We've Got The County Covered

Articles written by Ma

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 422

  • BLM seeks initial input for September 2025 oil and gas lease sale in Montana and North Dakota

    Bureau of Land Management|Feb 5, 2025

    BILLINGS, Mont. – The Bureau of Land Management Montana-Dakotas State Office today opened a 30-day public scoping period to receive public input on 29 oil and gas parcels totaling 9,102 acres that may be included in a September 2025 lease sale in Montana and North Dakota. The comment period ends Mar. 3, 2025. The parcels the BLM is analyzing, as well as maps and instructions on how to comment are available on the BLM’s ePlanning website at:https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2035530/510 Leasing is the first step in the process to...

  • A Helpful Hand Hello, God, It's Me Mara

    Mara|Feb 5, 2025

    You know, Lord, a friend shared about seeing goodness of folks while out shopping. If we’re paying attention, we might also see a ‘helping hand’. Last week, a short elderly lady, tried to reach a box of pasta off the top shelf in the grocery store; no way could she reach it. A lad near her, turned, asked if she needed help. She smiled, pointed to a certain ‘box’ – he grabbed it, handed it to her; she thanked him. He actually looked a bit surprised to hear her say, ‘THANK YOU!’ He smiled, nodded and walked off. To give a helping hand, to be a p...

  • St. Mary/Milk River Receives $46.5 million in Continuing Resolution

    Marko Manoukian|Jan 8, 2025

    St. Mary Rehabilitation Working Group A big thank you to Representative Zinke, Senators Tester, and Senator Daines for making sure St. Mary/Milk River funding was in the Continuing Resolution at the end of 2024 congressional session. The $46.5 million will be awarded through the Bureau of Reclamation budget under Aging Infrastructure for St. Mary & Halls Coulee Siphon repairs. At the December 18 St. Mary Rehabilitation Working Group meeting in Havre, a good crowd of 30 people from irrigators,...

  • Christmas is Coming, Hello God it's Me, Mara

    Mara|Dec 25, 2024

    You know, Lord, another friend shared about a prayerful ‘blurb’ she’d recently read which reminded her of where she’d lived or visited. ‘Jenny’ mention that she was having morning devotions near a window that looked out over a peaceful pond; which is way South; out of our state. Anyway, she heard the birdies singing, saw the sky was dusted with soft shades of blue and white which made her aware of Jesus’s presence. But she’d lived in other places, where views were less serene with a littered alley in a crime-ridden neighborhood as a backdrop ...

  • Valley Clovers 4-H Meeting

    Norah Zellmer and Maysen Olson|Nov 27, 2024

    The meeting was called to order by President Hannah Schoen at 1:00 PM at the Millers Shop. Walter led the American pledge and Wacee led the 4-H pledge. The roll call what are you thankful for. Secretary Wacee Simenson read the minutes from the last meeting. Treasurer Walter Schoen read the treasurer's report. Old business: Donation to the chuckwagon and parade of lights float. Under New Business: Christmas party, secret Santa, dinner, games, Angel tree and fundraising butter braids. Maysen made...

  • Love and Family - Hello, God, it's me, Mara.

    Mara|Oct 30, 2024

    You know, Lord, had to ‘eavesdrop’ a bit when a small group gathered. One lad said, “Auntie, some lady gave my mom a silly calendar with weird things written by each day. Mom opened it, looked things over, then started to laugh and said, ‘Laddy, would you believe on your birthday, in March, it shows that your day, the 23rd, it’s ‘Chip and Dip Day’ and neighbor, Helen’s day, the 1st, is Peanut Butter Lover’s Day.’ And look at this, the 3rd – which is Uncle John’s birthday, it shows that one is supposed to wear red? Can we even imagine Uncle J...

  • Valley Clovers 4-H Club Meeting

    Norah Zellmer and Maysen Olson|Oct 23, 2024

    The meeting was called to order by Vice president Henry Miller at 1:00 PM at Shores Floral. Fallan led the American pledge and Norah led the 4-H pledge. The roll call was what's your favorite animal. Hannah Schoen read the minutes from the last meeting. Old Business 4-H Week Window Display, to be decorated after the meeting. New Business Officer elections were held – President: Hannah Schoen; Vice-President: Henry Miller; Secretary: Wacee Simenson; Treasurer: Walter Schoen; Reporters: Norah Z...

  • BLM State Director recognizes team response to 2023 dam incident in Blaine County, MT

    Press Release Bureau of Land Management|Sep 4, 2024

    North Central Montana District Bureau of Land Management HAVRE – A grazing permit operator and BLM employees from the North Central Montana District earned special recognition Aug. 16 for their actions to prevent a BLM dam near Harlem, Montana, from potentially failing during the unusually high-flow spring runoff season in 2023. Sonya Germann, BLM-Montana/Dakotas state director, presented the State Director's Award for Safety to Frank Baldik, BLM grazing permit operator; Abby Hall, rangeland m...

  • Turner High School Graduates Three Students

    Diana Maloney|May 29, 2024

    The Turner High School commencement services were held this past Saturday in the school gymnasium. Mrs. Kathy Zellmer played Pomp and Circumstance. Senior, Ryan Doyle gave a nice welcome and then introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Kirsti Cederberg. Kirsti's message was that "It Takes a Village to Raise a Child." She conveyed that a host of people help teach a child through their growing up years, from holding a spoon, to potty training, to tying shoes, to dress, and the list goes on all through...

  • Homesteading

    Betty Billmayer|Apr 24, 2024

    On April 16th members of Jim and Helen Billmayer’s family gathered at Sweet Nursing Home, where they now live, to share some family memories with other residents and staff. There are four generations in the picture—Jim and Helen, their daughter Linda Petrie, granddaughters Shannon Van Voast and Stephanie Silva and great granddaughter Gaya Silva. Helen is wearing a dress that was her Gramma Wallin’s. Helen’s father, Christ Christiansen, was born in Norway on February 15, 1888. He immigra...

  • Thoughts of Joy - Hello, God, it's me, Mara

    ma|Mar 20, 2024

    You know, Lord, each and every one of us folks could tell of a single item that holds importance and joy that he or she would never part with. ‘Patty’ told us of a fifty-year-old recipe card that was in her mom’s handwriting. Another gal shared that her lovely pink tea-cups, long ago, were her grandma’s favorite teacups. Other folks may value treasured memories - a compliment that encouraged them, a grandchild’s giggle, or even a special insight they had gleaned for Scripture. What we often keep stashed aways in our hearts, though, are thing...


    Diana Maloney|Jan 24, 2024

    Grades K-6th at the Turner School performed a Christmas concert for the 2023 year prior to dismissal before the holiday break. The Kindergarten and First Grade started off the program with playing Silent Night, Jolly Old St Nicholas, and We Wish You a Merry Christmas on the bells. This was directed by Mrs. Shelly Harmon. Mrs. Diana Maloney's second and third grade class sang Santa Claus is Coming to Town, and wearing grinch eye masks and Santa hats, sang You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch. Closing...

  • Turner High School Holds Induction Ceremony Recently

    Diana Maloney|Jan 10, 2024

    The Turner High School recently held a National Honor Society at their school. Four students were inducted into the group with a cafeteria filled with students, parents, grandparents, and staff. Advisor, Mrs. Shelly Harmon led the induction. President, Hannah Richman, gave a welcome and introductory remarks after Turner Chapter officers, members, Faculty, and Superintendent were introduced. Honor Society members are: President: Hannah Richman Vice President: Cassidy Grabofsky Secretary: Trent...

  • Forever Bobcats

    Evelyn Boswell MSU Mountains and Minds magazine|Dec 20, 2023

    When Dan Davies was growing up on a ranch south of Chinook, branding, stacking hay and three-day cattle drives were as much a part of his life as his three brothers, 25-mile trips to town and the occasional warm winter winds that gave Chinook its name. Butch Damberger, on the other hand, grew up 150 miles west in Cut Bank. The only boy in a family of three sisters, he lived in town where he was more likely to tackle buddies in a backyard than livestock in a corral. So how did these two become...


    Diana Maloney|Nov 29, 2023

    A blood drive was held last week in Turner at the American Lutheran Church. There were 20 donors that turned out. The National Honor Society helped check people in and the Turner Auxiliary provided the canteen with sandwiches and bars. There was one new donor, Hannah Richman and one time second donor, Cassidy Grabofsky that donated blood. These girls should be commended for giving a gift of life to someone in need....


    Diana Maloney|Nov 29, 2023

    The second and third grade students participated in a coloring contest sponsored by the Blaine County Health Department earlier this Fall. The contest was geared to raise awareness of Mental illness. The younger children of Blaine County were asked to color a picture that was selected by Blaine Co. Health Dept. This particular picture that they colored was drawn by a winner from a drawing contest in upper grades the year before, so this was a special drawing to color. In second grade, the...


    Diana Maloney|Nov 15, 2023

    The Big Flat Catholic youth group did an act of kindness as they helped stock the Harlem Food Bank. They asked the community for donations and had several drop off spots throughout the community. The kids picked up the food and delivered it recently. They collected 485 pounds of food and $525.00 in monetary donations to help fill the pantry. Jack Siemens and Chuck Wasser of the food bank happily collected and stocked what the children brought to the pantry. The Big Flat Catholic Youth would...

  • Turner Students Travel to Washington DC

    Diana Maloney|Nov 15, 2023

    The Turner High School Juniors and Seniors from the DC Club recently traveled to Washington, DC. for a week-long trip of learning and exploring. Some of the highlights they saw were the White House, Capitol, Arlington Cemetery, various memorials including the Lincoln, Navy, Korean, Vietnam, Jefferson, World War Two Memorial, Lady Liberty, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial, Holocaust Museum, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, and so much more! They truly had...

  • Bands of Belonging

    Bailey Billmayer|Nov 8, 2023

    I belong to a tribe of ranchers who base their happiness on harvest and whether the cows get home, women who throw their hair in a bun and cook until the skies are full of warm colors, and small-town country kids who work in the time they aren’t cramming ‘unwanted’ knowledge into their brains. I am a sister, granddaughter, friend, and student. I belong to a tribe of people who find peace in being alone, and happiness with the few people they surround themselves with. I turn my back on unwanted drama, and go down the path of many uncer...

  • Aspen Colby wins Scholarship in memory of Tristan Billmayer

    Press Release Billmayer Family|Oct 4, 2023

    The family of Tristan Billmayer is pleased to announce the winner of the 2023 Mental Health Field Scholarship in the amount of $500. Aspyn Colby, a 2023 graduate of Chinook High School is the daughter of John and Dawn Colby. Aspyn is a Freshman at UND this Fall and plans on majoring in Criminal Justice with a minor in psychology. She was awarded this scholarship with the intent to spread awareness of mental health within the criminal justice system. As the youngest of a generational law...

  • Chinook Welcomes Four New teachers to town

    Erik Sietsma|Sep 20, 2023

    Students returning to classes in Chinook have been greeted by new faces and a few familiar ones in new roles. Four new teachers have been added to staff for the 2023-2024 school year, though the school is still looking to fill some roles. Fred Hofman, the superintendent in Chinook, highlighted some of the staff changes: “We’ve got a new 7th through 12th Special Ed teacher, who we converted from a paraprofessional to a teacher.” Faith Hofman, Fred’s wife, took on the role after the district lost its third special education teacher in as many ye...

  • Aaniiih woman among first to graduate from UND's new Indigenous health program

    Nora Mabie Missoulian|Sep 6, 2023

    When Amy Stiffarm was a graduate student at University of Montana, she learned that Native American women have low rates of breastfeeding. But she didn't understand why. "Until one day, I came across (reports) about how historical trauma and boarding school trauma took away our parenting knowledge and knowledge around how to feed your babies," said Stiffarm, who is Aaniiih and a descendent of the Chippewa Cree and Blackfeet tribes. "I had never seen that before - something that was talking about...

  • In rural America, we are more self-reliant, more capable

    Jamie Henneman|May 31, 2023

    In our highly politicized, mass-media, instant-news culture there are ongoing messages about inequality, gender disparity, unfairness, race conflicts and other social ills. People argue that more regulations or more government money or more programs will fix these issues. But those who promote such “answers” do not understand the premise that “for every government benefit, a freedom must be surrendered.” The idea that you can, and should, take care of yourself is really at the backbone of what it means to be an American. This idea, however...

  • The Land of Extremes

    Herman Gebert|May 31, 2023

    That’s where we are in Central Montana When you move to this land and have your dreams Jim Beam is a good idea it seems We have summers that are hot and dry We have long, cold winters that will make you cry Drought years when irrigation water is short Sometimes you and your neighbor end up in court The land of extremes is where we live Sometimes it seems like we just give and give But there are good times, too Although, at times, one thinks it’s something new Mosquitoes and gumbo are mentioned a lot The hot days in August will make you won...


    Diana Maloney|May 10, 2023

    The Turner Prom was recently held in Turner for all Turner High School students and their dates. The evening began by enjoying a ham banquet that was prepared by Junior Parents; Darci and BG Ammen, Hilary and Tim Richman, and Shawna and Adam Billmayer. It was there that the Senior Prophecies and wills were read by the Junior students, Ryan Doyle, Hannah Richman, and Trent Billmayer. The parents invited all the High School students and their dates this year. Following the banquet, the students...

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