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On February 1st, Harlem Elementary 5th and 6th grade students participated in the annual school spelling bee. The top spellers will participate in the Blaine County Spelling Bee to be held on Tuesday, February 13th, at 10:00 a.m. in the Chinook High School Auditorium. Harlem Elementary will be sending the 1st through 5th place winners to the competition. Two alternates were also chosen in the event any of the participants cannot attend. The top spellers are as follows: 1st place – Gabby D...
PRESS RELEASE The 2024 Montana Seed Show is approaching. The Montana Seed Show will be held March 7 – 9, 2024 at Harlem High School. The Montana Seed Show would like invite everyone to participate in this year’s show. The purpose of the Montana Seed Show Seed and Forage Contest is to promote the production and use of good quality seed and feed. All growers are encouraged to exhibit the feed and seed they have for sale or are using on their farms. It is the desire of the Montana Seed Show Committee to provide a system for entry that is sim...
Aaniiih Nakoda College The Aaniiih Nakoda Community Foundation (ANCF) improves the quality of life for the Aaniiih and Nakoda people through grants and higher education scholarships. The foundation fills gaps in tribal services for the Fort Belknap Indian Community (FBIC). Historically, the Aaniiih and Nakoda have been communal people. COVID-19 disrupted the community’s traditional way of life by isolating community members. The foundation aims to rebuild and support connections between culture and community. The mission is to serve, s...
On Tuesday, February 6, several schools from across the Judith Basin District sent their FFA Chapter members to FFA Spring Districts in Havre. The event was held in part at the Fifth Avenue Church from 9:00 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. Among those attending were members of the Chinook Chapter seeking to qualify a team for Agricultural Sales. Kohen Sullivan, Wylee Simenson, Brockton Elliot, and Ben Hofeldt served on that team, and their results are still pending. Selling Miller welders and equipment, the team of four was judged not only on an...
Both the Blaine and Hill County Extension offices will be hosting Dr. Marsha Goetting on the Hi-Line for a series of Estate Planning Workshops this week. The first workshop in the series will be held on February 15 at 1:00 p.m. at the Harlem Senior Center, which is located at 116 Main Street South in Harlem. At this site, Dr. Goetting's topic will be Transferring Your Farm or Ranch to the Next Generation. Later that evening at 6:30, the workshop location will be the Hill County Chuckwagon at...
The Montana State University-Northern’s Fall semester Dean’s List contains 334 students. To be included in the Dean’s List, students must carry a minimum of 12 credits and earn a grade point average of 3.25 or better. Students that received an incomplete or “F” during this semester are not included on the honor roll listing. The following list of students is organized alphabetically by hometown (please note that many students give a Havre address instead of a hometown address, and thus are listed in the Havre listing). Chinook MT Joseph D....
Harlem Library Thanks to everyone who supported the “Love Chocolate…Love Your Library!” event. The Book Challenge for February is to read a book with a book on the cover. Don’t miss the virtual program “The Lentil Underground” Feb. 15, 6:30 -8 P.M. with presenter David Oien. You may watch on your device at or join us at the library for a watch party! The library will be closed Feb. 19 in observance of Presidents’ Day. “Friends & Fun!” is held each Wednesday at the library from 1-3 P.M. Come visit, play games and en...
This is Chinook Eagles President Steve Mulonet presenting Chrissy Downs & JUMP kids with a check from the December Fundraising Meat Raffle! For several years now the Eagles receives meat donations from various individuals to do a raffle during the month of December. This year the Eagles was able to donate a check in the amount of $4050 for the youth group....
FRIDAY February 16, 2024 8:00 a.m. Road/Bridge Supervisor Mitchell Sheriff Colby County Attorney Harwood DES Velk ARPA Funds/LATC Funds County Health Department Internal Business Employment Review Budget Transfers Tax Abatements MONDAY February 19, 2024 Courthouse is closed for Prsidents’ Day TUESDAY February 20, 2024 8:00 a.m. Road/Bridge Supervisor Mitchell Sheriff Colby County Attorney Harwood DES Velk ARPA Funds/LATC Funds County Health Department Internal Business Employment Review Budget Transfers Tax Abatements Payroll Approval 2:00 p...
Montana’s election process belongs to the people. We want to facilitate open and fair discussions during our primaries. The National Republican Senate Committee-Chairman Daines- does not need to choose the Arizona candidates or the candidates for Montana… Montanans can pick our own candidates, we do not need rich establishment politicians spoon feeding us our choices for Federal or State offices. We want fair and honest Elections not Selections. Now is a time for the Grassroots of Montana to Stand up and Let your voice be heard. As we kno...
Hello From the Chinook Social Senior Center! Well, January finally got over. All 90 days of it . Now, on to February! That one doesn’t seem to last quite as long, thankfully. We got some needed moisture & there is more coming! Yay! We are in desperate need of more moisture in our parched lands. When we think about how many days that we have been seeing fog, it looks as though we will also have a very wet Spring. Today is the final day of our partnership, for this season, with the Blaine County Museum and Sam French, museum director, in h...
February is Library Lovers Month! We have a book display of romances to celebrate the month of February. Come in and fill out a heart telling us why you love your library! We have a drawing for adults and one for the kids, so you will want to sign up for that too. We have a “Make your own Valentine” station set up for kids and adults to make a Valentine or two. February is also Black History Month. Elle put together a display of books celebrating black voices and black stories. We have several thrillers and a couple of non-fiction books ava...
February is Love Your Library Month and I Love to Read Month! What better time to bring your children to the library to find some great books to read. Don’t miss the virtual program “The Lentil Underground” which will be presented Thursday, February 15, 6:30 – 8:00 P.M. via Zoom. This presentation will cover Montana’s organic agriculture movement and pulse crop revolution from one of the farmers at the center of the story: David Oien, Founding Farmer of Timeless Seeds in Ulm. You may watch on your own device at http://tinyur...
Doris Irene Hofeldt. 102, passed away February 2, 2024 at Sweet Memorial Nursing Home. Doris was born to Crawford and Elizabeth Testerman, February 21, 1921 in a tarpaper shack near a town called Coburg, Montana, that was somewhere between Savoy and Turner Montana, in the county of Blaine where she joined a sister, Marguerite who was 2 years older to date. The family chores of ranching and farming made both of them strong and unique. As they learned how to milk cows, shock grain, ride horses... Full story
Happy Valentine’s Day! I can hardly believe we’re already in mid-February – wasn’t Christmas just yesterday? Today is the day we celebrate the human experience of love and affection for one another. Receivers of love freely give back in a joyful exchange of hearts and flowers and chocolates. And cards offer words that some of us may not be able to conjure across our lips. All of these expressions offer symbolic gestures, a glossy veneer of the deeper emotion that might only be felt through a lingering embrace or a passionate kiss. This year, f...
The 2023-2024 wrestling season came to an end this past weekend. 12 wrestlers represented Blaine County, seven from Chinook and five from Harlem. Of the 12 that went, five found the podium on the big stage. On the boys side for Chinook freshman Walter Schoen found the podium finishing fourth in the 160 pound weight class. Schoen made it to the third place match where he lost by major decision to Glasgow's William Kirkland, 14-6. And for the Harlem boys, senior Leon champagne finished eighth....
Dear Readers, As you know, Kody Farmer has been sick for a long time. Unfortunately, this last week his condition has worsened which will cause a delay in the sports stories this week. He has treasured writing and telling the stories of the kids of Blaine County for many years, and was hoping to continue a couple more weeks, but due to conditions out of his control he no longer can. We will make sure the stories are written and in next week's paper as it is important to Kody that the kids get...
Rod Benson, who grew up in Harlem, was the third presenter in the Blaine County Museum's 2023/24 Off-Season Speaker Series. Benson was a high school science teacher in Helena for 37 years and retired in the spring of 2019. December of that year he began teaching science and coaching archery at Hays-Lodge Pole High School. He said he will be "re-retiring" this spring. The Off-Season Speakers Series is co-hosted by the Blaine County Museum and the Chinook Senior Center. Benson presented on the...