We've Got The County Covered

Articles from the October 25, 2017 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 24 of 24

  • Sweet Medical Center Health Fair is Friday

    Kody Farmer|Oct 25, 2017

    The Sweet Medical Center will hold its Annual Health Fair this Friday at the Blaine County Commercial Building and will include something for everyone. This years event is focused on being family friendly and encourages everyone to join in on the fun. “We are very excited to be incorporating more kid-friendly activities at this year’s health fair and welcoming back most of our loyal participants, as well as some new ones including Chair Massages by Carrie and demonstrations by Bare Pa-dma Yoga,” stated Nora Connor, Outreach and Enrol...

  • Interview with a Ghost by Presence in an old Haunted House

    Robert Lucke|Oct 25, 2017

    My name is Lucille. I am a ghost and I don’t like it one little bit. I have just gone around for a lifetime haunting the house I lived in as a child and where I died. It must have been twenty or thirty years after I died that I learned that I could be heard by residents of the house. I have scared a lot of them a lot through the years. I learned that if I scream as loud as I can, I can break through some barrier between the truly dead and people like me who are stuck in sort of a limbo land. It is not pleasant. Once in a while a person can get...

  • Active shooter drill conducted at Chinook Jr./Sr. High School

    Kody Farmer|Oct 25, 2017

    The Chinook Jr./Sr. High school recently held an Active Shooter drill as part of their continued ALICE Training. ALICE stands for Alert Lockdown Inform Counter Evacuate, not in progressive order. The school was invited to be part of the program by the Blaine County Sheriff's Department as way to improve overall community safety. Through the program the school is required to hold eight drills throughout the school year and this was just a continuation of that process. "It's a proactive approach...

  • Mail Ballot questions for the City of Chinook General Election

    Oct 25, 2017

    Mail ballot elections are being used more and more across Montana. They allow the voters the convenience of voting at home and increased voter turnout in the election. Ballots are mailed directly to each eligible active voter. Inactive voters may obtain a ballot by completing a voter registration card or absentee request to update their information. A voter may call the Clerk & Recorder’s office to check on their voter registration status or they may check their status online at MY VOTER PAGE at www.MyVoterPageMT.com Included in the mail b...

  • Harlem Country Christmas has something special planned this year!

    Karolee Cronk|Oct 25, 2017

    Something new is being planned for Harlem’s Country Christmas—a Country Christmas Party! This event will be held Sunday, December 10, at the VFW Club, and all ages are invited. Vendors and games are encouraged to kick off the party starting at 3 P.M. From 4-6:30 a chili cook-off will be held with $200 going to the first place prize winner and $100 to the second place winner! Registration forms for the cook-off will be available at Albertson’s, Richman Insurance, City Hall and from Kayla Hudon. Pictures with Santa will be taken from 3-5 P.M....

  • Northern Montana Sletten Cancer Center – What a Godsend!

    Oct 25, 2017

    Havre, Mont. – When her father’s job on the Railroad brought the Phillipp family from Moorhead, Minnesota to Montana in 1967, Connie Phillipp Petersen liked her new home in Havre; but, Havre was the lucky one. A graduate of Montana State University - Northern, an athlete, and “Blue Pony” physical education teacher and high school counselor, now retired after thirty-four years, Connie’s active lifework touched a lot of souls. But, when breast cancer tried to slow her down, it wasn’t for long. She’s back on the golf course again, and grateful she...

  • Bear Paw Meanderings

    Robert Lucke|Oct 25, 2017

    In my jaded youth, my family and I had lots of fishing and hunting cabins. You know because you read about one or another several times a year. One of the biggest drawbacks to our hunting camps was that usually they were one room log structures and had no insulation. I remember one cabin on Clear Creek that you could lay in bed and look up at the stars through the shingles on the roof. And yet, that roof never leaked. Amazing. In our cabins we usually had a large black cook stove and included a hot water reservoir by the side. Heat the stove an...


    Oct 25, 2017

    David William Anderson was born March 30, 1955, in Havre, MT to Leroy Anderson and Rena Anderson. He was the youngest of four children, Chris, Steve, Vickie and Dave. He grew up in Chinook, MT where he graduated from high school in 1973. Dave had four children, Crystal, Tony, Matthew, and Levi. Dave later met Sandra Shum Kainu in Colorado and they married on January 1, 1989, in Grand Junction, CO. He joined her family and helped raise her daughters, Haley and Lesley. Dave spent most of his life...

  • Anna Marie Gallus

    Oct 25, 2017

    Anna Marie Gallus, 73 of Chinook passed away Saturday October 21st at Northern Montana Hospital with family by her side. She was born February 17, 1944 to William and Margaret (Goodbar) Hirter in Chinook, MT. Anna Marie married Robert Gallus on February 20th 1965 and moved to Cutbank where Robert worked for Texaco in the oil field. She and Robert moved to Sacramento, CA in 1966. She went to work at a mortgage company and later joined the secretarial pool at the state capital working while Ronald Reagan was governor. In the spring of 1971 she an...

  • Warren Fontaine Barger

    Oct 25, 2017

    Warren Fontaine Barger passed away on October 14, 2017. Warren was born in 1939 to William and Florence (Campbell) Barger in Big Piney, Wyoming. Warren attended school in Chinook, Montana. He married Joyce Krejci and they recently celebrated their 59th wedding anniversary. They spent their lives farming and ranching together South of Lohman before retiring in Havre. Warren loved Jesus, his family, and animals of any kind. He drew faith from the fellowship of his church and took great pleasure...

  • My Answer

    Dr. Billy Graham|Oct 25, 2017

    Q: I don’t understand myself. Sometimes I believe very strongly in Jesus and feel close to Him, but then it all fades away, and I’m filled with all kinds of doubts. Why can’t I have a strong faith, like some of my friends do? A: The most important truth I can tell you is that God doesn’t want you to have an unstable, up-and-down faith! He wants you to have a strong faith—and because God wants your faith to be strong, He has given you everything you need to make it possible. Think of it this way. Suppose you never ate nourishing food, or you ne...

  • Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame announces 2017 inductions

    Oct 25, 2017

    PRESS RELEASE Recently the Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame & Western Heritage Center (MCHF & WHC) announced the tenth class of inductions into the Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame. The inductees were chosen from a field of candidates nominated by the general public. Inductees are honored for their notable contributions to the history and culture of Montana. "Our volunteer trustees around Montana vote on nominations that come from the district in which they reside," said Jeff Bolstad, MCHF & WHC...

  • Chinook Senior Center

    Kristi Norby|Oct 25, 2017

    Once again this community amazes me! What a wonderful turnout we had for the Pie Social. Over 60 people came to visit and enjoy a slice of pie with our Board of Directors, including Tom Tilleman, Roger Fischer, Rochelle Wohlschlager and Kathy O'Brien. Thank you to Ardys Conrad, Vernelia Tilleman, and Marilyn Berger for donating pies. Now on to this week's news... On Wednesday, the movie, "The Zookeeper's Wife" will be shown in the library meeting room at 1 p.m. Refreshments will be provided....

  • Turner Talk

    Diana Maloney|Oct 25, 2017

    The American Legion Auxiliary of the Big Flat is in the process of setting up a wall of local (Hogeland and Turner) Veterans that ARE NOT members of the American Legion. They are looking for photos (preferably in uniform) of our local veterans. If you or a family member would like to be included on the wall, please send a 5x7” photo (photos will not be returned) and information including years of service and branch served in to: P.O. Box 142, Turner, MT 59542. They are looking for National Guard and Reserve as well. They are hopeful of g...


    Oct 25, 2017

    The regular meeting of the library board of trustees will be held today, Oct. 25, 4:15 in the library meeting room. The final presentation in the “End of Life Planning and Preparation” series will be held Monday, Oct. 30, 7 P.M. at the Harlem Senior Center. The focus of this presentation will be the death process and after. Blaine County Coroner Frank Billmayer and representatives from Holland and Bonine Funeral Home will be the guest speakers. The library now has an on-going used book sale in the reading room. This replaces the annual use...

  • Hogeland happenings

    Anita Reed|Oct 25, 2017

    The Turkey Shoot will be held on Sunday, October 29th, beginning at 12:00 noon, at the Turner Trap. Everyone is welcome. The American Legion Post #109 is sponsoring this event. Poinsettia orders are being taken now by the Turner WELCA. 6.5” pots available in Red, White, or Pink. Orders must be in no later than October 27. Contact Kirsti Cederberg at 379-2387 or Anita Reed at 379-2326. Cost is $15.00 each. All proceeds will be given to our local Blaine County Food Banks. Junior High boys and girls basketball teams will have games this week at h...

  • Blaine County Library

    Oct 25, 2017

    In "Origin" by Dan Brown, Robert Langdon, Harvard professor of symbology and religious iconology, arrives at the ultramodern Guggenheim Museum Bilbao to attend a major announcement-the unveiling of a discovery that "will change the face of science forever." The evening's host is Edmond Kirsch, a forty-year-old billionaire and futurist whose dazzling high-tech inventions and audacious predictions have made him a renowned global figure. Kirsch, who was one of Langdon's first students at Harvard...


    Katie Noel|Oct 25, 2017

    Many Thanks: Vonnie Klungland for the rubber scrapers; Diane Peterson for the pie fillings, candy melts; Alan Brekke for the tomatoes; Harlem 4th Graders for the Halloween lunch sack wall & table decorations; The Coloring Gals for the napkins in the Activity Room; Irene Stout, Chuck Wasser, Colleen Brommer & Rose Noel for the cookies for “End of Life” Session 1. Next Saturday (28th) is our Halloween Fun Day. Let’s have some fun at our noon meal and either dress up in a costume or wear as much black and orange as you can find! FYI… Irene S...

  • Big Flat 4H Club Holds Monthly Meeting

    Bridget Reed|Oct 25, 2017

    The Big Flat 4-H Club held its first meeting of the new 4-H year on Sunday, October 15, 2017 at 3:00 p.m. at the Turner Lutheran Church. There were 6 members, four leaders, and four new members present. Bridget gave a report on cleaning out the town planters. Bailey and Quin gave a report on National 4-H Week. Anita reported on Christmas bulbs, and will order more from Harlem Lumber. We will replace the bulbs on the town ornaments at the next meeting. Enrollment deadline for 4-H is October 27. 4-H Achievement Night will be held November 12 in...

  • Kody Farmer

    Oct 25, 2017

    The South End Business Main Street Block Party held this past Friday was an overwhelming success. The Blaine County Museum, The Blaine County Wildlife Museum, Chinook Tire & Lube, The Blaine County Journal, Finley's Food Farm and Crystal Stepper, State Farm Agent got together and welcomed the community to their businesses and thank them for their continued support. Chris Carpenter, owner of Chinook Tire and Lube smoked a pulled pork lunch to serve during the event and dished up more than 170...

  • Sugarbeeters ready for the post season head to Districts Thursday

    Kody Farmer|Oct 25, 2017

    The Chinook Sugarbeeter volleyball team concluded the regular season last Tuesday by defeating the Box Elder Bears in the final conference match the regular season. The Sugarbeeters topped the Bears 25-18, 25-13, 23-25 and 25-22 in winning the season finale three sets to one. With the win the Sugarbeeters improved to 8-2 in District 6C East play and will take the District's number 2 seed into the tournament which begins Thursday in Chester. The Sugarbeeters were led in the contest against the...

  • What 'cher point?

    Robert Lucke|Oct 25, 2017

    Let’s start this week’s ramblings just north of the Little Rockies where the Thunderbirds play sports once a week or more some of the year. Something huge happened with the Thunderbirds this last week in that Isiah Runsabove won the first ever individual Cross Country Title. He is the first player at the Hays/ Lodgepole School to have ever been the State Champion for Class C Cross Country. And he got the headline above the fold in Sunday’s Great Falls Tribune for his achievement! Well done Isiah Runsabove and you will end up in the Olymp...

  • Farmer - Rancher Night returns to packed house

    Kody Farmer|Oct 25, 2017

    After a 21 year hiatus the Annual Farmer/Rancher night made it's return this past Saturday. Hosted by the Chinook Are Chamber of Commerce the gathering served more than 400 Prime Rib Dinners to our local Farmers and Ranchers. In what was commonly referred to as a great way to recognize the efforts of the agriculture industry and the contributions it has made to the communities of Blaine County, the dinner was considered a success. The communities of Turner and Hogeland even contracted a Bus...

  • Isiah Runsabove: State Champion Cross Country, Hays/Lodge Pole Thunderbirds

    Kody Farmer|Oct 25, 2017

    Hays/Lodge Pole senior Isiah Runsabove climbed all the way to the top of the Class C Boys Cross Country world this past Saturday in Helena at the State meet. Runsabove worked his way through the field taking the lead the last quarter mile to win the boys championship with a time of 17:24. RunsAbove has worked hard throughout his running career at Hays/Lodge Pole and to reach the peak is quit rewarding," It felt great and it means a lot to me and the community. Without their support I couldn't ha...

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