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  • You know, Lord, yup – Hello, God, it's me, Mara.

    May 29, 2024

    ‘Mother’s Day is past, but it’s been fun listening to several old and young friends share about the mothers of some of their friends. Take G.L.’s mom for instance. She loved having her daughter’s friends pop in for an overnight or a weekend. Seems like she also had a ‘few’ jobs for them to do while maybe G.L. just watched or went and played the piano while friend 1) ironed, or friend 2) cleaned out a cupboard and washed a DAY’S worth of dishes, or maybe friend 3) ended up having to help ‘mama’ weed the garden; years later, now – we can chuckl...

  • Blaine County Blessings (Fathers)

    May 29, 2024

    Since Fathers’ Day is in June let’s focus on special memories of dads and grandfathers in June. I’ll start out with a story about a time when my dad, Russell Benson, covered my back. Mark and I started dating way back in high school. I rode to Chinook with him one day when he had a dentist appointment. He asked me to go to GTA and pick up a 50-pound bag of powdered calf milk and charge it to his dad, Jim Billmayer. I was a town kid and had never heard of GTA. Instead, I went to IGA and charged every box of powdered Carnation milk they had t...

  • Blaine County Blessings (Thank You, Mom)

    May 29, 2024

    My dad died in an accident when I was 3 ½ years old, leaving my mom to raise 10 kids on a small farm in Minnesota. I don’t know how she managed although she did receive some help from the county. I do know that she faithfully took us to the small country church near our home. In looking back, I am reminded of the story in Mark 12 about the widow who put two small coins in the offering. Jesus said, “This poor widow put in more than all the others.” I’m so grateful for the faith that she modeled to me, that has carried me through the good tim...

  • Friends of the Pool and Park Foundation receives $60,000 from Federl Home Loan Bank of Desmoines and Independence Bank through the Member Impact Fund

    Press Release Friends of the Pool and Park|May 8, 2024

    Chinook, Montana – The Friends of the Pool and Park Foundation are pleased to announce that Independence Bank and the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines have rewarded them a $60,000 grant from the FHLB Des Moines Member Impact Fund. This matching grant program, which was introduced in 2023, provides nearly $20 million to eligible organizations in order to strengthen communities in target areas of the FHLB Des Moines district. In 2024, the FHLB Des Moines increased the Member Impact Fund by $10...

  • Letter To The Editor

    May 1, 2024

    To Whom It May Concern, In regards to the upcoming school board elections, I would encourage voters of School District 10 to vote for Justin Liddle. First and Foremost, Justin is a lifetime Chinook area resident with children enrolled in the Chinook Schools. I have known Justin for most of my life, and in my opinion he is a hard working, honest and straight forward man. As a parent of school aged kids myself, I feel strongly that Justin Liddle shares my values and beliefs of how to raise children. Thank you, Todd Mord, Zurich...

  • Linda R. Finley Hendrickson

    Apr 10, 2024

    Linda R. Finley Hendrickson was born on October 19, 1948, in Havre, Montana to Roy F. and Sally A. (Legge) Finley and passed away at her home in Great Falls on March 14, 2024, at the age of 75. She was raised on the family farm east of Chinook in Paradise Valley and moved to Havre. She married Stanley Hendrickson in 1988 and they enjoyed 35 years of marriage. She was preceded in death by her parents; sisters, Margaret Brown of Cut Bank, and Patricia (Gary) Lehnerz of Scottsdale, Arizona;...


    Press Release|Mar 20, 2024

    Chinook High School Alumni are welcomed and invited to the upcoming CHS All-Class Reunion scheduled for July 4th – 7th, 2024, in Chinook. This four-day event will boast a plethora of fun and exciting activities. The Reunion Committee would like to welcome Alumni, Family, Friends, Current and Former Teachers, and non-graduating Alumni to attend and enjoy the upcoming festivities. The Chinook High School All-Class Reunion happens every 5 years in beautiful Chinook, Montana and, like many organizations, the All-Class Reunion Committee has been s...

  • Thoughts of Joy - Hello, God, it's me, Mara

    ma|Mar 20, 2024

    You know, Lord, each and every one of us folks could tell of a single item that holds importance and joy that he or she would never part with. ‘Patty’ told us of a fifty-year-old recipe card that was in her mom’s handwriting. Another gal shared that her lovely pink tea-cups, long ago, were her grandma’s favorite teacups. Other folks may value treasured memories - a compliment that encouraged them, a grandchild’s giggle, or even a special insight they had gleaned for Scripture. What we often keep stashed aways in our hearts, though, are thing...

  • Debt Free Living

    Theresa Danley|Mar 20, 2024

    Debt-free living. That has a pleasant ring to it, doesn’t it. Those three simple words have a way of invoking a sense of freedom. They clash with today’s norms of mortgages, high interest rates, credit card and consumer debt - where we spend, spend, spend on someone else’s dime in a thrillingly euphoric (and often expensive) period of grace. But that grace period ends when the creditors come to call. Ultimately, we are brought to account for our indebtedness. The time comes to pay back (with interest). We become enslaved to paying for our p...

  • Blessings---Hello God, it's me, Mara

    Mar 13, 2024

    You know, Lord, when we ask You to bless us or to bless others, we are asking YOU to impart Your favor, protection and peace. Blessings prayed for others have a way of returning to bless the one who prayed. Yes, we ARE born to die and several folks we know, have recently passed on to You. Can’t we just imagine how ‘John’ kissed his son, Fred, tucked him into bed, and said, ‘Good night, and God bless you, my precious son.’ Then, years later, when ‘Freddy’ was visiting his frail dad in the nursing home, he bent to kiss him and said, ‘God bless yo...

  • When Valentine's Day and Ash Wednesday coincide...

    Steve Edwards|Feb 21, 2024

    This past week Valentine's Day and Ash Wednesday occurred on the same day. I'd never thought about how often these two holidays, both with religious underpinnings, fall on the same calendar date. Turns out, not very often. While the two days infrequently fall together, the last time was in 2018, just a mere six years ago. Although I have written stories about both these holidays, reviewing my work notes and I didn't write about either day in 2018. Weird. Some more research revealed just how...

  • New Year's Wishes--- Hello God, it's me, Mara

    Jan 10, 2024

    You know, Lord, a New Year has dawned and as we flick the calendar to the New Year, we come face to face with the fact that our days on earth are numbered. As we turn to this clean, fresh, new page on the calendar we’re also aware that we have a new day, a new year, in our lives. It is up to us to fill in those pages. Please help us to choose wisely, Lord, as we forget about the past and begin to look forward to what You have in store for us. Your Word is full of promises for us, all-be-it, we are Your way-ward, stubborn, stiff-necked c...


    Dec 20, 2023

    When you are waiting for something special, time seems to come to a stand-still. For children anticipating Christmas, it can feel like an eternity waiting for Santa to make his world-tour. For adults rushing to get every last holiday detail in place, Christmas can come too soon. And yet the span of days for the children is the same span of days for adults, making our experience of time relative to our frame of reference. Einstein had a theory when it came to our experience of time. He called it the Special Theory of Relativity. Einstein...

  • NUMBERS ------------------------------ Hello God, it's me, Mara

    Nov 15, 2023

    You know Lord, t’was fun listening to kids talk about numbers. Here’s a bit of what they said. D. J.: “My grandma’s having a hard time trying to remember her cell phone number, but when her phone rings, even in her old age, she’s smart enough to answer it.” Chuckles. Taylor said, “My Dad reminded us that we should remember our house number, P.O. Box number, our area code, probably what size shoe or shirt we wear as well as today’s date.” Sally laughed about that. Eddie added, “Uncle Dick loves play cards, dice, you name it – if it has numbers...

  • Bands of Belonging

    Bailey Billmayer|Nov 8, 2023

    I belong to a tribe of ranchers who base their happiness on harvest and whether the cows get home, women who throw their hair in a bun and cook until the skies are full of warm colors, and small-town country kids who work in the time they aren’t cramming ‘unwanted’ knowledge into their brains. I am a sister, granddaughter, friend, and student. I belong to a tribe of people who find peace in being alone, and happiness with the few people they surround themselves with. I turn my back on unwanted drama, and go down the path of many uncer...

  • Super Guys Hello God, it's me, Mara

    Oct 25, 2023

    You know Lord, a couple cousins shared what their girls were looking for in boyfriends to make the boys super husbands. The cousins got a kick out of listening to that chatter - sensing that their girls had noticed several neighbors, some as super families, some just so-so. The cousins giggle, wondered if maybe they, as moms, should make a list to give to YOUNG mothers to encourage their little boys. C.Z. and M.C. took a look at their own husbands, making some comments. C.Z. mentioned: “My hubby’s honest, huggable, faithful, clean, sweet, sup...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Vincent G. Vaccaro|Sep 27, 2023

    As a past Paramedic/firefighter I want to bring attention to another 1st Responder that is rarely recognized or thanked. Recently one of our County Newspaper articles had a thank you given only to the Police, Fire, and ambulance. We do not value our Tow Truck Drivers or Wrecking Crews. They too face the horrors of every bad accident scene; get called out at all hours of the night and work in the worst weather, longer than any other 1st responders. More Tow Truck Drivers are killed or injured every year on these calls than police or fire...

  • Encourage Someone - Hello God, it's me, Mara

    Sep 13, 2023

    You know Lord, looking back to a time in our life, to someone who encouraged and helped us along our way, Lord, You may be calling us to DO the same for someone in our life who might need a bit of help, cheer or even some praise right now. K.A., a former neighbor shared how her special three sisters encouraged each other, no matter that they didn’t live near each other. It’s been a long while ago, but thinking about them, one of them became a teacher, one became a Dr., one was a devoted mother and wife. It was interesting to listen as ‘Ka...

  • Grant Us Wisdom Hello God, it's me, Mara

    Aug 16, 2023

    You know, Lord, not every day is easy…. J.J. from out of town, shared that as she was driving the two-lane highway toward her neighbors, a loud vehicle zoomed up behind her, could have passed, but waited until a vehicle was coming toward them in the left-hand lane, then zoomed by her, nearly hitting her car, nearly running into the one coming. In a moment, that vehicle was behind another car, could have passed, but again, waited until a truck was buzzing toward them in the lefthand lane, then, again, zooming around that car that was in front o...

  • Happy Moments - Hello God, it's me, Mara

    Aug 2, 2023

    You know, Lord, we all love happiness. How about a family get-together; sharing some happy moments, that was fun! ‘Oh, it’s delightful to see you here – lets have some ‘Happy Moments’, eh?’ Elly laughed. Lady #1: ‘Well, as old as we are, I’d say that WE have a happy marriage, peace and a nice home.’ The group agreed, Lady #2 spoke, ‘I’ll tell you about two neighbor girls. I’d never seen twirling, cartwheels, as those 2 girls did! They’re probably in Middle School. They sure were fun to watch.’ We all laughed. Elly, said, ‘I’m across town from...

  • God's Calendar-------------- Hello God, it's me, Mara

    Jun 14, 2023

    You know, Lord, innumerable words have been, and still could be written about June. Here’s an excerpt from “God’s Calendar”, By William A. Quayle: “June is the rose month, but God’s calendar is not made by things men grow but by things God grows Himself. Wild roses, gentle of perfume, flushed like the cheeks of a happy girl, petal dainty as cut by some skilled lapidist from sardonyx freighted with wonder. Wild roses are not double. Some flowers do not improve by doubling up. The rose does not. Simplicity is the heritage of violets and wild ro...

  • Is it a Sin to be Patriotic?

    Guest Column|Jun 7, 2023

    Special Article Submitted in honor of Flag Day. Some people call me “Old Glory” others call me “The Star-Spangled Banner;” but whatever they call me, I’m your flag-the flag of the United States of America. Something’s been bothering me, and I thought I might talk it over with you because it’s about you and me. I remember some time ago, people lined up on both sides of the street to watch the parade; and naturally, I was seen in every parade proudly waving in the breeze. When your daddy saw me coming, he immediately removed his hat, placed i...

  • In rural America, we are more self-reliant, more capable

    Jamie Henneman|May 31, 2023

    In our highly politicized, mass-media, instant-news culture there are ongoing messages about inequality, gender disparity, unfairness, race conflicts and other social ills. People argue that more regulations or more government money or more programs will fix these issues. But those who promote such “answers” do not understand the premise that “for every government benefit, a freedom must be surrendered.” The idea that you can, and should, take care of yourself is really at the backbone of what it means to be an American. This idea, however...

  • Sugarbeeters to send Three to State C Golf Tournament in Great Falls

    Kody Farmer|May 17, 2023

    The Chinook Sugarbeeter Girls and Boys Golf Teams have certainly faced a number of obstacles that they had to overcome. It’s fair to say all teams have faced similar obstacles with a few managing to get on the course more than others. In Chinook’s case the entire team was never able to compete together at a meet, nor were they able to practice together on the course adding another challenge to how Head Coach Nick Turner and Assistant Coach Brent Schellin managed their practice schedule. For the first month of the season the team split pra...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Mar 8, 2023

    Respect Isaiah 17:7 – At that day shall a man look to his maker, and his eyes shall have respect to the Holy One of Israel. Philippians 4:11 – Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in. whatsoever state I’m there with to be content. Colossians 3:25 – But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons. Leviticus 19:15 – You shall do no unrighteousness in judgement thou shalt do not respect the person of the poor, nor honor the person of the mighty: but in righteousness sha...

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