrendered.” The idea that you can, and should, take care of yourself is really at the backbone of what it means to be an American. This idea, however...
That’s where we are in Central Montana When you move to this land and have your dreams Jim Beam is a good idea it seems We have summers that are hot and dry We have long, cold winters that will make you cry Drought years when irrigation water is short Sometimes you and your neighbor end up in court The land of extremes is where we live Sometimes it seems like we just give and give But there are good times, too Although, at times, one thinks it’s something new Mosquitoes and gumbo are mentioned a lot The hot days in August will make you won...
Commencement Exercises on the Big Flat took place in the Turner Public School (TPS) Gymnasium on Saturday, May 20 when two seniors and eight eighth graders graduated. Mrs. Diana Maloney, the First and Second Grade Teacher for TPS, served as the Commencement Speaker for the Class of 2023. Family members and other guests gathered in the gym, which had been decorated on Thursday and Friday with red, white, and blue lights, stars, and metallic streamers. The Class of 2023's motto, a line from a...
On Tuesday afternoon, May 23, the fifth and sixth graders at Turner Public Schools presented a Reader's Theater performance to an audience of school personnel, students, parents, and other invited guests. With puppets they created to reenact fractured folk tales they had written, the group performed five puppet shows. Their teacher, Mrs. Elissa Zellmer designed the activity as a way to introduce students to readers' theater as well as to discuss the concept of folk tales and their purpose in...
As per tradition, Harlem Elementary held its annual Track and Field Day on Friday, May 19th. Intuitive P.E. teacher, Mr. Moe Denham, again managed to choose the perfect day for the event; even the smoky air seemed to stay away for the kids' special track meet. The students' families were on hand to cheer on their tracksters, and were also treated to sub sandwiches and chips for lunch, compliments of Ft. Belknap Indian Community Programs, and served by Leslie Horn, Pat Cole, and Cheryl Horn....
The Chinook Sugarbeeter Tennis team was back in Great Falls this past weekend looking to bring home hardware once again from the Montana Class B/C State Tournament. The 'Beeters sent two Singles and two Doubles teams to the State tournament. When the dust settled Chinook junior, Mya Berreth had captured gold, defeating her Fairfield opponent 6-2, 6-4 in the championship to claim the Singles title. Sophomore, Rilee Molyneaux went 3-2 to earn All-state honors with a fifth place finish. Both...
The final week of the 2022-23 Athletic Calendar concluded this past weekend. The Chinook Sugarbeeters and Turner Tornadoes were in Laurel for the Class C State Track and Field meet while the Harlem Wildcats were in Butte for the Class B State meet. The 'Beeter boys secured a third place finish in Laurel, the best ever finish for the boys program Senior Brenden Fetter turned in an effort never seen before in Chinook Boys Track and Field. Fetter took home gold in the 100 Meter, 200 Meter and Long...