We've Got The County Covered

Articles written by for immediate release

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  • Montana Ag Partners Recruit for Communications Specialist to Promote Crop Varieties and Educate on Best Practices

    For Immediate Release|Dec 15, 2021

    Great Falls, Mont. – The Montana Department of Agriculture (MDA), Montana Wheat and Barley Committee (MWBC), and Montana State University (MSU) have partnered to fund a Crop Variety Promotions and Education Specialist position located on the Bozeman campus of MSU. “The MSU Plant Breeding program has a long history of developing varieties that allow Montana growers to earn premiums for their crops and we look forward to finding the right candidate to join their team to help share the story of how breeding programs add value,” said Cassidy Marn,...

  • FWP working with the Department of Livestock following the detection of bovine tuberculosis in Blaine County

    For Immediate Release|Nov 17, 2021

    To assist in monitoring bovine tuberculosis, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is looking to deer hunters in Blaine and Phillips counties for help. In September, bovine tuberculosis (bTB) was discovered in a herd of cattle in northern Blaine County and then later in Phillips County. Bovine TB is a contagious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium bovis and primarily affects cattle. The disease can be transmitted to nearly any mammal, including humans. The Montana Department of Livestock (DOL) is the lead agency for the investigation into...


    For Immediate Release|Nov 17, 2021

    Sometime between the evening of Sunday Nov. 7th and the morning of Monday Nov. 8th two horses were shot along the Stage Road south of the bridge on Big Warm Creek. This road is commonly used to travel between Zortman and Lodgepole. One died there, the other had to be put down. If you have any information please contact Phillips County Crime Stoppers, all tips are anonymous. 654-1211...

  • Montana Department of Transportation issues new load postings for the White Bear Creek Bridge in Blaine County

    For Immediate Release|Oct 6, 2021

    Fort Belknap, Mont. –– The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) recently issued new load postings for the White Bear Creek Bridge on MT 66 in Fort Belknap, in Blaine County. The postings are part of a multi-year effort to update load ratings and postings on Montana bridges as mandated by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The FHWA mandate is in response to changes in the trucking industry over the last decade. Truck manufacturers are building specialized hauling vehicles (SHVs), which are capable of legally carrying heavier loa...

  • Havre Women's Golf Association Presents Cash Award to Northern Montana Health Care Foundation

    For Immediate Release - Julianne LaSmith|Sep 29, 2021

    Havre, Montana –The Havre Women's Golf Association (HWGA) recently awarded the Northern Montana Health Care Foundation with a check for $48,900. This was the total proceeds from their 2021 "Golfing for a Cure" Tournament and will go towards the Havre Women's Golf Association Assistance Fund. 2021 marks the 16th Annual Golf Tournament that the Havre Women's Golf Association has held, with the exception of 2020. Originally it was created to help our Hi-line community members who suffered from B...

  • Chinook Community Chest Fund Drive

    For Immediate Release|May 5, 2021

    This year’s Community Chest Fund Drive in Chinook will take place Wednesday, May 19, at 5:30 p.m. The purpose of Community Chest is to alleviate each organization from going door-to-door soliciting donations. The drive provides local funding for Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, Food Pantry, AAU Wrestling, Youth Baseball/Softball, Youth Soccer, MCT, Swim Team, Chinook Rod and Gun Club, and PAWS. Without area residents’ support, many of these programs would not be available to the youth in the community. Those that participate in these organizations o...

  • DPHHS Offers Prevention Tips to Avoid Tick Bites this Spring and Summer

    For Immediate Release|Apr 28, 2021

    As Montanans look to enjoy the outdoors this spring and summer, state and local public health officials urge everyone to follow a few simple steps to prevent tick bites and related illnesses: Limit exposure to ticks, use insect repellent, and inspect yourself, gear, and pets for ticks. Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) officials say each tick season is unpredictable. However, each year thousands of people in the U.S. are bitten by ticks and become infected with a tick-borne illness. DPHHS communicable disease...

  • Mandatory 10-Digit Dialing Coming to 406 Area Code

    For Immediate Release|Apr 21, 2021

    The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has adopted 988 as a new three-digit number to be used nationwide to reach the National Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Crisis Lifeline, starting July 16, 2022. Until then, customers must continue to dial 1-800-273-TALK to reach the Lifeline. For 988 to work properly in our area code, and in several other area codes and states around the country, 10-digit local dialing needs to be implemented. What is Changing? All telephone customers may begin dialing 10 digits (area code + telephone number)...

  • Wanted by the FBI: Applicants for the Salt Lake City Virtual Teen Symposium

    For Immediate Release|Mar 31, 2021

    The Salt Lake City FBI invites all interested high school juniors and seniors, 16-18 years of age, in Utah, Idaho, and Montana to apply to the FBI’s Teen Symposium. Classes will be held virtually on Thursday, April 22, 2021 and Friday, April 23, 20201, from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The FBI Teen Symposium provides an opportunity for high school students to catch a behind-the-scenes look at the FBI through presentations and demonstrations. Upon completion, students will foster a greater understanding of the FBI’s mission and how we serve our citize...

  • Oilseed Crop Checkoff Proposed to Montana Growers Ballots due to Montana Department of Agriculture by April 16th

    For Immediate Release|Mar 24, 2021

    Montana oilseed growers will soon receive a ballot in the mail proposing a 0.5% checkoff for canola, camelina, flaxseed, mustard, safflower, soybeans, and sunflower crops. If passed, the Montana Oilseed Advisory Committee will advise the Montana Department of Agriculture (MDA) on how to invest the funds for research, market development, and education. “Checkoff programs have a long history of improving and expanding markets for growers,” said MDA Director Mike Foster. “Montana’s oilseed production has grown significantly in recent years, and I...

  • What is Ag Day?

    For Immediate Release|Mar 24, 2021

    What Is Ag Day? It's a day to recognize and celebrate the abundance provided by agriculture. Every year, producers, agricultural associations, corporations, universities, government agencies and countless others across America join together to recognize the contributions of agriculture. When Is Ag Day? Ag Day is celebrated on March 23, 2021. National Ag Day falls during National Ag Week. Who Hosts Ag Day? The Agriculture Council of America hosts the campaign on a national level. However, the awareness efforts in communities across America are...

  • Construction Begins on Culvert Replacement Between Chinook and Harlem

    For Immediate Release|Mar 17, 2021

    Harlem, MT – Warmer weather means construction crews are back out on Montana roads, upgrading your route! The Chinook to Harlem Culverts project will repair or replace over 20 deteriorating culverts along a 24 mile stretch of US 2 between Chinook and Harlem. Culvert work will build a strong foundation for the complete reconstruction of the corridor planned within the next five years. Future projects will be more time and cost-efficient, as they will not need to repair or replace culverts during construction. Crews began work on replacing c...

  • Daines Announces Harlem, Montana's Alaynee Hawley Offer of Appointment to the U.S. Air Force Academy

    For Immediate Release|Feb 10, 2021

    U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced academy nominee Alaynee Hawley of Harlem, Montana has been offered an appointment to the United States Air Force Academy. “Alaynee is an incredible young Montanan with a bright future ahead of her. It’s clear that with her long list of achievements that include being a Western Aerospace Scholar, playing multiple sports in high school, and even co-founding her local robotics club, she’s ready for anything,” Daines said. “Congratulations on your offer of appointment to the U.S. Air Force Academy a...

  • Grants Awarded to Benefit Blaine County

    For Immediate Release|Jan 27, 2021

    The Montana Community Foundation, Inc. (MCF) announces the grantees of the Blaine County Community Foundation Fund benefiting the communities and residents of Blaine County. The Blaine County Community Foundation Fund was established at MCF by Warren Ross in 1997. Financial support for this grant program also comes from the Ross 87 Ranch Endowment Fund, established by Warren Ross as well. The grant money must be used for programs or projects benefiting Blaine County. The applications were reviewed by a committee of Blaine County residents and...

  • MMIP Taskforce SB 4 Passes Montana Senate

    For Immediate Release|Jan 27, 2021

    Western Native Voice is proud to announce that Senate Bill 4, sponsored by Senator, Jason Small, has passed the Montana Senate on a vote of 43-7. Senate Bill 4 would extend the Missing and Murdered Indigenous People Taskforce for another two years. By extending this task force, the Montana Legislature would help our tribes bring back our missing brothers and sisters. Western Native Voice’s Political Director, Keaton Sunchild, who has been testifying on this bill stated, “Senate Bill 4 passing the Senate is a great first step towards con...

  • MSU Extension cropping seminars slated for January 6, 2021 in Golden Triangle

    For Immediate Release|Dec 30, 2020

    Montana State University Extension will host a free, annual cropping seminar series January 6, 2021 in Fort Benton, Denton, Havre, Chester, Shelby, Cut Bank, Conrad, Choteau, and Great Falls. Speakers will cover grasshopper control, antagonistic effects of herbicides, management of herbicide resistant weeds, and farm and ranch safety. Due to Covid-19, presentations will be broadcast to local locations for viewing. If producers would prefer to view the presentations at home, they can contact their local extension office for the broadcast link....

  • Fort Belknap Indian Community Congratulates Deb Haaland

    For Immediate Release|Dec 30, 2020

    The Fort Belknap Indian Community congratulates U.S. House of Representative Deb Haaland on her appointment as the Secretary of the Interior. It is a breath of fresh air for Indian Country and we are sure it instills confidence in tribes who continue to fight for their treaty rights, their sovereignty and protection for their lands and people. She made history in her appointment as one of the first Native American women appointed to the U.S. House of Representatives, and now continues that historic precedence in being appointed as the first...

  • MSU Extension cropping seminars slated for January 6, 2021 in Golden Triangle

    For Immediate Release|Dec 23, 2020

    Montana State University Extension will host a free, annual cropping seminar series January 6, 2021 in Fort Benton, Denton, Havre, Chester, Shelby, Cut Bank, Conrad, Choteau, and Great Falls. Speakers will cover grasshopper control, antagonistic effects of herbicides, management of herbicide resistant weeds, and farm and ranch safety. Due to Covid-19, presentations will be broadcast to local locations for viewing. If producers would prefer to view the presentations at home, they can contact their local extension office for the broadcast link....

  • Reach Higher Montana Launches Annual Reach Higher Montana Scholarship

    For Immediate Release|Dec 16, 2020

    Helena - Do you know a student who could use $1,000 to help pay for their education? The Reach Higher Montana Scholarship program opens on December 1, 2020, at www.ReachHigherMontana.org. This year, the Montana-based nonprofit organization will award eighty-one scholarships – thirty awards for Class of 2021 graduating high school seniors, and fifty awards for students currently attending a Montana college or university for use in the 2021-2022 academic year. In addition, one $1,000 scholarship is earmarked for a current college student who h...

  • MDT and Schellinger Construction cease Lohman E/W work for winter shutdown

    For Immediate Release|Dec 9, 2020

    Chinook, MT: Work on US 2 between Havre and Chinook is substantially complete as of this week. Crews have finished paving the highway mainline, and have placed interim pavement markings, delineation, and guardrail for the project. Some permanent signs were installed before winter shutdown. “The Lohman East and West project on US 2 is reconstruction project designed to improve a critical stretch of hi-line roadway infrastructure. We have completely reconstructed over ten miles of US 2 and rebuilt four bridges,” Great Falls District Adm...

  • Jeff Finley Participates in MSU-Northern "Deck the Hall" Competition

    For Immediate Release|Dec 9, 2020

    The MSU-Northern Foundation has launched its first-ever Deck the Halls Competition and Fundraiser! Thirteen houses are competing for who has the best holiday light display. Jeff Finley, owner of Finley's Food Farm, willingly threw his hat in the competition and is the sole house representing Blaine County. Jeff is a proud supporter of MSU-Northern and was happy to participate in this competition. His house, located at 400 Illinois St, is decked out with custom dancing bells, music (tune in to...

  • MSGA Pulls Off a Successful Virtual Annual Convention & Trade Show

    For Immediate Release|Dec 2, 2020

    HELENA, Mont. (November 19, 2020) – The Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) wrapped up its first-ever Virtual Annual Convention & Trade Show on Wednesday, November 18. This one-of-a-kind event provided over 200 attendees the chance to gather for keynote addresses, explore a virtual trade show, vote for MSGA’s 2021 Board of Directors, and participate in policy development – all from their own home! During Opening General Session, attendees heard from livestock industry organization leaders such as Fred Wacker, former MSGA President; Jay Bodn...

  • Grasshopper Infestation Information Session

    For Immediate Release|Dec 2, 2020

    MSU Blaine County Extension will be teaming up with USDA/APHIS to present a Grasshopper informational webinar and question and answer session with Gary D. Adams, State Plant Health Director, Montana APHIS on Wednesday, December 9th beginning at 5:00 PM. This meeting will take place virtually as well as in person. Limited in person attendance will take place at the Triple E Meeting Room in Chinook. Please call the Extension Office at357-3200 to RSVP to attend in person. To attend online, please call the Extension Office and we will send you log...

  • 2021 ServeMontana Recognition Open for Nominations - Award honors community members committed to service and volunteerism

    For Immediate Release - Julianne LaSmith|Nov 11, 2020

    The Governor’s Office of Community Service announced today they are accepting nominations for the annual ServeMontana Awards. This award recognizes Montanan citizens who demonstrate a commitment to helping others and serving their communities. The public is encouraged to nominate individuals from various service groups, and of all ages and backgrounds. Both individuals and organizations can be nominated. All service must be performed in Montana or by Montanans. Applications are due by May 1, 2021. Ideal nominees: • Impact change in oth...

  • Hunter check stations, CWD sampling stations ready for general season

    For Immediate Release|Nov 4, 2020

    GLASGOW, HAVRE – Hunter check stations began operation across Montana last weekend and continue through the general rifle season with a few changes in protocol related to COVID -19 safety. The only continuous hunter check station in Region 6 (northeast Montana) is located a few miles east of Havre on Highway 2 and operates during daylight hours on Saturday and Sunday throughout the general season. In addition, wardens may also occasionally set up hunter check stations throughout the region at any time. Please remember that all hunters are r...

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