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Hays/Lodge Pole Elementary, Junior High and High School celebrated Native American Week in grand fashion. The celebration began on Monday with the ‘Deadly Auntie’ contest which consisted of teams of three girls racing to put up Teepee’s. The activities and games continued throughout the week. The students, staff and community came together to enjoy all that was offered in a wonderful traditional celebration....
Although Pokémon Go was all the rage a few years ago, a more low-key, unplugged treasure-hunt trend is steadily growing in popularity in Montana communities: finding painted rocks. In an effort to join the trend, the Harlem Public Library hosted a Rock Painting Party on Thursday, September 16. People gathered at the library from noon until 6:00 p.m. to support the Harlem Rocks! movement. Library staff estimated that 45 people came and painted rocks. The movement began in Harlem after a patron...
Through a Presbyterian Church program called Young Adult Volunteers, Emma Kate Lander and Brendan Stump will be spending a year in Chinook, Montana. After a week of orientation delivered virtually, they arrived in late August and are staying with Wade and Carla Anderson, who are performing as their host family. The area's Young Adult Volunteers (YAV) site coordinator, Jack Mattingly-who also serves as the Pastor of the United Methodist Church-described the YAV program as an ecumenical, faith-bas...
Two Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks law enforcement cases from the fall of 2020 were completed, including an unlawfully killed bull elk in Blaine County, and a bull moose in Phillips County. Lucas Sterling, 42, of Columbia Falls, plead guilty to charges of hunting without a license and unlawful possession of a bull elk. Sterling killed the elk during the 2020 archery season in the Bear Paw Mountains in Blaine County. Sterling was hunting without the required special permit for the hunting district. He was ordered to pay $460 in fines, $1000 in...
With the beginning of the 2021-2022 academic year, Harlem Elementary School is already adding to their esteemed Rockin' ROAR Roster! Under the leadership of two female American Indian Educators: Principal Evelyn Bigby and Assistant Principal Jessica Cochran, the school year began on August 25. At an assembly on the first day of school, students were introduced to the ROAR Guidelines so that they could start school on positive footing by learning how to be Respectful, Organized, Always safe, and...
Harlem Library Take part in the programs at your library. Storytime for ages 0-5 is held each Tues. morning at 10 A.M. Elementary students are invited to After School Squad, which focuses on STEAM activities, each Wed. at 3:30 P.M. Lego Club for all ages meets Thurs. at 4:30. Preschool children must be accompanied by an adult. The Book Club may pick up the new book “The Book of Secrets” Oct. 4-15. The first discussion is Oct. 18, 4 P.M. The Book Challenge for Oct. is to read a book with a weather theme. The library will be closed Oct. 11, Indig...
This year was a bit of a challenge for gardening on the Big Flat due to the shortage of rain showers. But, persistence wins the whoppers award for a few gardeners in the area. Loretta Beck of Hogeland is known for growing a great garden each year. This year didn't disappoint. She credits much help from her family including the two grandchildren shown in the photo. One weighed in at 16.2 pounds while the other one was 14.2 pounds. That's super impressive, especially from the Big Flat where the...
Dave and Jan Kuehl left for their homes in Wisconsin after spending Sunday through Thursday morning with the Zellmer cousins and Sandy Beck, who is also a cousin. They were houseguests at Wally and Loretta Becks while here. On Sunday evening, Wally, Loretta and Dave and Jan along with Matt, Abby and Luke and Rick Grabofsky, and Bobbi, Tate, Ty, and Harley Beck helped Miss Lucy celebrate her 7th birthday at the Mike Grabofsky home. Monday supper guests at the Wallace Beck home were Dave and Jan Kuehl, Darwin and Betty Zellmer, and Shawn, Bobbi,...
Havre, Montana –Northern Montana Health Care (NMHC) recently presented the C.A.R.E. Award to two employees. Paul Schuschke, RN, part of the Emergency Medicine team, won the Award in June and Shannon Hansen, a member of the Northern Montana Pharmacy team, won the Award in September. Customer Service is important to Northern Montana Health Care. "Being the healthcare provider of choice" is part of their mission statement. Taking the time to recognize excellence in their employees is one of the w...
Our beloved daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece, auntie, cousin, and friend began her journey on September 24, 2021. Hailey Rose Bell was born to William "Bill" and Courtney Bell on November 13, 2002 in Havre, Montana. She carries the Nakoda name of Maxbiya Sha Wiya or in English, "Red Sky Woman". Her grandparents are Signa "Dodie" Bell, Amos First Raised, and Dan and Sandy McNeill. Hailey attended school in Harlem and Chinook Schools and was a 2021 graduate of Chinook High School. She was a... Full story
Stop by your library and see the new selections ready to be checked out! “The Other Black Girl” is by Zakiya Dalila Harris. Editorial assistant Nella Rogers is tired of being the only black girl at Wagner Books and is excited when Hazel-May McCall starts working at the next cubicle. But soon Nella is targeted as the office enemy and Hazel becomes the office darling. Threatening notes appear on Nella’s desk. She uncovers sinister forces at play and she realizes she may lose more than her career. Maine game warden Mike Bowditch is called to in...
The Chinook Sugarbeeters were looking to build on a strong showing at home last Thursday in a win over Box Elder as they turned to the second half of the conference schedule. In meetings earlier this season with the North star Knights and Centerville Miners the 'Beeters were very successful in picking up a couple of road wins. This week the Sugarbeeters were at home against the Knights for Homecoming on Thursday and the Miners on Saturday. With the Conference schedule flipping to the home...
The Harlem Lady Cats have been on the brink of breaking through and finding some wins in the matches they have played. Head Coach Kim Faulkinberry and her Lady Cat team have competed hard for the most part, having a chance to win night in and night out. That effort hasn’t translated into a lot of wins as of yet, but things are starting to appear as if they are about to change. Outside of the Lady Cats two matches with North Country, one at the beginning of the season and one last Tuesday. The Lady Cats have been in every match. This past w...
The Hays/Lodge Pole Thunderbird Volleyball team continues to work hard on the court and is getting better each time they step up to play. The Thunderbirds have had to overcome more than their fair share of adversity this fall and despite the obstacles the coaching staff and the players are having as much fun as ever. This year is very special in many ways as the team now boasts a roster big enough to field both a junior varsity and varsity squad. Head Coach Gemma Mount is thrilled by this as it...
The Chinook Sugarbeeters capped off Homecoming Week Friday night under the lights as they welcomed the Chester/Joplin-Inverness Hawks to Hoon Field. The 'Beeters entered the contest as winners of four straight and were looking to add to that total in a big Northern C 'B' Subdivision contest. Chinook started fast, scoring on their first play from scrimmage and never looked back in a lopsided 61-14 win over the Hawks to improve to a perfect 5-0. The 'Beeters were ultra fast in putting points on th...
The Hays/Lodge Pole Thunderbirds were back on the field this past Friday as they traveled to Shelby to take on the Coyotes in a Northern C ‘B’ Subdivision contest. The Coyotes defeated the Thunderbirds 56-6 Thunderbirds were playing just their second game of the year in what has been a difficult process. Through it all the Thunderbirds have proven to be a resilient group and are sure to find success on the field this fall. The Harlem Wildcats were at home celebrating Homecoming week and hosted the Simms Tigers Friday night. The Tigers sta...
The Hays/Lodge Pole Thunderbird Cross Country team is back on track and ready to run this fall. The Thunderbirds hosted their Cross Country Meet this past Wednesday with elementary, Junior High and High School athletes all being able to run through the beautiful mountain course. The Thunderbirds have been held back this fall by Wildfire and Covid-19 but when the opportunity finally came for them to compete they were more than willing and able. Teams included Rocky Boy, Harlem, Dodson and...
Native American Week was celebrated at local schools September 20-24. Native American Day in Montana and Texas was celebrated on Friday, September 24. Known also as American Indian Heritage Day or Native American Heritage Day its purpose is to recognizes the Native American heritage, history and contributions in every way. The day is recognized in a number of states on varying days. Schools often extend the celebration throughout the week as the Hays/Lodge Pole school system did just this last w...
It is not every year that Blaine County Museum organizes something special for the community in observation of the anniversary of the Battle of Bear Paw. This year, however, we are hosting an event that will honor the history of the Nez Perce Flight of 1877, Bear Paw, and the Nimiipuu (Nez Perce). We have invited Nimiipuu Tribal Elder LeRoy Seth and Pendleton blanket designer Terry Ball to give a talk on their collaborative work of art, “Hear Me, My Chiefs”. “Hear Me, My Chiefs” is the title of a limited-edition Pendleton blanket designe...
Each week, Harlem Elementary has been naming a trio of students to join the Rockin' ROAR Roster. For the week ending September 17, kindergartener Isaiah Doney, fourth grader Kayleigh Gray, and fifth grader Renessa Doney were selected. The newest learners to earn this distinction on the last Friday of September are second grader Jaxton Brady, third grader Kaleb Filesteel, and sixth grader Jasper Lamere. According to Janice Gilham, a spokesperson for the school, these students have proven to be...
Havre, Montana –The Havre Women's Golf Association (HWGA) recently awarded the Northern Montana Health Care Foundation with a check for $48,900. This was the total proceeds from their 2021 "Golfing for a Cure" Tournament and will go towards the Havre Women's Golf Association Assistance Fund. 2021 marks the 16th Annual Golf Tournament that the Havre Women's Golf Association has held, with the exception of 2020. Originally it was created to help our Hi-line community members who suffered from B...