We've Got The County Covered

Articles from the August 30, 2017 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 30

  • USDA Offers Drought and Fire Impacted Montana Farmers and Ranchers Disaster Assistance

    Aug 30, 2017

    Montana Farm Service Agency (FSA) reminds farmers and ranchers of federal farm program benefits that may be available to help eligible producers recover from drought and fire. FSA offers disaster assistance and low-interest loan programs to assist agricultural producers in their recovery efforts during drought, fire or similar qualifying natural disasters. Available programs and loans include: Non-Insured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) - provides financial assistance to producers of non-insurable crops when low yields, loss of...

  • Local Poker Run raised funds for American Cancer's Relay for Life

    Steve Edwards|Aug 30, 2017

    Proceeds from a "Ride-Fly-Drive Poker Run" generated 'just shy of $1,600' for the North Central Montana Relay for Life. Forty participants on motorcycles and in vehicles made the run that started and ended in Chinook with stops at Fort Belknap, Zortman and Malta. The ACS Relay for Life is the signature fund raising event by volunteers in 5200 communities and 20 countries around the world. John and Angie Hebbelman organized the local poker run and deemed it a "great success with a good turnout...

  • North Harlem Colony hosts touring seniors from Chinook

    Steve Edwards|Aug 30, 2017

    Eighteen members from the Chinook Senior Center made a visit last week to the North Harlem Colony. Eli Hofer, minister for the North Harlem Colony and clerk for the North Harlem Colony School, led the group on a tour of some of the facilities that make up the complex five miles north of Harlem on the highway to Turner. Eli's daughter-in-law, Gail, also helped guide and answer the guests' questions. The 45 people who live at the community are Hutterites, a branch of the Anabaptist movement that b...

  • Chinook Red Cross Blood Drive is Tuesday, September 12th

    Aug 30, 2017

    Walk-in donors will be accepted from 12:30 P.M. - 1 P.M. Story submitted by, Carla Jenewein THE RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE is Tuesday, September 12th in Chinook at Wallner Hall. The Red Cross will be accepting walk-ins only from 12:30PM-1:00PM Appointments and walk-ins will be accepted between 1:00PM and 6:00PM. Appointments are highly encouraged by the American Red Cross. So, if you have not made an appointment you can go on-line at redcrossblood.org or call 1-800-733-2767 (1-800-REDCROSS). Any healthy person age 18 (or age 16 or 17 with a signed p...

  • Playgrounds full as kids head 'Back to School'

    Aug 30, 2017

    These kids didn't waste anytime picking up were they left off in May as they prepare for their first day of school in a new grade. Students K-12 reported for school last week and we remind those to be on the lookout for children as they pass by schools and remember to stop when the School Bus does while on their routes....

  • Jumping Junipers recognizes one of their own

    Aug 30, 2017

    The Chinook Jumping Junipers is so proud of their own Myrla McCoy for winning three ribbons this year at the Blaine County Fair. Ms. McCoy is pictured here on the left holding her yellow and purple ribbons, while Jumping Junipers' president, Carol Depriest supports the Blue Ribbon. Just look at those gorgeous blooms!! We are very proud and happy for you, Myrla!! Keep up the beautiful work.....

  • Clara Laird: A helping hand at the Sweet Memorial Nursing Home

    Kody Farmer|Aug 30, 2017

    Volunteering your time and effort to help others is a fantastic thing to do no matter how old you are but is always refreshing when it is a young person recognizing and wanting to do something to help his or her community. Chinook sixth grader Clara Laird is one such person. The energetic 11 year old first began thinking about wanting to volunteer somewhere way back in fifth grade as the school year began to wind down. "I just thought that their had to be something that somebody my age could do...

  • Bear Paw Meanderings

    Robert Lucke|Aug 30, 2017

    I have not shared any mail with you gentle readers for some time now. Old time readers know that my mail is usually about the same each time I get any and varies from those who are in love with me to those who hate the ground I walk on. Yet, it is always good to stay humble so here is a sample of what the last three months have brought in. I call it the good, the bad and the ugly. Dear Mr. Lucke, I see you hobbling down the street using a walker these days. Surely I think we will not have to read any more of your drivel in the paper as you are...

  • Glenn Milton Pursley

    Aug 30, 2017

    Chinook, mt Glenn Milton Pursley, 78, passed away on August 21st 2017 at his home in Chinook, MT. The viewing was held on August 25th 2017 from 2:00pm -5:00pm at Edwards Funeral Home in Chinook MT. The Funeral Service were held at St. Margaret Mary's Catholic Church on August 26th 2017 starting at 11:00am. Glenn was born on September 25th 1938 to Milton and Verla Pursley in Havre, MT. He grew up on the Peel Place and the Randall Place in the Bear Paw Mountains east of Big Sandy. After... Full story

  • Theresa "Terry" McGlinchey Berlinger

    Aug 30, 2017

    BILLINGS, mt Theresa "Terry" McGlinchey Berlinger was born to James and Hannah McGlinchey in Glencolmcille, County Donegal, Ireland, on April 25, 1933. She came from a family of eight girls and four boys. Theresa came to the United States on June 18, 1953, and worked in New York until coming to Montana in August 1954. While in Montana, she met Raymond Berlinger of Big Sandy and married on November 27, 1954. The couple lived on their farm southeast of Big Sandy for 40 years, during which time... Full story

  • Harold "Hal" Lund

    Aug 30, 2017

    Bellevue, WA Harold “Hal” Lund died peacefully on July 19, 2017 in Bellevue, WA at the age of 86. Hal Lund is survived by his wife, Shirley Lund, Tacoma, WA; sons Mark Lund, wife Lisa, Bainbridge, WA; Brett Lund, wife Cheryll, Laurel, MT; Craig Lund, wife Nadine, Louisville, CO; Jeff Lund, wife Renee, Bellevue, WA and grandchildren, Lindsay Lund, Garrett Lund, Leah Burns (husband Tim), Kandra Diefenderfer (husband Craig), Taylor Lund, Ciera Lund, Nick Lund, Hailey Lund, and great-grandchildren Kaitlyn and Reese. He is preceded in death by bro... Full story

  • Local producers elected as Delegates to 134th Annual American Angus Association Convention in Fort Worth, Texas

    Aug 30, 2017

    Kathy Creighton Smith, Chinook, Montana; and Klinton Swanson, Chinook, Montana have been elected as a delegates to the 134rd Annual American Angus Association® Convention of Delegates, Nov. 6 at the Fort Worth Convention Center in Fort Worth, Texas, reports Allen Moczygemba, CEO of the American Angus Association. Gavin Maloney, Turner, Montana; Marvin Cross, Chinook, Montana; Jeff Nissen, Chinook, Montana; Kelly McCracken, Turner, Montana all have been elected as alternate delegates to the Annual Convention. All are members of the American...

  • Valley Clover 4-H Club gets Involved, files report

    Yelena Miller|Aug 30, 2017

    The August 20th meeting was held at the Chinook Library meeting room and called to order by Raynee Hasler. The Valley Clover Club was active and involved this summer. Many reports were given. Hannah Schoen and Kourtney Hanson reported that the yearly 4-H camp held at Camp Kiwanis in Beaver Creek Park south of Chinook was well attended. Hill County joined in on all the fun this year too. One hundred nineteen children participated and enjoyed all the super fun activities. They did fun crafts like...

  • White Pine 4H holds monthly meeting

    Amanda Mord|Aug 30, 2017

    Acting President, Britton Elliot, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. on August 17, 2017 at the Meadowlark School Cafeteria. Jenni Mord led the American Pledge and Ethan Klingaman led the 4-H Pledge. Roll Call was taken by Secretary Amanda Mord. Minutes of the June 15th meeting were read and approved. No Treasurer's Report was available. 4-H Record books were turned in and White Pine 4-H Stall signs were turned in. A motion was made by Charley Buck to adjourn our meeting and seconded by Lori Mord. Motion carried. Emma Klingaman presented...

  • Rose Noel hangs up her apron at Harlem Senior Center

    Steve Edwards|Aug 30, 2017

    Rose Noel, complete with party hat, is pictured holding up a "Grizz" steering wheel cover she received as a gift during her recent retirement party at the Harlem Senior Center. Rose began cooking at the center two days a week in 2012, then cooked six days a week for a 10 month stretch and has filled in for periods when a permanent cook was sought. For three years she cooked the Harlem Center's Sunday Community Meal, a once-a-month event open to the community. She vowed to retire when she turned...

  • Shop Local! Chinook Chamber addresses its importance

    Jennifer Hellman|Aug 30, 2017

    The Chinook Area Chamber of Commerce held their monthly meeting at the Chamber office on main street August 10th, 2017 at 6:15 p.m. Our last Training workshop was held August 15th at the Chamber office on Main Street. Heather DePriest with Montana Grafix discussed Social Media, and taught the basics of Facebook pages and how it can benefit your business. Did you know that when you shop LOCAL, you have helped the environment? Buying from a local Business conserves energy and resources in the form of less fuel for transportation, less packaging,...

  • Turner Talk

    Diana Moloney|Aug 30, 2017

    Last weekend, Max and Kirsti Cederberg went to Great Falls and took Nellie Cederberg to lunch. Susan Fox attended a DCCW Board Meeting in Billings this weekend. Denise and A.J. Watkins took Rennay to Missoula where she begins college soon. The kids at Turner School have a full week of school in. Best of luck to them as they begin their routines and sports. Brooke Reed, and the Wildcat Volleyball team, participated in an all day volleyball tournament in Malta this past Saturday. If you get a...

  • Harlem Library

    Aug 30, 2017

    If you have participated in the Letter by Letter game this summer you have until tomorrow, Aug. 31, to let the library know what books you have read so you may be entered in the drawing to win a $50 gift card. Please notify the library if you have read four books this month as part of the 2017 Reading Challenge. After the busy summer it's time to get back into the swing of things and start reading again. You may win a gift certificate from a local business! The library will be closed for Labor...

  • Harlem Senior Center

    Kristi Norby|Aug 30, 2017

    It is hard to believe it is already September and the days are starting to get cooler. The new calendars are out, so you can pick one up. We have added movies back into the fall schedule. They will be shown in the library meeting room every Wednesday starting on Sept. 6 with “Stand Your Ground.” Last Friday, Mary Pyette, Joyce McSloy, Marilyn Williamson, Judy Chapman, Elisabeth O’Brien and I went to the Sweet Home to host the August birthday party. We enjoyed the residents, the cake and especially the music from our own Kitchen Band. Thank...

  • Blaine County Library

    Aug 30, 2017

    The Blaine County Library Board of Trustees will hold their regular monthly meeting Wednesday August 30, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. in the library meeting room. We have a little bit of everything available this week. Filled with heartbreak and betrayal, triumph and fulfillment, “The Right Time” by Danielle Steel is an intimate, richly rewarding novel about pursuing one’s passion and succeeding beyond one’s wildest dreams. “Need to Know” by Fern Michaels is a new Sisterhood novel. Through all their missions and adventures, the tightknit group of fr...

  • Harlem Senior Center

    Katie Noel|Aug 30, 2017

    Thank you to the family of Teonna Green for the bouquets of flowers and the memorial funds to the Harlem Senior Center; To Rhonda Baker for the fresh corn on the cob; To Phillip Hofer for the cucumbers; To Phyllis Heilig for the cucumbers; To Raye Thompson for the card shuffler machine. The winner of the May-June-July-August Foot Clinic Drawing to receive a free treatment on their next visit was Mary Hake. Reminders for Activities and Events! Foot Nurse will be here on Friday, Sept. 1 (due to Labor Day). Bus Trip to Colorado Springs, Sun.,...

  • Chinook students use 'FFA Helping Hands' grant to beautify post office area

    Steve Edwards|Aug 30, 2017

    If all goes as planned, the northwest corner of the property around the Chinook Post Office should have "a bit more aesthetic appeal" according to AgEd teacher Robin Allen. She's directing the work of 30+ students in the Exploratory Agriculture course she teaches for seventh and eighth graders. Using a grant from the Montana Future Farmers of America (FFA) Foundation the students are building a low maintenance rock garden in the area around the flag pole at the post office. The FFA chapter at Ch...

  • Sugarbeeters fall to Ft. Benton,bounce back to win Malta Tournament

    Kody Farmer|Aug 30, 2017

    The Chinook Sugarbeeters capped their first weekend of action on the court with their fourth title in a row at the Malta Invitational. Friday the girls fell in four sets to the Fort Benton Longhorns at home. In their opening match of the season it was the Longhorns that controlled the match early taking the first two sets 25-17 and 25-21. The third set saw Chinook take charge early scoring the first seven points before a Longhorn timeout. Fort Benton responded with another mini-run but it was...

  • 'Beeter fall in Choteau 38-0, Host CJI Friday

    Kody Farmer|Aug 30, 2017

    The Chinook Sugarbeeter football team traveled to Choteau this past Saturday to face the Bulldogs in their first Eight Man football game since being reclassified from the Class B ranks. The 'Beeters played the Bulldogs tough early but experience began to show as the game wore on leading to a 38-0 Choteau win. Head Coach Christian Lehnert understands that this team is young and needs to be more productive on offense, "We need to score in order to win football games so we need to learn to find...

  • Wildcats ready for home opener

    Kody Farmer|Aug 30, 2017

    The Harlem Wildcats began the 2017 season in Malta this past weekend with three teams competing on the day. Head Coach Kim Faulkinberry has been working hard on building a program that has experienced a surge in numbers the past few seasons. The girls were competitive in all their matches and look to be a much improved team. The Wildcats picked up a win in pool play over the Nashua Porcupines 25-23. Harlem opened up a big lead early before Nashua mounted a comeback. The Wildcats however...

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