We've Got The County Covered

Articles from the March 20, 2024 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 21 of 21

  • Sixth Graders Return from Regional Fair with Science Prizes

    Donna Miller|Mar 20, 2024

    Four Meadowlark Elementary School sixth graders travelled with their teacher Mrs. Alicia Noel to Great Falls on March 5 to compete in the Regional Middle School Science Fair. Noel received indication of prizes this past March 11. After winning Chinook's science fair, Cali Van Voast, Garrisen Powell, Rian Molyneaux, and Sasha Anderson all advanced to the Regional Science Fair. Held at Great Falls College MSU, the fair's participants were judged on scientific thought and engineering, clarity, crea...

  • Dinner Theater Comes to the Big Flat

    Donna Miller|Mar 20, 2024

    Big Flat Community Grain Bin in collaboration with Montana Actors’ Theatre will host a dinner theater performance of The Queen of Blaine County at the Turner Christian Church on April 6. Anyone wishing to attend should reserve a ticket by March 27. Written by Executive Artistic Director for MAT, Jay Pyette, The Queen of Blaine County is subtitled “A Murder Mystery with Cows” and will be directed by Anjanett Hawk. Additionally, it will feature the talent of Mark Cichosz, Andi Daniel, Bonnie Ortner, and TJ Schwartzkopf. As the plot unfolds, the a...


    Press Release|Mar 20, 2024

    Chinook High School Alumni are welcomed and invited to the upcoming CHS All-Class Reunion scheduled for July 4th – 7th, 2024, in Chinook. This four-day event will boast a plethora of fun and exciting activities. The Reunion Committee would like to welcome Alumni, Family, Friends, Current and Former Teachers, and non-graduating Alumni to attend and enjoy the upcoming festivities. The Chinook High School All-Class Reunion happens every 5 years in beautiful Chinook, Montana and, like many organizations, the All-Class Reunion Committee has been s...

  • Rev. Ritch Grimes installed as Co-pastor by Milk River Churches (MRC)

    Steve Edwards|Mar 20, 2024

    The Milk River Churches (MRC) installed Rev. Ritch Grimes as a new Co-pastor at the four congregations' joint monthly service. The MRC include two Presbyterian congregations in Havre and Chinook and the United Methodist and American Lutheran churches in Chinook. The monthly joint service is held the first Sunday of each month and is hosted by a different church each month. The joint service includes communion and a potluck following the regular worship service. The four congregations joined toge...

  • Chinook Blood Drive was held on March 5th

    Press Release|Mar 20, 2024

    At our recent blood drive on Tuesday March 5th we had 43 presenting donors with 40 units collected. Because of your generosity 120 lives will be saved. We encourage anyone who is healthy, willing and able to come help give the gift of life. Donors with all blood types are needed. Remember, blood is a perishable product that can only come from blood donors like yourself. So please, come roll up your sleeve and give the gift of life. One donation can save up to the three lives. There were no new donors at this blood drive, but we always...

  • Blaine County Announces Online Burn Permits

    Press Release|Mar 20, 2024

    The citizens of Blaine County are now able to obtain a burn permit online without standing in line or even leaving home. The Blaine County Burn Permit service – found at https://app.egovmt.com/burnpermit/ –available as of Feb 2024, and will provide citizens with instant access to county burn permits. Permit holders are able to add multiple burn locations to a single permit and can even print their permit at home or send it to themselves electronically by entering an email address. Burn permits are available online at https:/...

  • Chinook High School to Host Prom This Weekend

    Donna Miller|Mar 20, 2024

    Scheduled for this Saturday, March 23, the Chinook High School Prom will be hosted by the junior class. For this annual affair, the Class of 2026 has selected Pandora as its theme. The event begins with pictures in the high school shop at 5:30 p.m., Grand March will take place at 6:30 p.m., and a prime rib dinner in the concessions area will follow. Sign-ups for these events have been taking place all week in the high school office. Fliers for the event greeted students on Monday morning, March 11, and representatives from Cavaliers were at...

  • HarlemLibrary

    Mar 20, 2024

    Be sure to join us tomorrow evening, March 21, at 6:30 P.M. for the program “The Geology of Blaine County” presented by Rod Benson. Rod grew up in Harlem, lives in Helena, and teaches high school science in Hays. He is currently in his 42nd and final year of teaching. Rod has learned as much as he can about the geology of north central Montana, and he has hiked many miles, exploring and photographing our beautiful landscape. During his presentation he will explain how oceans, volcanic activity, and ice ages shaped the Blaine County area. Ref...

  • ChinookSeniorCenter

    Mar 20, 2024

    Hello From the Chinook Social Senior Center We have finally gotten the Foot Clinic back in session, after several attempts. I am very glad for that, as are the people who definitely need that service. We are rescheduling them for Mon., April 1st. If you have not been contacted, but would like to schedule an appointment, please call us as soon as possible. Monday, April 1st is also the birthday of Steve Edwards. It comes as no surprise to me that this man was born on April Fool’s Day. If you see him out and about, please feel free to play a t...

  • Chinook Library

    Mar 20, 2024

    The Blaine County Library Board of Trustees will hold their regular monthly meeting Monday, March 25th at 4:30 p.m. in the library meeting room. New movies ready for checkout are Wonka, Migration and The Color Purple. “Wandering Stars” by Tommy Orange is the follow-up to his best seller, “There, There.” “End of the Story” by A.J. Finn is a spellbinding thriller. “Never Too Late” by Danielle Steel is a stirring novel about a woman striking out on her own after loss as her adult daughters try to find their own independent paths in life. “The G...

  • Thoughts of Joy - Hello, God, it's me, Mara

    ma|Mar 20, 2024

    You know, Lord, each and every one of us folks could tell of a single item that holds importance and joy that he or she would never part with. ‘Patty’ told us of a fifty-year-old recipe card that was in her mom’s handwriting. Another gal shared that her lovely pink tea-cups, long ago, were her grandma’s favorite teacups. Other folks may value treasured memories - a compliment that encouraged them, a grandchild’s giggle, or even a special insight they had gleaned for Scripture. What we often keep stashed aways in our hearts, though, are thing...

  • Johnnie L. Gorman

    Mar 20, 2024

    Johnnie L Gorman (73) died on March 6, 2024. John was born on May 17, 1950. He had many interests including hunting, fishing, golf, & archery. John worked as a meat cutter in Chinook, Harlem, & Glendive, MT. He is survived by his daughter Kassie Gorman, his sister Barbara Clark North Platte, NE, brother, Dan Gorman Chinook, MT, his sister Debra (Robert) Anderson, his aunts Joan Lamey, Mary Potter, & Gloria Carter, & many nieces & nephews. John was preceded in death by his parents, John &... Full story

  • Debt Free Living

    Theresa Danley|Mar 20, 2024

    Debt-free living. That has a pleasant ring to it, doesn’t it. Those three simple words have a way of invoking a sense of freedom. They clash with today’s norms of mortgages, high interest rates, credit card and consumer debt - where we spend, spend, spend on someone else’s dime in a thrillingly euphoric (and often expensive) period of grace. But that grace period ends when the creditors come to call. Ultimately, we are brought to account for our indebtedness. The time comes to pay back (with interest). We become enslaved to paying for our p...

  • Harlem Students place 2nd in Congressional App Challenge

    Taylor Faulkinberry|Mar 20, 2024

    I personally wanted to share some positive information/news on the team that I was an Advisor for during the 2022-2023 School Year with Code Girls United. We ended the year with 4 Girls on our Team; three 5th Grade Students and one 6th Grade student at the time. During the year of building their app and deciding what they wanted to bring awareness to with their app these students worked very hard and excelled as a team. I was extremely proud to see them grow from the beginning of the year to the end of the year during that school year. At the...

  • Montana Masonic Foundation presents donations to Local Groups

    Mar 20, 2024

    (Top) Bro. David Sageser, Senior Grand Steward of the Grand Lodge of Montana, presented a check for $4000 from the Montana Masonic Foundation to Patricia Loceo Reid to be used for technology. Pictured: Bro. David Sageser, Principal Danelle Gibson, Educator Patricia Loceo Reid. Bro. David Sageser, Senior Grand Steward of the Grand Lodge of Montana, presented a check for $1000 to Librarian Bonnie Ortner in Harlem, MT to be used to purchase books for the reluctant reader. Pictured: Bro. Kevin...

  • Art Show Winners Named

    Donna Miller|Mar 20, 2024

    The 74th Annual Seed Show is in the books, and according to the Superintendent of the Art Show, Mary-Kate Nienhuis-French, the display of artwork was especially "impressive" this year with so many of the Hi-Line schools represented. Purple rosettes were awarded to Best of Show in three divisions: K-8, high school, and adult. Other categories also featured multiple winners. In the K-8 category, Seventh Grader Liberty Wicks from Inverness captured the Best of Show crown. For the high school...

  • Montana Seed Show - Bread Winners

    Karolee Cronk|Mar 20, 2024

    By Karolee Cronk The 2024 Montana Seed Show Bread Show had many tasty bread entries. Blue Ribbon Winners were: Adult - White Bread-Aschlea Schroder, 100% whole wheat bread-Amanda Powell, Machine White bread-Brittany Dawson, Machine Combo bread-Kristi Warburton, Specialty bread-Sharon Reed. Youth - White Bread-Norah Zellmer, Specialty Bread-Jessa Schroder. The sweepstakes winner was Jessa Schroder with her specialty bread. 2025 will mark the 75th Montana Seed Show in Harlem. Bakers, be ready...

  • Blaine County Athletes Account for 19 All-State, All-Conference Selections

    Mar 20, 2024

    The Winter High School sports season has come to an end and with that, the post season honors list have been released. A bevy of Blaine County athletes were named to their respective sports awards lists. Chinook senior Hallie Neibauer (Basketball), Junior Alexus Seymour (Basketball), Sophomore Emma Klingaman (Wrestling), Junior Grace Buck (Wrestling) and freshman Walter Schoen (Wrestling), along with Harlem senior Kaitlyn Johnson (Wrestling) and Turner standout, senior Ryan Doyle (Basketball)...

  • Blaine County Athletes Account for 19 All-State, All-Conference Selections

    Mar 20, 2024

    The Winter High School sports season has come to an end and with that, the post season honors list have been released. A bevy of Blaine County athletes were named to their respective sports awards lists. Chinook senior Hallie Neibauer (Basketball), Junior Alexus Seymour (Basketball), Sophomore Emma Klingaman (Wrestling), Junior Grace Buck (Wrestling) and freshman Walter Schoen (Wrestling), along with Harlem senior Kaitlyn Johnson (Wrestling) and Turner standout, senior Ryan Doyle (Basketball)...

  • Harlem ROARING Students

    Mar 20, 2024

    (Left) Mrs. Rhonda Baker's 5th graders were chosen as the ROARing class for the week ending January 18th. These students earned this distinction by staying Respectful, Organized, Always safe, and Responsible at all times, and have earned an extra recess with Principal Evelyn Bigby. Let's hope it warms up soon so these Lil' Wildcats can make the most of their well-deserved reward! (Right) Instead of just one student, Mrs. Bear's entire class was chosen to fill the 5th grade ROARing Student slot....

  • Youth Leaders Gather in Wolf Point

    Donna Miller|Mar 20, 2024

    On Tuesday, March 5, several schools representing District V were invited to attend the Montana Association of Student Councils (MASC) meeting. Mary Zuchowski, the current District V Advisor from Frazer, elected to hold the meeting in Wolf Point. Essentially an opportunity to network with other student councils from around the state, the meeting allows youth leaders to share projects and ideas viable for implementation as well as to vote for District Officers. Three student leaders from Chinook...