We've Got The County Covered

Articles from the April 26, 2023 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 15 of 15

  • Northern Lights Put on a Spectacular Show

    Apr 26, 2023

  • Community Chest Fund Drive Set For May 3rd

    Apr 26, 2023

    This year’s Community Chest Fund Drive in Chinook will take place Wednesday, May 3, at 5:30 p.m. The purpose of Community Chest is to alleviate each organization from going door-to-door soliciting donations. The drive provides local funding for Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, Food Pantry, AAU Wrestling, Youth Baseball/Softball, Youth Soccer, MCT, Swim Team, Chinook Rod and Gun Club, and PAWS. Without area residents’ support, many of these programs would not be available to the youth in the community. Those that participate in these org...

  • Award-Winning Play Coming to Havre's MAT

    Donna Miller|Apr 26, 2023

    On April 28, Montana Actors’ Theatre (MAT) will be opening August: Osage County with presenting sponsor Tilleman Motor Company. Two Chinook residents, Anjanett Hawk and Chad Zuelke will play roles in the production, which begins at 7:00 p.m. this Friday. Winner of the 2008 Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award for Best New Play, August: Osage County provides a portrait of the dysfunctional American family at both its finest and its absolute worst. Written by Tracy Letts and directed by Grant Olson, the play’s story centers around the Weston fam...

  • Glacier Nurse+Direct Presentation Has Great Turnout

    Apr 26, 2023

    Approximately 40 people were present at the Blaine County Library on April 13th for town hall questions and answers regarding Glacier Nurse Direct and the services they could provide to residents of Chinook and surrounding areas. Both Kristy (Johnson) Naylor RN,1992 graduate of Chinook High School and Marcy Kleinjan RN hailing from Sidney MT were present for the meeting and shared their hopes of being able to give back and be of service to small town rural Montana. The discussion reviewed...

  • "Stepping On" Program for Seniors - Falling doesn't have to be a part of aging!

    Steve Edwards|Apr 26, 2023

    Alert readers of a certain age (60 or over) likely know someone who has suffered a fall or experienced a fall themselves. Statistics show that more than one in four Americans aged 65+ fall each year. And in Montana, the rate of seniors that fall is higher than the national average. Falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries among older adults. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) falls by seniors result in more than three million injuries...

  • Montana Auctioneers Association Auctioneers take "The Day on the Hill" to Extremes

    Apr 26, 2023

    Monday April 17th eight members of the Montana auctioneers association met at the state capitol in Helena Montana. The idea was to go to the legislature with no agenda in mind only to mix and mingle with legislators reminding them of the importance of auctions and auctioneers in our state. At 1 PM the full Montana senate was called into session. The auction items were four flags that had been flown over the Capital two of which were Montana flags and two US flags. The group of auctioneers took their positions at the front of the senate and MAA...

  • Hunting permit drawing results now available

    MT FWP|Apr 26, 2023

    HELENA – The drawings for Montana deer and elk permits and for nonresident combination licenses are complete and applicants can find their results online. You can see your results by visiting fwp.mt.gov, click on MyFWP Login in the upper righthand corner, then click on Lookup Draw Results, Register for Lists tab on the left-hand menu, or login to your MyFWP account. You may also sign up for an account at myfwp.mt.gov. Applicants may also call any FWP Regional office or the licensing office at 406-444-2950. For unsuccessful applicants, r...

  • Journal Jots

    Apr 26, 2023

    Blaine County Library Monday Hangout for grades 7 & 8 at 3:30. Tuesday Story Time at 10:30 and Hangout for grades 5 & 6 at 3:30. Thursday LEGO Club at 3:30. Early Out Movie Friday at 2:15. . American Lutheran Church Chinook American Lutheran Church has changed Worship Time to Sundays at 10 AM. Rotating Joint Services are now held on the first Sunday of every month at 11 AM. No worship services will be held at Chinook American Lutheran Church on these days. Please contact the church at 406-357-2373 if you have any questions. If no one answers,...

  • Donald joseph has the eagle sr.

    Apr 26, 2023

    Donald Joseph Has Eagle Sr. "DJ", 34, began his journey home on April 15, 2023. DJ was born on August 19, 1988 in Havre, MT to Jack and Tina Has The Eagle. Growing up, DJ started his hustling business early. He started selling eggs, fireworks, and candy out of the trunk of his Dodge intrepid. He was his grandma Helen's baby, where he got his caring nature from. DJ always saw the good in everyone. In 2007, DJ graduated from Hays Lodgepole High School with honors. From high school, DJ enlisted in...

  • Chinook Tennis Continues to Shine on the Courts Despite the Cold

    Kody Farmer - Jodie Farmer-Delay|Apr 26, 2023

    The Chinook Sugarbeeter Tennis Team battled a bitterly cold week by getting some gym practice in around two successful away matches. Practices were focused on improving groundstrokes, which helped lead to outstanding team play. First up, on Tuesday, the team traveled to Havre where they swept their matches, going 15-0. Junior Mya Berreth led the way with a strong showing winning her singles matches 6-0 and 6-1. Sophomore Rilee Molyneaux won her matches 6-1 and 6-4. Jenna Liddle had a similarly...

  • Chinook Golfers Compete in Great Falls, Shelby and Conrad Cancelled Due to Weather

    Kody Farmer-Jodie Farmer-Delay|Apr 26, 2023

    Monday, the Sugarbeeter Golf Team found green at the Meadowlark Golf and Country in Great Falls. Per head coach Nick Turner, the team had a good tournament overall and got some much-needed time on the links. Senior Morgan Friede was the lone girl participating, and she took home the highest place for the Sugarbeeters, shooting 113 to finish in 8th place. Senior Ryan Meneely led the way for the boys with a score of 110 to finish in 18th place. Due to the long snowy spring, Senior Daniel MacLeod...

  • BlaineCountyLibrary

    Apr 26, 2023

    Remember to come to the library this week and help us celebrate National Library Week! The theme this year is There’s More to the Story. We have drawings for door prizes and surveys to fill out. We have one non-fiction book available for checkout. Wake Up with a Purpose! by Sister Jean Delores Schmidt is part memoir and part spiritual guide. It captures the humor, wisdom, and common sense that has made her an icon of faith and joy. We have several novels ready for checkout this week. When We were Bright and Beautiful by Jillian Medoff is an e...

  • HarlemLibrary

    Apr 26, 2023

    There will be no library board meeting this month. The Book Challenge for April is to read a biography. When you complete the challenge contact the library so your name may be entered to win a gift card from a local business. The Book Challenge for May is to read a book with two or more people on the cover. Susan Mallery has written “The Sister Effect.” Finley McGowan is determined her sister’s daughter she is raising will always feel wanted and loved. Not like Finley and Sloane whose mother left to find her dream of stardom. Then they were...

  • Hogeland Happenings

    Jane Krass|Apr 26, 2023

    Susan Billmayer attended a Garden Club district meeting at Fort Peck on Wednesday. Shawn, Tate, and Ty Beck visited Grandma Loretta on Monday and enjoyed caramel rolls. Susan Billmayer visited Jane Krass and girls on Sunday after church. Tate and Ty Beck stopped Saturday afternoon for a visit with Grandma Loretta. Jim Billmayer has been in the hospital in Great Falls this week with gall bladder problems. Kelsey and Liam Mariani and Ashley and Olivia Houle came to visit on Saturday at the Duane Klindworth home. Pastor Will visited Jane Krass on...

  • ChinookSeniorCenter

    Karyn Higgins|Apr 26, 2023

    Our condolences to the families of Gerry Lenhardt, and Gordon Haugen. We have respite funds available, to find out if you qualify contact Karyn at 406-357-2648 or come to the Senior Center to pick up a form. Are you a caretaker for your spouse? or a neighbor? or a friend? Do you drive someone to doctor appointments out of town? If so, call Karyn about Respite. 406-357-2648 Cribbage is played every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. Rose Noel was last week’s winner, players wanted, will teach anyone who would like to learn to play. Bingo winners last week w...

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